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Queer Conceptions

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THODOBT IT BK [.ONKÜOME. 'I '.ie jollowiiiii truc story is tol ot a briniit little flve ycai-s oíd daughter of .1 iwel] known gentleman in Ann Arbor, and is Miiotlicr evldence ol how murh inore the infnnt mimi eompïLhcniis than is generfllly accrcdlted to ,it. onc evening re lently, wthen bed time came, tüie little one was told to aak Cdd's rorivciicss In her prayer for a wrong Btory told timt day. The r.iiiid hfsiiaii'd Bomewhat, when the niothcr said "Bu1 yo must. my der i'nild. Ymi -wamt to le a good srirl don't you ? Tob know that chlldn-n wiio tll wrong Btorlee are bad and can liever fio tO llcaven." T'lif cliild looted up In lts mother'a cycs tOT B nionient and tlien said rather lutinilly : ■Mamma didn't yon ever teil n. wrong story wïien yon were a little yirl '!" Une mother admitted tluit she inight lia ve done so. "DdtJa't pepa ever teil one when be was a little 'Toy ?" Thj.s WBB a puzzler for the mother, who found it lier turn to licsitatc. But not very long, for before shc could torra si proper answer, the chlld contirnied : 'I just believe that all little boya and ffirls íell wrong Btories sometimew. Ankl I doo't want to so to Heaven, not a bit. I slimild le no lonesome títere." "Lonesome ! child, what do ycm mean ?" asked the astonished mother. 'I know I stiould be lonesome for I don't believe thet there i anyltody te Heavon but (ol. Jema ("lirist and Oeoree "W-ashington. No, mamma, I don't want to go to Ileaven !" It took quite a little explanación on the part of the mother to eradkate trom the chfld'e mtnd the fals Ideas conceived of Heavon and lts reward for good actioma winie on eartn. uut when tliiat Christlao mother ceaeed talkiiif? witli her little Oaughter that nitïht, the ehild liad a very different oonception of Heaven f rom tile one tftbat had li)]-cvr!,u-l,v fillcd lior inind. N. Ii. - Sulistaiitially iliis same story was told by Rev. I.ymaii Abbott n Iiis lectnpe at Dniveralty Hall. He prdl abiy beard it frona somt Ann Arbor frii'iid, for our Informaat is poeitivi' that the Incident occurred here, and t:hat the original of it is a lltth' Ann gtrl. NEW DKI'INITION FOR MUQWCMP. SpeafelBg of Plu' queer Ideaa tha1 snmctimt's fix themselvea In children's ïninds. reminds ns of anotiier little Incident. One oí the yoimii business men on Main st., YVfllO is oí (crinan des-ent, marrifd an American trirl, and tiiey have a . -on pit' of prettv bright, wille awake lade in tbelr famlly. Tlie other aiiiílit one of thcni came ruiuün.ü Into the house in a higtaly indi.unant ïi-ainc if ïnind. "Mamma! am 1 a mragrwiimp ?" "I ííih'ss Jiot, niy mui. Wh.v do you aefc BUI :i iuestion ?" ■V.'il,.a lboy out hiere said Uiat my tather wasOntcti and my mother was Yankoe, and tlwit I waB ïnuffwunni. But 1 ata'ti, aii I mamma '.' " Tlie mother was too overeóme wlth ltuighter to give a very lu -id explanation, lut nssured the boy that lie was proba biy i jrood repubUcan the ediite as liis fatlur. It looks trom the unanimity of the state presa as though Col. Dean'a ïiumiiiation for regent wonld come unaniiiKmsi.v. We need a Btrong ticket thi.s spring and no míe can gtrengthen it as can present cominani! -f Of Michisaii's (1. A. E. - -w Acoordiog tu a report filed with Pbe county clerk, the Inventor's ManuJacturtng ('o., oi tibta city, lias "dleba.iiilcd Without stock or real estáte, without ilclits (ir credlts."


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Ann Arbor Courier