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3ilea has a new l(lge of L. O. T. M'e. ; i ïïie office of the Cbelaea House is being improved. George Stapixli, of Lyndon, died Jan. 1 7, aged 35 years. Mise Flora Hepper is the new clork iu Cheleea's poetoffice. Iafayette Grange will meet at the home of Abner Beech, Lima, Jan. 2(5. Wm. Chite, who has been in business in Iuhdee for 14 yaars, lias eold out. It takes 53 Ubm of t.lie Standard in Tvihich to enumérate Chelsea'a inlustrirs. Miss Adah Swift, of Battle (r.'ck, a Normal BtQdeot died Monday Yf Jieart fUrmimf C. H. Wllaon, at Milán, has more logs at liis mili yard tha.n 06 know Avhat to do wil li. The postoffk'e at AV'ayne is no B preatdentlal office, $1,000 per year salary to iiie P. M. The &bockbrJdge l'oultry and Pet .Stock Khow takes place on the t!2d WDé 28J of FebriKiry. H. J. Drake, for vef 40 years a i'esident of I.yiulon, dicd at liis home .Tan. J.", ,-i inl 7-'! ycars. Beaitef (evr hns been getting in ite carmine oi-k on t'ne youngsten f "Willis in greal siiape. Tlie Enterprtee ays that the water in the rivcr at Manchester is very low and alxnit all froten up. It is itated Doe. A. W. Smlth, of Adrián, Has eeenred a $1,500 postion with & ('o., of Chicago. The kist Dispatch presentad i fine picture oí tbelr neat and bandeóme high school building in Pinckney. JIre. George J. Arnent, wife ol a prominent Ypsilanti business man. died Monda; evenlng oí coMomptlon, aged 39. It is Mid ili.ü one of the Truesdels l Cantón, has 100 Iioítk for whleh he ha rafoaed $2,000.- Plymouth Mail. Wn&t boga : Tire Saline Observer says that Ezra O. lldbinson has snll Iiík handsome farm of 140 acres, t ("ha. P. (iross, íor $75 per acre. Ilev. 0. C. Bailey will remala another year as pastor of the Congregational chairen at Cheluea and receive $100 (udditional K.ilary. It ás said that sonie of the girls at North Lake are so careless that they lose their engagement rings. Query. Does tJiat break the engagement ? Tlie Standard acciwea ii Chelaea yonng nien of iHlimnlng tliis gtansa : " "Tis swcct ti Idvc. bnt oh, how bitter, To love a girl and then nol it her !" Wlicn ilic new railroMd geti tu rim_ Miinh cu' town, sniniiicr rMOrta u 11 pcdhalily be cstablishrd at Rlver Iiisin and Irni Oeek.- Mancliester Ekiterpctae. The street Ug:hte have mot sbed tjieir acciwtomed grlare this weck on lount of a Bcarclty ol water to íurnish iover. As BOOH as a thaw n-s vc w 11 llave more light. - Enterprtee. The F. & 1". M. R r. commenced muning its traína from Plymontb and Wayne via ii ow nw track Into Detroit and ttoe new lnini depot laaf Monday. Over wiii;li the people of tiróse Kiwns i-eji),e. Jowpn ,T. Titns, wlio for over :r years has leen oonnected with the Livingston Democrat, has severed hiw liis líiniioction with that paper. Mr. Titus Jvas been un able and dignified writer, land t'he profewtOD will niiss him. The Boathern Waslitcnaw Mutual Farmer's Ptre Ins. v., lian 291 niemUere, with $705,700 at risk. The total caJi Income for the past year has been $1,804.01, total eipendlture $1,229.36, of wiliich $1408.66 was for loKes during tlie year. In several places tliroughout tlie tate, pork has reached the exorbitant prire of $9.50 per huinlred. Suiely íaiining imys if yon have the right kind of Ktuff to sell. In 1S7S it wiih wortíi 'but $:_'.. ".o in many parta ol the Btate. Stoikbiidge Sun. Rev. B. .initli prca.hed in YpaUantl on thc sth, from tlie thcine. 'Ildw tadCBÍ thou the Kible." Well, eider, we read thereln that at one time there was a niighty dcarth of Siniths. llere -■ the Bcrlpture: "And there as no unitli In all brea] I" - Adrián Prese. Some of the pupüa ol tlu' grammar room trietl n little experiment In nature] ph-Ikttopby, by holding tae thermometer miT t lic rqgtetor, and were onder Uw pecuniary neceBslty oí going down into their pockets to irucnre a new one.- Stockbrtdge ÉJun. The (IicImm ünlon Aifrlcnltnra] society at lts anojial meeting Saturday last, elected the Pollowing board ol directora : Wm. Wood, Mariin Howe, Thos. Fleteher, Hugli Sherry. Homer Boyd, Jaa. BJggs, 0. C. J'.urkluirt. E. W. D:uii.'ls and .1. J'. I'.uss.-Stantlanl. TlM! Cheteea Arbelter vereln will luive tlie BoHowlng oMicers this year: I'resldent- Jnco'i scliurmieber. VicePresident- .los. Schat?.. ReeordiiiK Becretary- Iarael vogel. C'orreapouding Secrewry- ChM Neulierger. Treasurcr- Jac. Hcpfcr. Trusteus- Mutt Alber, August Neuberger F re cl Vogel. l'livsiciiiii- Dr. H. W. Schmidt. Color Bearer- Chas. Kuercher. Tlie Huron Maiiufacturing Conipany recently incorporatel for the purpose of manufacturing tliie patent coffee roaetei-s 'heretofore made s. W, ParsonB, hnK assigiied to Wllllan Campbell, who is now taking an inventory. iilhe aseignment was made one lay last week.- Sentinel. Mr. Ctoarles A. Tftylor, one of oor most popular youns lmnhiess men. and Miss Relie Cfcawe, a wry hitthly esteemed yoniiK lady of tliLs place, were marrjed at tlie home of the bride's inother, Mis. John Chase, on Wednesdny aftemoon, the 18th, tay Eev. G. E. Sloan, of the M. E. cbnrcb üére.- Mjlan Leader. A great fisiiinii locallty bas been lisióvert-d in tlM Kaisin. wbere a tilo titch i'initics. 011 til farm ui l'red. ardiiicr. Large iiii if nearly all kinds. Incloding oarp and plckerel, air in geat (jnantity tlR-re. and are 1'iiiíí laptnrt'd ihroniili the Ice. It is supposed tiiat the emptying of the warm water frOBJ tlic hill is the causi' of their BStherlag there.- Dundoe Kep'orter. The Methodist ihniili is ï-itln-r in liard luck liere at present and it keepg Eider Parrlsh a Imstling to preach a ermon of enong-li gufüclent greatness to warm the consfegatloa and at tibe same time keep the building ted.- Norfliville Record. It seems as f any ordinary minister migbt make make it nfficiently hot for nis conrejjation to keep iliein trom freezïlg to dea tli. It wil] t.-ikc abODi $500 to pay the exiven.-cs of cond-ucting tbe re-eouni of votos tor circuit couri commissinr er.- FowliTviiic Obeerver. Circuit corcrt commtagioaer in Livingston county must be of [ar more importance tli.-in in otlicr (-omitios. The $600 is more than tbe office wlll brlng In for twi or tnree term. Bal tln-n ! Whnt of it '.' The (U;ir people, and not the C. C. C. had to pay for It. Wayae merchanta, and in fací nearly all the people of ilmt village, are raMng a big kick iecause tfae Michigan Central railroad ompany is goinir to niove its ilepot down to the jumtion, a fourth of a mile fartlier west.- Record. Well, tbey on;lit to make a ki k. Il'n so far away from town tliat it ín of practlcally no lenefit now. Gt it down to the juntkm and it wil] le neceesary to pal on a line of ttagea. We are DOW tO have. as toon as mayi'. the new bridge at Congrega rtreei Street tor which t lie contract was ],t by t'he city last suniiner. Tlie Detroit üridge nnd Iron worfca are tlie contracten and they began work last Mond-ay morning. They expec.1 to ha-re the new beidge In place in ome tliree OP tour weeks, and in tilie menntiine foot passengere are to vrome the iHtct cm the lee, or ia ïMiats, and teama must go to tlie cross st. bridge. Xo one lias yet been found wlio thinks this is i band y arrangement.- Ypai. Oommerctal. "ni village "daite" niet n regular ■-ssinn sometime Unst year and after tNUKaCtlng wliat business there was adjourned alne die- and tiiey have reniaincd dead ever glnce tu all pur as lar as villaje mattere are ■imceined. Tlie llond-.a t es of lieaven Open and delue tile itrects uilli snuw. the mantel of darkness nverbanga the vUlage at nightfall, electrlty and Bteam go hand in hand, and muer luts t'orm from liitle grains of -and and hue oaks frora Uttle acorng gTOW, but still as dcath echo from tlie vfllage hall auswers. no! no :- Wayne I;eiev. Happy, Ikiw happy Wayne people must le. It nH been aetü, but wltb wha1 degree of potMn knowledge we are unable to state, that the l.ake Shore and otlier railroads ntended to put tlie patea of tare to Chicago next year above one and one-tliird fare lor Mlchira.n paaaeogerg. it is argued that OM railroads u ill have all the thrOUgb business iht they can handle Whlch of conCM ill be ata low rate, and tiiey -ivlill le obliged to pro-nate wlth otlier roads for it, therefore they intend to "sock it to us" to get even. H they go into mch a Mhme it wlU make a Tig difiéreme in the attendanoe of Michigan people at the World'a Fair, and we hope that they will not do sci. Knterprisr. A siiifíiilar ac-cident occurred to Ceo. Holmes last 8abbath. In company w,it:h his family he started to go over bo Wbitmore l.ake to apend the day witoi iiis parenta, drirrog in iiis covered gleigh whlch he uses to carry lUilk t llis UStOlIllTS. Wlien JtlMHlt four milos from the lake the sleigh nverturned and the ïmi-scs breaklng tooae dashed away. Mr. Holmes left t.lic slciiili tO take liis wife and chil(lirii tu tbe neaxeet farm house, and apon liis return found the sleigb with its contenta and severa! valuablc rol es e gmoulderlfig ruin, baring been .-et on fire ï'.v a Ugbted lantern which was carriiMl for warming purpi I3m team wwe eawghi at the lake. The accident was a singular one and the loss quite heavy. - Dexter Xewe. The railroad project does nut eeem to be dead. but rat5ier is slowly and quietly advam-inir. In a cciivcrsation a. iew days since witüi tnie who is in i jKisition to know Bometbing of the werking ol the plan we were told tihat Hijs opmpanjr who run the Mirvey tilu-ougii here a year and over aso, and are now securing t.'h-e rlghtof-way are bai-ked up by $3,000,000 whioli is in readiness to build the road a soon o the right-of-nay can he Kecurel. The line Is to be an air-linc from tJie east into Chicago. Sime our lat Wscue quite :i few new contráete have been made with farmers ■west of here and it really begin to look like biisiiesi. 'l"3ie Iake Sliore seems dormant, and we have little faith in reviving it.- Saline server. Tlie AYaliash in Kiipplying; the posit.imis of aU its ilil telesraph operators with new DOO-unlon men. Niglit operator Frank I'ntter.son ivas relleved TlMSday, aml day Operator (liarles I'attersdii was reiieved Wednesday. The operators have asked for a new si-iiciinlf of prlcea based on the amount of work to be done, aml in M of au unfavoraUle conditloo Ol riieir demanda threatened a strike The ronipany sent out to the operators for t'heir sisrnature aml agreement uut in 1:0 11 011 the strike, aml those w'lio siiiKcd lliis aurei'im-nt wI not to be ïnolcsteil ; so l'ar as kuown tüM operatoi-s all reiused to sirn the ajirvement, heme the railroail forcstalls a strike liy dis lm vtz'iu} them. A petition to t'he rallroad company to have (liarles l'atterson re-ingtated lay operator is being stoned by all msincss men ol the town and everyIxxly else. It is very likely, nowever, thai 110 attentlon will le paul to it, is it would bc lettini; down the bais


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Ann Arbor Courier