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IKISwNf?K51í K&ER LATHES.CIrcular, Scroll and Fret Sawinf, Turning. Borine. Drillinfr. Grindinp, Tolishing aud Screw Cuttlng. For Carpcnters. Cabinet Makers. Carriaee Makers. Black. White, Sllver. Copiier and Goldsmiths; Arcliitects. Amateurs. Gentlemen. Clergvmen, Teachers, Jewelers. Dentists, FARMERS and everybody else. User havo Wrltten i ■ ad It 8 yenrs. wmürl not S100 Gave . ' (VhtmelCO. I liiive remsed 100. UaditUyears. It s worih twlce 1 cust." " } JS?ïi.?n miy" Th!' ta the b.t. Beau them all.■ 1 am earnmg my Itnas wlth U." Price 5 to $50. Send 6 cents for 100 pages of Lathe Instructlon and Description. EFHBAIH BKOWN, iMiweU, Me CURE Biiik üctdache and reltT all tho tronblaa lnddont to a bilioua state of tho lystom, such as Dlzzineae, Nausea, Drowsineaf, Distrens after oatlng. Pain ia tbe Suio, kc. Whila tlu-ir most xemarkable succes ha boen ihown la curlBg SICK Iloadacho, yet Cnrter'e Littlo Ltver Pilla ara tijually valuablo in Co na tl pation, curing aud pre onting tbiaannoyinKComplaintvwbile theyalso correctall disorUcrs of tbeatomaohtimulatetha iwcr and reguUte tbe bowels. Lven lf tboy only HEAD Acbe they wonld bo al most prieel o a to thoae who Auffer f rum tbie dutreesing coat plat nt; btn fortunately tboir goodnesa does notend bero.and thoao Tbo ence t ry them wil 1 flnd tbeac littlo pilla valuiihle In noniany ways that thoy WÜI not bo vriïïing to do without tbein. But after allaick bead ACHË Ie the bañe of so many Uves that horo la whera "wo make our prcat boast. Our pille cure it while otherB do not. Cartería Littlo Llver Pilis re very amall and vory easy to take. Oue or two pilla make a doe. They aro Btrictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, bntby their gentleaction plotse all who unethem. In Yial8at25cenU ; flvofor $1. Sold by drugiets eerywhro, cr'reut by mail. CARTER MEOICINZ CO., New York. SMALLPILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALLPRICE RINSEY & SSABOLT'S BAKERY. GROCERY, FLOUR AND FEED STORE. ep conetantly on hand BREAD, CRACK CAKES, etc, for Wholesale aud 11 trade. We shall also ki-( asnpply of SW1FT & DEUBKL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! OSBORN'S GOLD DUBT FLOUR. BUCKWHEAT FLOÜR, CORN MEAL, I'EED. stc.i at wholosale aud retail. Aiteueralstockof filOCSRIES ñi FBOYISIÜNS Constantly on hand, which wlU be sold on a reaaonable terms as at ariy other house in the city. Cash paid for BUTTER, EGGS, and COUNTRY PRODUCE generally. Goods delivered to any part of the city without extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT, TRÜCKandSTORAGE Now we are ready with a new Brick Storehouse for the storage of Household Goods, Pianos, Books, Stoves, etc. PIANOS I HOUSEHOLD -:- GOODS All kinds of heavy and light Draylng. FREIÖHT WORK C. E. GODFREY, 'Phone 82. Res. and Office 46 N. Fourth Ave. GET A. TICKET OF ■ W. F. LODHOLZ 4 & 6 BROADWAY. And you are entltled to a choice of TheHome Instructor, the Lire of General Sherman, or the Life of P. T. Barnum (free). when cash purchase to the amount oi $15.00 h;is been made. THE HOME INSTRUCTOR. LARGE OCTAVO, 478 PAGES, ILLUSTRATBI. A compendium of useful knowledge necesMiry for the practical uses of every-day life. complete and perfect guide to life in public tnd private. THE LIFE AND DEEDS OF GEN, W, T, mm. CKOWN OCTAVO, 568 PAGES, ILI.VSTKATKD. A graphtc narrativa of hls boyhood and oarly life, education, career in Florida and ralifornia, military achievements, Ufe as a citizen, last slckness and death; with fine steel portrait. THE LIFE OF P, T, UUR The World. Renovned Shovman. UBOWS OCTAVO, 520 PAGES, ILLUSTRATED. Hisearly life and strnggles, bold ventures and brilllant success; hls wonderful career, hls wit, genius and eloquence, hls life asa citlzen, etc.- to which Is added bis famous book, "The Art of Aioney Getting." W. F. LODHOLZ 4 & 6 BROADWAY. 1692 ThO way to secure pood reading is tv eubecribO lor thO Courier, pay $1 and eecurO that paper together with te N. T. Tribune.


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Ann Arbor Courier