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Bophomore hop al Granger's o 'ademy, li i'lay i-vciiiiijt. The niiiy college dental Journal in tiir uarlii ík the one la the D. ol M.. ii s Bteted. Il is thon.iiht that V. o! ;lr'' Club will be asked bo s4ng it the Worïd'e Pair. Oui oí 184 Freahmen at Amherst, oniy l use tobáceo. Good for the Amherst Fresh. Dr. A. W. Di.i ■!. Oont. "92, is now professor in ttoe Detroit College of Mi-di :ine and Buagety. The nt-xt lectore in the 8. A. -' il 1' irivcn by Prof. Flske mi tlic evonJng o! Peb. 1. Ttaere are seren Uadverslty gradaates pursnlng post-graduat studies in tin' dental depart ment . Tin-rc are over 100 Btudenta In the new claw i" dtesectlon, wlücii eommenced work tawt XUuwday. Hiere are now 54 chcUra In the dental operating room. and cvfi-y i-haiiis crowded wlth paítente and work. Tin-re will be mi games of any kind with eastern college tliis year. A good western Bcbedule lias leu complctril. Prof. Demmou bas been contined to his home deveral daya during tlo reek, with au acute attack of bowel complaint. The Taredty Micstrela are on the boards for Feb. 22d. boys have sumí' j-i ii and new treats in store [or Bhe ptiblJ . M. E. sikiw. Ut 'il.'!, has resimied from the ü. í M. Daily board, and .1. D. Bpitzer, law ■'.):!. elected to Hll the ai-anry. Harvard has 258 instrn '. ors. l'.oi I'. 282, PolTinibifl 220, Yale 158, while the U. of M.i it Ii more students than any of them. falle in fifth with only 145. The rnivorsity Kopuhli-an Club is miikiuï arrangement to nttend the Michigan Club banquet at Detroit, on Fob. 22(1. in a body. Arrangempiiis wiii ie eompleted this -eek. Tiic junior law ars attemptlng to evolve from own brains a sultable i.iss yell. Blacketone, Ooke, Cent, el al can furnish Ilicm no points and it Ie tntimated that they really do not Deed any. (n Satnrdny ncxt, Jan. 28, Trof A. A. Stngiï, of Oblongo Vuiversiiy, will dellver a lecture on "fli" Modern Ai il.-i !■." at ünivereity Hall, ander tiic auepéoes i the S. c. A. and the Cnlverelty Atlilctic Aseoclation. ii was a promlneni Dniveralty pro(eBsor, who, when he paJd his iaxis, iix]u irt-il liow mach of tlie taxes he liaid to t!ic ity tax collector wont t tin' support of the ünlted States ïinTniiiiput. - Argne. One of the "practical" freo traders n doubt. The studonts in the freslnnan dontal rlass from foreijcn COUntrtoB aro Miss VBO lireman. F. yon Widikind, and .T. Morokons. irom (erinany : 1). Andersou and J. A. l'.ui-knall, from Kngland .T. II. Stromler, from Scotland, and J. F. H. Knyper, from Hollajid.- I'. ol M. Daily. Norman X. Binffham. Jr., coatrtbbutes a paper on Sprint ing and Ilurdlinfï to Wide Awake Atliletics for Fibruarj'- Mr. lünffliam is a member of the Harvard-Mott-Haven team, and is one of Harvard's best sprinters. "Ijaurie" Bliss, of Yale, is to have an nrt.kle on Baseball in the March Wide Amake. Trof. Cari VT. üelser has resigned liis position in the Univrrsity, and will loave in a few days for Boulder, Colo., wliere he accept the chalr of Iatin i it the state nniversity of Colorado. Prof. Beteer does tiiis in the hope of iMMiiiiiiir for liimsolf better health. He will le inissod trom the l'nivorsity cirolos by tho Btudentg rape ially. Spare no palme Suigeoijp. small gralra ct Homeopathie pellets. llie laws a ni be examtaed In DlackBtcme Saturday. The '93 lit and the "06 lits eaeb liold chuaa meetings Baturday. Hereetter the Sonate of the law depa.rtiuent will meel m l'iiday evcnThe Jeffersonlaa Hterary society presente a atoe pragramme to-morrow ftjgjht. Nexi Wednesday olgb.1 the Wcbeter Society is to ciiiiosi' detatera n compete in tin' final contest. A boating aeeoclatlon ith i capítol of $4,500 lias been órganized at t lie Wdsconeln Dnlverslty. Prol. 'IiiDiiipson Igiave the laws a line lecture upon Pólice Regula t lona iï the Hebrewis," lasi Monday evcnlag. Remember thc ppactielng of college SOngS at Room 24, on Satunlay niomi ii ir at !i oYlorU. Prof. Stanley will ie leader. OllSatimlay next. Jan L' .evImmt.v Hall. at I o'cfock p. in.. OCCurs tJie Becond Pnpös' Recital od the SChOOl of Musir. .Mrs. S. M. 1. llenry, wHlO is to Ie - lineal Xewiiervy Hall on 1'rMay cv '11Ing, l'eh. 3d, is the n&tional evange];i of the W. f. T. Ü. Helen l. Seárlea aml May Weston, dents. '92, ore now practlclng in Kansas City. Mu., and it is w ondeviul wiiat a nunilior of youn.u' men in that eity nave poor teeth. A 1 iil poster may nol be alile to deliver a p lii ])[ i h ica 1 leeture. bul nelther does t.lie jiroies.sor knmv liow to keep Il'.B ]iast' iroin (reczlng 80 as to put up witli the thermometer below zero. - Arjjus. Now lao't it soinetliiag actordlng to the "profea sor." Miss Fronkle Holmee, lit. 'iU. oi ilay City, dicd Monday at hor home in that city, of dlpbtheria. At the same time nnd at about the same lïour, an eider sister. Miss Adoline Holmes, tor 20 ye-ars a teaeiier in the I'.ay City schools and principal of the High School, dicd of the same The Baüdwin coursé of lectores tefore the Hobart (uill. will be dellvered this year !y Bishop Dudley, of lvcntucky, beginnlng Sunday Man h 5th, and COntinilitng on Wcdnosday, l'riday and Sunday evi-nings until six lecluics shall have been given. Bishop Dudley is a ti-ne type ol the BOUtbern pulpit orator, and will cali out Large audtencee. The ö. ol M. Glee Club iil pive thelr iirst concert of the geasOD at üryan. O., on the evening of li!. 81. n 'f. nu. they il betore a Ooldwater audience, ueder the auspjcee oí the V. M. C. A. of that place. The club ecmsists of '4'J memberB thia year, and they are in prime training, with new songs and ncw drills. The good people of Coldwater will make uu inistake in golng to liear the Imivs, ter they will Ihï wcll eotertetaed The entire 8chedule for the chil lias not len completed jet. When it is we hall give it to our readers. A. Alonzo Stagg, wlio hun Ixxn engugetl by tlie Studenfe Chiistian Association to lecture at Univcrsity Hall Satimlay evening. Jan. 28, is amply qualified to do fine juatice to his eubject, "The Modern Athlete." The illustrating of the lecturc throughout by meams of stereoptican views will make it of doublé interest. Prof. Sta:gr;, who s now connected with fhe Chicago University, entered Yale wit li the int-ention of gtudying for the univei'sity, but finding his real field in athletirs, he tlircw into that work all the energy oí liis eiithusiastir nature. Since graduatlng lie has been active in V. M. i'. A. work, lMth as Instructor and lectnrer. He siioniii 1m' heard by both youni; and old.


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