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By Popular Vote, Never

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The queetion oí chooelng !". s. senators by a. popular vote ot bhe people coming to the front. The Leader u 111 favor it. nol because t la a better way tl [ramera oí tlie tltntion adopted and th? people have Polio wed lor a hundred years, but ld' -a use t can see no go "' reason niiv ,-in ündted States senator may fooi as wel] be elected by the direct rota i i :;■ pe iple as a memoer oí congrese, and inrther becauee ii wili stop ïiie howUng ot gome demagogue ealamtty shrtekers, "tiiat tIh1 people are OOI in il. " Theri' te notlllllg in the cry but there are aome who 1 hink ::iil it is easic" 1 Let 1 hem fiwn way than to Bpend i Ime In to enllg ■ m !- Billsdale Leader. The Coi, does not believe In ising I'. S. aenators by popular It belleree tiiai the ITnited State setiate sbooild be the body that it is r.ow. a ■ ■(insoi'v.'ii ive. thinking, balance wtieel in the leglalatlve maohlnory of the nation. If tlie iiiannei' of chooelng 0. S. genators is ehaimeil. and senators are ed by direct vote ol the people, tlte sanie as are representatlves, then ihc value ol thiit body te gone. It would be snperiluous, useless, and in time would undoubtedly be merged into the House of Representatlves, Or better bUII, be entirely diepensed v i til. The idea ■! the foimders of this nalion WOB 'tC prole', it aiiainst the "demagotgnee and calamlty rirriekers" whidi the Leader refer to. It was their dcsitiii to secure to the people 8 legislatire fcody that would not be eUected by erery ave ol fanaticlsm that miliht uwee]) aCTOSG the country, and to glve to the nation a conBervativc law maktng bran-li that would hold Iei;islation in check tintil the people had an opportualty to take a sober second thmilit. Xo gOOd icason : no, not one, lias been advamed why senators should be riio.-,eu by popular vote, but there are very best of reasons why -iioiild not be. The Counter ta sorry tlial 80 rood a paper as Uw Leader sfeould surrender t the cry of a lot of demaigogues and blatherskins. Even if iliis change is made these same restless spirits will fnid somcthinir else to tlnd fault with. Enconraged ay success once there will be no livina' with tliem. 'l'iicy are e clase oí people we alwaya have with US, and always will. But it wül a BOTry day tor the nation if fchey shall ever carry their visionary ideas in í ■ i ril' ■ . Mr. Peck, the labor commissioner 4 Xcw York. wil'; - relat v e prosperlty of tlual state's Inustiies onder a protective tarlff the demócrata tound so mocb tault with nummer, even going so Lar as to ittempi to put thcir áuthor In prlson ior telling the truth, has lasued his nnnual report. In tliat report is a ■oiiiii-mation of all the figures lieretofore given, süiowioig the great Lenoïii to the country in general oi the McKinley Uill. .Mr. Peck nol only does ioi recede one Iota trom his posltton taken last slimmer, but uives BUCh inUsputable faets and figures tlia; hls democratie slanderere wfil proSably keep dist-retely Bllent. Woy are the stiidents. and tiie Unlversily everlastinuly and all the time held tip by a errtain claLS í'í people - 'among tliem ïieinir gome farmersas a bug'bear ? - Ann Arbor Courier. The same thlng has often nizzled ns and we h:ne spent many anxiOUS bniiis. vainl' Btrivlng to no purpose to solve. Ilouever. alter walking -i.'-ir aroumd 11 and gazlng up at it. we h,;ive throilgll own selí-deíislency, excommunlcaited knowledge and kriangulatlon, arrived at the camee. [1 ly owing to I tour-story collars I Why, only the other day a student tlms armed, feil down amd .ierked lis collar a llttle tilgher amd they have had to feed alm i i step ladder and .. :


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