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Siíj-firs agoJuCge Klnne waselected jiiiljíc y an almoal unaninniii.s vote n this cnnnty. As ve s.-iid at ilic time this waa mainly dae to ihe beMef thai lie mis eminently Htted (op the place ; and tiis (rienda aiud cUeatag were na lapgaly In one party as ln th other. l! is not always easy to lind a niinri tlfat s Judicial 'm its character. A man may e a good lawycr. uprtgh and wcii educated, and yet fall as a Judge. A pcisnu (if BtrODg parlisan ImsttnctB, oí Btrong prejudlces, and ai qutek temper, is not llkely to Bncceed un t'n? bemch. it requírea aelf polse, "an abiiity to ignore pre]udice, quickaeee oí preceptkm, and a faculty to diapatcb bustoees." It was kimwn tl'.at Mr. Kinne was a good and an educated man, as well as popular tawwhout liis tenedve circle of acqualntancea, and it was believed he posaesaed Juat the requteltes tor a Judge. The people were not mistaken in this Judgment, and Judse Kinne has fulfilled the expr -tMtiuns jï his warmest (rienda. il is reputatlon as ;i iudge lias gone beyond the limite of liis district, and no me on the entire circuit benen of the state is reoogn-lzed ns hls superior. Of tliis. the (Icniiicracy of this distri.-t niay well be pvoud, for it was tlheir votes which placed him in ofBce, altJiouRh he was the republtcan n o minee. We are soon to elect hls auccesaor ; amd tïw qaeatlon is presented, what OUght to be done in the matter ? Were the office a poiltlcal poe tinere mifiht be doubt, but therc is mi iinwmimv vonneeted with it, and all over the country we havo eminent emmplea where the qoeation oí politice in the selection of Judgea has been Ignored. Recentíy in New York in tbe court ol appeals the republSeaiÈ nomloftted the democratie judge, and the dfinorrats redprocated. Tlverc s do office so Important to tlie people, and no otfleer elothed with s; nnllmlted powera aa a cnrcult inluc. A weak, anreltaWe and nnsafe udge is a meoace bo the beat íntereste of any community. We bellere ttaai Jodgè Klnne Is richlv entltled to a re-electlon and without referen i party. Most excellent lias been liis admlnlstratlon dnrIng his jKist term, hte eecond term !l ol neoesslty 'x1 sotne Unprovememt. Six yiars ago, ïiomination canie to Judge Kinnc witiiout gollcltatlon on his part. He declined tlic nomination in the convention, and only consented to become a candidato whni assuied that his elertion was the wisli ui tlie people of tliis dtotrlct. He abandoned a lncrattve practlce, wflilch ylelded hlm a revenu.' considerable in exceiae oi the salary of IX jllú-''. Whetber or not he will be a candlUate for pe-election is not yei deteriuiued. (ertainly he will not, unjess h is Batletled that the people wish it. This 'is eminently one of the ofulik-h should neek the man. and not t lic man the ofüoe. It has been derided to cali th' Bepublkan (dunty ((riivention for this county, for the purpose of electlng delegtttea to tbe state conventjon to be held in Detroit on Feb. 22d, also the electíng f delega-tea to the judicial convent ion yet to be called. and the Koniiuation of a candidate for commis.sioiier of acboola, to meet at the COUrt hotisi-. n the city of Ann Arbor. on Monday. l"el. 20tb, at 11 o'Clock a. m. 'l'he formal cali will Ive pubIMhed next week. Tiie Episcopal Convocaron, held at yit. AndreWs cbnrch last Tliursday. .aiied a great maoy Btraneers to the rity fi-oin ai.out the southeaeteni gec,;, 1lic stale. Nearly evcry iarisli in the distrii t was reirescnted. and all aiipea'red to enjoy thcir brief stay bere in the Dnlverelty city. Lunch and as aerved In Harria Hall, and parttee conducted the gentlemen amd ladics about the city duarlng the spare momenta o! the aeaaáon. The Woniairs Auxillary had a good


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier