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The Old White Hen

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Deelre tu rive Bome little help to the sufferera of the terrible war, 11 a smal! rural district, took possewlon ui lts innaUitant.s. Not tliat they bad miu-h o spare, but example is conous, liunuuiity is catching, and the heactrendertne aceorantB they daily read of the need of ald and the - Of cuntrihutiuns uiten pubüslied. exclted tiii'ir pity and thelr emulatkm. A fair WBJt ha.siily pot up. and the ladies orgauiztsg it went about asking for contrlbatioBfl In money and kind. Mr. Cartwiïfi'lu, i gmall farmer, iiimself BtniggUng aiiainst ill-iurtune, recetred tbem rather ungTackmaly. We are Bent, t yon, Mr. Oartvrrtght, to leg of you to contribute-" Sent. nia'am ! AVliu sent you?" "Die committee. Think of the sufferinfrs causfil ly tbl di-eailful war that's ra.tunir. ICveryune. I ani nnre, wlU be happy to give what he can. You migflit glory in dolng it. Mr. OartwrJgfat." I want aid iny.-elf, ladies. charity begbia at home." "Oto, Mirely you will nut retase us ! Tliink of the poor creatures- the wives aiul Chlldren- dylng bn the roadalde Ity hundreds. (Ttíetr saoked and burned, 1heir puur crups destroyed. Ocrald you not spare us a five dollar Wil ?" "My rnvii crups have tnrned out a fallare tbla year, ma'am. As to a five dollar UU, I oft-en feel the want of onc myeelf. Money can't i' mueh rcer witu the people you are beg_ lor than t is with me." tien in kind. Mr. Oartwrlght," arged thee perstatently arduous emlssarle. "Oan't you nive us something ] ín kind, of wluch money may be made at the bazaar '.'" Tlif farmer, ïiot a bed-hearted man. lut really very poor himself. stood wonderiog how lie coulil get rid of these grentlewomen. Had be possessed monoy. lic winild hare glven some i -;nlilv. Turnins liis liands about in liis poekets, as he íaced the WindOW, an oM wüiite hen of hi, stalUng aboat tlie yard outside set up a "eroak, oroak." Tm pot mucli botter off n kind tban in coto," sald lie ; "my stock bas (Iwindlfil. TliereV that old White hen tliere ; ym niay have that if J'OU likr. lililíes." Sure, Bncb au offertag was oever tendered ! The tatitefl Uuougnt he _,it Ik' lauuhiiiü a1 thcm, and feit iiulined tu ri-M-iil it, They rose from their ohairn with dlirnlty. "gbe in iti-ii t sell for mmething, She - been (jood In her day," added the farmer, wboee Intentlon at least was genuine. They W tliat it was now. Uut vet hcsitated. s-t ili erery few ubUUngg would swell tlic amouDt of the suni ttotal tlity hcijicd to send in, and of course a wüiite lien wonld sell. Af1ra iew bMty wurd exchanged betWeen tliemselves, hey thanked Mr. C5artwrirlit, aecepted the hen and hotzi?ed him as a favor to keep it uut il tbe. day of the fair. 1 Aeeordingly. on the morning of that anspicious day, an old wlcker eage was provkled, and the white hen ariivl. At various convenient ctano polnta in the room devoted to the air, miplit Ik' read the following no. -sTitten ín large, commaiuling ivxt hand. For the commlttee, det-ermined to matte tlic mosi of the odd contrlbution, had declded on putting up for sale ; and a real nndertook to preside, and to do his i"st : rMPORTBD BEN TO BB .SOID THIS DAY l'.V PUBLIC AUCTION. The poor .old biddy "white with the Mnws of ma.ny winters," was exjiosed xo viow in ner oage of wicker, rifiht over the refireahment stall. Two i-;s (.boiled) taken from the counter. were plaeed in tihe cage wlth her. Nothing in all the fair attKU w inuvli attt'iition as this annoiincement and thla white hen. Aiicr gtopptng to read the notlce, - (lid stop, blOCktng tlu; u;iv, they poBbed their ivay to the cage. Spefiilation was rite ; curioelty reigned in fvery breaet. Imported : Where had Bbe been imported bom 1 Whai were her merite V Innumerable were conjectuces poaeed aboni as to aateeedenta ot ihis wondertul hen. Tlic iUiv iiassrd pleasantly away. l'annors witli iln-ir families, anil vilkisere carne, and a tew country people came : a íair was a novelty ;.i the oetehbortlOOÜ, and the Balee re not bad. At last, when the afternooo was drawlng to a rinsi'. tin : auctton ale of Uu flay carne off- t'iiat ui the white hen. Mr. Samndera, Cbe aoctlooeer, ïnounted t lic rostrum provlded lor hlm, j;mil ebeen of tiie Impatleni epec batora, wIki iniK-k'd tlu'y were aboni to hear the hlBtory and pedigree of - remarkalde Bowl. He held alofl l Uird for Mime minutes, turncil it round and about, tbat all eyea niii;ht lee and Ik' eatisfled. Uien putting it on the Bitand betere hlm, he li up )iiv hammer and begon. "Lailies and gentlemen I have the atSc pleawure n" dlsplaying betore yon tihth Imported lien. A hen of too1 raro and unattainaMe quallttea -a lien tliat can't tc beat, even witli a BtlCk, un'.ess yon íirst take her out oí the case a heo that is gapposed t 1m' i he besi breed "í hew extant- an ini- por- te 1 lien ; ín- por- ted. I Bey - " "Ií yon jilease, .-ir." internipted a tlmtd volee, "wliere'í Bhe Imported 1ÏO1H ?" Ah !" replied Mr. Saunclers. "ií I coneldered niyself at llberty to tell yon. 1 tliink I may safely gay yon would be surprised. Yim've lieanl of the countries over the sea- Kamchatka, Guinea Land Jerico- well, I don't say .-lie's trona ooe of tUem, or w-hic Ii slie is from ; only I do say you mlgtit b hnnteed, An te- por- ted ben ! Wholl eive me a. bid 1 Tliis lien is to be sold for the good of the canae. Bto'a hen that wiü fetch just wBiat eüe'll brinff, and no iníst,ake ; a real. live. jolly. happy oíd hen ; is eaid to have la id fifteen eggs in ten days, and sometiraes a nmn many more. Finest oíd hen to he fouiid tki.s 8ide of- l'oland. Who niakes tlie íirst Lid V' ■■Fifty cents," from a fanner's wiiV. "Filty cents. Tiuink you, ma'am. Filty cents I am bid. Grand oíd lien ! The like oí it not to Ík' i'ound outeide iiiis coge; ruteen egga m ten aays ; .ni egg aod a hall a day : FUtiy oeata for tflie best white hen, the olduii wUiM. knowa Ikw to lay niany Qgga BgalD as a young and sUy pulh't ; tougíi and itfong bett.-r cODBtltatiOn than hena lliat are not tmported; evidently stands migratáon wtíJ. Look at lic;;! Never smícicd (rom sca-sii -knrss. as our simple hons iniiiht saífer ; never made a hit (ace lost a meal - when Bhe oiild get it. Grond oíd hen '. Who mllc the bid ?" '(ih dollar.'" 'One dollar. Man.v thanks, sir. [re la Mus beautilul im- por- ted en ffoiiig for one dollar. A real, Uve, wUtebeo. Whata chance to poeeeea Mr I" 'One dollar and a-half." "One dollar and a-'half. Tliank you, r XbonMS. Only three fifty-i-cnt piieces, gentlemen, for this beaatltnl peclmen of the feathered trfbe ! WhOi v.iii Mozi apoo tiiis rare opportunlty, and .bid me ano: her?" "TWO dollars." "TwO dollars and -half." "Three dollars." 'l'lu-oi' dollars and a-half." ■Three dollars and a-half. Beven fty-cent iiioces. gentlemen. Cioing at Uree dollars and a-half. The Hnesi vl In foatlherdoin ; lays an egg and -half xi 'day, as tliey say, and suincimcs proivably nvo and a-half. Thete re two boiled eggs laid to-day ; gentemen anti ladles, rare lien, very rare hen- going at - " "Three dollai-s and seventy-iive ents." "Golng at three dallara and seveny-five cents. Who'll eay lour doliars ? Can't afford to eell an imürted lien teo cheap. Who'll give our dollars 1" "Four doUam. Many thanks, na'am." "Four dollars and a-quarter." "Four and a-half." "l'onr .dollai-s and sovt-nty-iivf cents" "Four dollars and ieventy-flve enta. .Tliank you, young hir. Four dollars and seventy-livo cents I am Uil tor this rare, old Unported hen. l'ivc dollars ; tliank you, sir. " ■live dollars and a quarter for this mafjrnificeiit hen. Now you begin i,. gpeak op, gentlemen. Flve dolílars and a quarter I am bid for the at imported ben on tan' gfronnd. (loing at five dollars and a quarter- who i give me nix dollars ? -going for tlie good of jts country, a fine, old wbrte-feathered, domesUc Mrd, tii" prtde of tilie ponltry yard, vtaid and wiell mannered, worth docena of your wild, youns trash- 'going- goinj;- " "Si:, dollars !" ■Six dollars I am bid- six dollars. Why, gentlemen, are you fioing to look m and see this splendid speciinru of live BtOCk tlirown aw.iy -absoluu-ly thrown aiva.ï V Going at six dollars '.' Matte aiiotiier iid. gentlemen ! Thiiik of thoee pooi-. Blek, alfUcted soldiere and uiiat not, perliaps this very day lylng mangled and bleeding before the ramparta or- " "Siv dollai's and a half !" "84x dollars and a-half. This fine rare, Impörted hen gobig at - " 'Sirven dollare 1" "ïhe ■politieman bldJB Beven dollars. A thousand thanks. Going [op Beven chilláis. Will iiolxidy bid more '.'" Xo avsponsc. "Golng, gotag, gone !'" Knocked down to yon, Mr. Jones, al seven dollara. Sold Ij i-t. ilipap. F-i-n-e importad hen ! Glven for the pure love of tin; cause !" And Mr. Sausden hamled down the cased bird. Tut her iip agtUn," aaid Mr. Jones rotuniinií tlw Mini for wbich he was inileUtcil. "Yt-.s, 'put her up agaln," houted tbe lau.nli'm.L.' iruwil. Aciin tlu; (ine imported hen Ava.put up and sold oïf at a good pvi -e Uut jiot .mi nutcb as before. Auaii the iiioney was iaid down, and agnin nuient fowl was given back to be Ksold. For ix or elffht times abe was b truck otl for a few BhlUinge ping rist in the fair, and producin-- ;m amcrant of fun too greai to be eetlmated. Flfteeii dollara In rocmd iminiicis .lid oíd white hen pro,lu ,■ : and her purehaser was the niiincT's wïte who had made the first biii. lira. Palmeretone bore her .íí in triuinph. Same foafttag was betog exchanged between Ow aiuticm cr and hla Mendfl, When lie snddenly tinow hlmeeu back wíth a tragic alr, ii elevaifil poettion enaTAlng him '" ee what ihry conld not. "Splrlta í deepalr I What do I lK'hold I" í-riod he. "The iinported hen asain!' Oan't I get rld of Iut ? l"ve í-old hT more tlian a 'half dozen times alrcady." 'Tut her up BgaJo ! Put her up! I'ut her up !" slioutod the inirth(ul erowd. True enongb. Mis. l'almerstone was briiiiiiníí lia;k the lien. One of the lalies in tlie secret had hieantlouílj dlacloced to her the truth- tha; it was oíd CartWrigbt'e white hen. Sayiiis nothlng, btt-1 not likinjí to be lniifihed at. abe brought bavl Ule ]iri.e and presentad it lor the ü''ici.-.l gOOd. (Mué more the hen was pul up. Tiie room now was in one roar oí laiiiíhter. Her pnrehaser was a popular clargyman. "Knocked down to yon, reverened ,-ii." cried the aiietioneer. "I'm sure she ouiilit lo bring you luek. Dut. ook bere - Jnst you stay a bit, Mr. kawaoD." Tiic Bev. Mi-. Dawscm, then carrynii oíí ihc cage, turned round bis aujcliing i:i e. 'You bought the hen, -ir- the icauiTnil Im-port-ed hen ; but you Ul.i't huy tin' case. We must pul P-" Mr. D.-nvsou. taking out the hen, audi'd the caire to tlie auctioiicer. hen croaked nud (lnttered In the everened gentleman'8 anus. The uilence roared. Tlie auctioneer held lic basket . A very line cage, partaking of lic nature f a hen-coop, made of lic most undoubted wtcker - what 'lid ou say, .sii-? Do for either ? Yes. .ook at it. gentlemen-; formed In hc vcry latesi Btyle of faehion, from Ighi tlie water- oue can't but dmirc it. WIm givea me the flrst id for tiiiK gplendid- " "Tu ciuy-'iMí cents. "Thank yon mn.h. .-ir; twentyvc cents. It- " 'Tliirty-íivi' rent.-." interrujited Ir. Daivson. "Fifty cents," cried a gentleman t bds elbow, bent on fun. Hiere the white lien flapped hér viniís, and made one Bfaort imt des)eratt effort to escape íroni her clerlal captor. "Sixty cents," shouted he, tightng his grasp m biddy's yellow legs. "Seventy-five cents," cried the othr voicc. "Eiíility-i'ivc cents," cried the elergyman. "One dollar." "One dollar and a quarter." "One tkoUar fifty," cried Mr. Daw011. gettlog lieated. And the aucbooeer knocSM it down at that. Tiic oíd lien was rcplaccd in lier age, and Tlie purchaser was ilisapH-arinjí, w lien once more he found ilmeeU atrested iy the volee oí the uirUoneer. ■'Hione eggs, eir ; thoge two fine, Miicd eggs. Yon have pnrehaeed the K-n and tbe cafre, but not those eggB. riwy don't belong to the cage ; they uc a separate aífair." "I eluoald have thonjiht they leonged to Uic lien." launhed Mr. DawOO. "Not at all. Vú not go the length f -;i y tlicy ever did beloog to ícr. 'Hicy nnist Ik' put up at anctidii ■mr the good of the fair- and the wounded Boldlerg. Jíow then !" Ainklst mach laughter the eggg were jmt up. Mr. Saundera held one In cu h Jiand.H "Look ai tlicin, gentlemen and ladles. Tli is buglneea must be gone tiirough thoroughly, yon know. Two bolled egge - lald to-day. found in the the ni'sl ni tliat Im-port-ed lien and Kiippused tu have Ijf'i'ii Laid by Her. airead; bodled, Blnce Bibe carne Into room, as they were nol In the nest w in-u Bhe was brought bere. Tiirir beiog Laid ready bolled Is a pn o! posdtive ol tfee Im-port-ed hen' osteqnalled patrkrtiBm. T Ireehlylatd, bolled eggs- ijreel curloslty- huw mu -li am I offered ? onr dime, did I hear a voloe eay '.' Did any gentleman say one dime ? Fifteen cent ï you, Blr. Wbo will glv anntlicr - here, let'8wrap the ogg la peper to keep tin-m clean. Two beautliul, freh, ïvew t'jjrgs, laid read ioilel by that rcmarkable hen." Thus :tlie fiin kept on. The eggl were knocked down at tlity cents. The ]iróud purcbeser was bearing them away lien lio was callad uiu.i to give lip the paper they were wrapped in. Mr. Baanden made it into I ; 1 1 1 and aold Tlius, altogether, Karnier Oartwrlglxt's Old white hen lucumlit over twenty dolían 't tflie eharity. The laat lieard of the lmported hei ■;n tliat the parson's wife found lier A very useless, quarre!some old thfng. It was suggestei thai the remarkabïe fdwi BhouJO de returned to the yard of her original donor., that he might Ioe nothiiig ly Uis patriotic gitt, togetlrer u Ith tin siw ere thanks ot ti,. i;i, ,-- i.' i lie ■ ■ciniiiii tee tor t he material al i the white hen Uad brought. I hare only to add thai Uiis story is no fllffht ot fancy, but nu Imperteci sketci o) the láujjuable fnct.- X. r. FircsWe. Tnmmany liniils- Ni-w Vork, Aliiany and Wa.-'.iinirt-i!'.


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Ann Arbor Courier