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' I cunnot sing the old songs." sliu sang in accenta sad, And every one who stood nrouud. And lio'ird, vns mighty Klad. Ant.hiarite s outofsight- nearly. Monday as a great day lor blacksmiths. Remember the lecture of Prof. Fiske, getwday eventos, t l'niversity hall. The flags are kept at half-mast upon our public buildings now most of the time. Tlw Woman'8 haritable l'nion moets TJrursday. nt :! p. ni., in Harris Hall. Haogeterter la haring his confeettonery rooms nlcely deeorated and íitted up. The Gheteea Savtags Bank has ini neaaed lts capital stock $10,000, írom $50,000 to i?(!0,000. The young people f ttoe Bapttot chnrc-h took a slei.nhride to Dextor ■ Friday evening. As (iKincroiirs WHHe Freddie, t5e artists. probably have no equal to tibe entirc country. On Jlilirli 17th th days and niííhts Will OÍ equal lenjïMi. ■Days grow Dger, sumbeama stronger." Saturday is visitor's day at (ranger'a d.-'n-inic academy. All (armer jmpils invitcd írom 2 4 p. ni. Rev. .1. T. Sundeiland U speak at tb l"nitarian Church noxt Sumlay inorning, on "Phllllpa Brooks." Th oaee oí "Jullna Weineberg re The Regents of thc l'uiv ■rsity," has been taken to bfie apreme court. Tlic abstin -i tii-ni ol -lames Kearna & Oo.. lesued ilieir flr1 abstract Mon.y. I; contained twcnty transiere. & Oo., reel hiappy in the tliat thc.v can .ive yon fresa polnt. w;,.i! kind ? Vaccine, of:isc. People troU in sllppery places SunThe niddle ot the ruad was enatvle to the for pedes..Ü.S. Beoaütse cA tiie treezln ap o! the yster lK'ds iu tlie Chesapeake Hay. oyBiere nave advanced Bomewhere ajxwt .")( per cent. John Moore is movtng; iiis drag store tato the íine new AUmendlngcr block (ürectly opposite the Hurón itreet I ntrance of tlie COUrt house'. There will be a social given by the ladies of Trinity Knglish Lutheran cSmrch, at the residance of Mrs. l'ishr, 87 E. l'nivereiity ave., Friday evenivg. The Aun Arbor Iiük's are preparing for a grand time again on Peto. 22d. Tïiey always have a carnival of fun, and tliis year wttl not be an exceptáon. The Uilliard Jiall lo.ated in thc St. .lames bloi-k has been bought by 8. Sueldan, ol W. W. Blies, and the m;w proprletor has already taken poe. ssion. Mrs. Jobn Meier. ionnei)y l'.crtha iIkVz. died at her home on Mil■ ave., Monday evcuiim', löavlng .i ji.UKliaml and a little one weck old JairgMer. Hnv easy it is .'nr One tO iall. these lu [ad lic in treads ihe ra - il and narrow ]iath is the ex(iption. Everybody Beeine Incllned to _ . all over the road. "Mytihs and Miraclcs, of .lesus the Wonder Worker," will lic the toiiof fhe lectnre nex1 Siinday ovening in the M. E. cburch. The morning bopic will ie "Jeeua the Babbl." Wtord lias Leen reciv'd liy the iy board ol lwalth that one of the sengera of üoe smail pox inti ilramrr Saaie, ,,Ava-s on lijs way to Anu Arbor to visit iriends. lic will bc gil arded Wltfl a jealous èye. A resdlution was adopted by the board of healiu tole a. m., reqnjr8 genera] vaccinatlon of all persons living in the city. People will Ik' given poluta by the doctors now, tvlietlier they doir ■ thcin or not. 8ee? A society has been forniod of yoong men at tlie paro:-hial school of licihlehem church, nvhich has for its object the radetag of fonda to build a iw chunh. Bach one of the memben a.nrees lu gfive fi stated aniouni ;icli month. People wlio nre lnvesitlDQ; in hotel memberafaipa in Chloag, for the World's Fiiir, "will do well to Investígate beflore partlng wltb their eold caeh. Sorac of the echemes are excellent while others are nothlag lm t fraude, lt will be well for yon to keep your eyes open. The men exclalm tlmt slie is fair to -cc, Urtght g nimmer clny. Hit bonnel he removei each timo that shc Is present nt tlie play. Tlie yon lijsters are Vm-jíí iniiifj; to oqulre atwut Bt. Yalentlne's Day. The electric streel cara are not suc'cssfni in slidtug over the ice on the track. ' FrederiVk I'. Partrldge was adnitted to cltizenship In the circuit ■om-t lat Saturday. The average prïce paid tor wheat n this eounty last mootb as 66c, ilu.-!lfil cora 47c, oírte 84c. Hay $8.33. On 'rimisdiiy evendng the ladies' boiety of Zion's cbUfCh Avill meet witli Mi-k. Jotas Undenachinldt, on s. Main sfrreet. ThepeBtDT 04 the new Bngllah I.utheran clniirli, Uev. Mr. TedrOW, wfll arrlve in t in' city thts week, accompanied by liis lamily. The regular monthly social ol the ladies' ald society, of the M. K. churcb will 1h' held in the churcb parlora Thursdny evenii:j?. Tea served at halfpast (I o'clock. On Thursday afteflWOO at 1 O'clock in ttoe Sumday Bchool room of tlie M. E. c'hurch, (lien YlWg Pung will addreu the memoere of tli ■.■ S. S. C. E. Ij. It will Ik; an Intereetlng occasion. a party of 56 Ladies and gentlemen went to AVIiitmore Tjike last Triday evcninii. and danced tlio incrry liours a-way, returntng home In the wee small lioui-s- aiiout 6 o'clock Saturday a. m. An olil sniokcr wae madu (le;vthly iil by a clger tiiie other eventng. A cig'ar dealer explatned it rijriit avray. "There was a ha ir rolled in tluit cipir. 'TaviíH make yon si-k every time." I'asl Maeter Robert ('uthbert will 1m? presented to-niglit ytll a very liue iriild ring witli cmblcms enameled Uhereoo, vind contalnlng a ditimond scttiiii;-, by Colden [tule Lodge F. i A. M. Th supply kitchen at Harria Hall, condiu-ted by tilw? ladie.s of St. Andrew's cfaarcb, is a nace place to procure uible BiippUee. It i.s also an invlttog place bo drop in Baturday p. ni., and obtain a liht luncli . During the past year the earnlnga of the Ano Arbor station of the Toledo road Khowed an lacrease over the yea.r 1891 of $29,786. Aun Arbor is considered the banner station of the .Toledo road.- Daily Times. Farmer who have toamJng to do ageert that the Bnow is about two icet deep on thv level in the woods. - Tlie above item .is ritten Friday last. 1; smells miyuldy to-day doeeo't it ? Tempus fuglt, so fnst : Ir. Nan-.-rede of fchlB city. banqueted the (unnty nieilical society at the Hawkins House. Ypsihinti. last 1-riday e -iMiiinï. About 20 pfayslclana were present, and th-'y all had a sjlor:i:us time. No headachea the nexi day, eit'Jièr. , The Chinese student who wandered away from home last week, walked to Detroit Bffld was fumished witli tonda by i-ome of his countrynieu ihere to ride ibafk to Ann Arbor. He will probably be uoStent to remain quietly at Cuome hereafter. If the AVorld's Fair people want to nuike a enccess out of tlie exhibition, they must ?yet at the and Induce fliem to give the people a rate tlhnt will be an indutenient to attend. If tihe railroads i-linir to their present ameement, good-by Faiir. It iw a fad just iiow1 at entertainmenta toglve prtzee to tlie young man ffliocan Uliread a needie In the sliortest time, and to tlie womaa who can drive tlie stt-linhtest nuil. 'llicre is often mucii amusemeoi in vritnessing tlie attempta of caadidates. I'riilay niijht last was iniproved by the sleitrli riders. Five loads went tn 'v;i ii more Lake, five to Dexter, two 't o Ypsilanti. one lo Saline, and numberleee loada about the city. It sceined a.s if ewrymie wanted to gó lii.-il Iiiiilit before the Minw w-ent off. üherba.h & Oo., in dlggïqg a deep linie in the ground for tlieir water motor eb-vator to work in. stru.k a veiu of water that drove the dlggers out of 'the well. and l:ids fair to niakc a. ureat leal OÍ trouble for tlie eleva tor. ii Beems to be a gueher of tlie artesian type. Wm. Btiagg, oí Detroit, who was offered tlie DO8LtlOH of state bank examluiM- by (iiï. Kich, and refused, was formvrly an Ann Arbor boy, and attended the rnivcrsiiy In the literary ile]iartment duitng '66- '68. He served duriag the va.r. '(:! to '(." In the 2d Micli. cavalr.w as a private. , Sume of tlie hnppiest jiartics scen tlicsc ilays are sleiyh loads of little ones. dccasionally there is an owner of a team vlio remerabera how he used to enjoy sleigllirides when' he was a Imiv and bdtches up and takee all the youngBters he can get into the sleigh. They make the air Jingle. Daniel B. Greene, of Ypsilanti, has been appointcd by Gov. Ricli, as county agent ior tJiiis couiity of the state board of Cb&rltles, again. It will be icinembered tliat Mr. Greene bounced by Gov. Wlnans to (jive place to a democrat. Tracy I. Towner, aleo of Ypsllanti. Now the tables are turned and Towner is out. If the crinoline lilooma in the spring, tra la, Oh, wou't ii !■ dreadful for us? t's ii moei unattractlve old iliinc;. tra in, wth a barrel-hoop son of a swJnsr, tr;i la, And wil] cause a mosl terrible tut, Yes, wíll cause :i mosl terrible fuss, ikI so let ïis say, let us wrlte, lel ns fluit we wlll have iiothnifc todo wltli the thing. Tra la la li In. et ceteral The postoffjce was cloeed Monday, iiotwccii the hours of lo a. ni., and i l. ui., becauae of Mr. Blaine's funr.-il. r.i' cattlc. live welght, s glven at $8.81 per cwt., tal hoge $5.60, and lrewed port $7.29 per cwt. in thla ounty. The .lami.-iry erop report gtves the condition of Uve stock in the county as follous : Hmscs 98 per eent., cattle 'JT. sheep 98, swine 99. Thunder and ligtltnlng last (■veiling. And it is lightning this morning, tor -i pereon to keep a perpendi.ular iiiiTivlirri' uut 'o doors. To-day is Cnndlemass day. "Hal! t'he wheat and half the hay." The groand hog should alio Imj on deck to watch for liis shadow, but he ivun't sec it here. The lectura of Hon. Henry WatterBOn, of I.ouisvillc. K,v., on Saturday evening Feb. UMi, wlll cali out iin audienee that wlll tax t lic capaclty Of l'niversity Hall. Ohn. 8. Millen. of tftie fii-in of Schalrer & Millen, hiaN i record for good liealth that is to be exrvied. For uiwards of sixtcen years he lias iiot lO8t one hour out of his store by reason of skkness. Wlwre i.s aOVOtber man who can say as niucli ? Mr. Millen is aluay.s at li i.s desk wlien iiot out of town on business, and there is probably not a moro nmt h:nli al man in liis every da.y life In Mie city, tlian lic is. The state iiepartmeut givea the averafi' of farm animáis in this (■(►nnty a.s foHows : Horsea under one year oid $29.17; hetgeen 1 and li. $46.5; between 2 and '?, $64.58; 8 and over, $98.50. Milch COWB, $88.30. Oattle, under 1 year, $8.58 ; bctween 1 and 2, $14.75 ; between 2 a.nd 3, $22.83 ; 3 and over, $28.00. Sheep under oue year -S2. -■!.", one year and over $2.85. BogB, trnder one year $'.t.;!3. In its last issue th-e Dexter News, in its 'Pioneer Sketches" gave olie of the late Chatuncy S. Goodrich, who caiiu' to Dexter in 1827, and in 1831 houiit the eiitire block cast of the ctouri house square In Aim Arbor, save one lot owned by Moses Boylan, tor $1,000. It is stated tüiat the ame frame lwrasi' that stood on the lot uüien he bouight it, i.s the one fromtinu, on K. Aun street, now occupied by li is daushter. If't'hf ladics wlll only have the backlKne to "set down on" the Incoming 'lLOOps or crinoline, as the.v (lid upontiie tralie for streel wear, they eau HiHceed in Btomptalg out t lie abominable fashion as they dld that one. No styie of dress ever worn by ladie.s is as ueal and pretty as the one worn to-day, and it wlll be generally regretted, by men aa well as woiixMi, to see the basty costnmea now in vouue supersei'eil hy tíld abomina t ion of lioops. The Ypsilanti Sentlnel says that it WB8 in Aun Albor "coon" that rao a gambUag shop In that city treed hy the pólice and made to come down. Furtlwr, it asserts that "a mnnber of Athenians are chariied with encouraging" "four dejected looklog femalee of Afrlcan descent, bronjcht before .Tustice Bogarlus" "inmates of a Herriet Btreet dlve." The latter assertion is perhaps needless, for almost everybody knowa that "Yiisilanti" is (ireek. The "January tltaw" last Saturday oame neer spoillng tlie slelghlng, .'ïi tirely. It Keems strape tliat a íew hOiii- of mild weather can mido what it tiiok severa] weeks of cold weather to accomplish. I).;es nol thla Indícate hiw a warm genial dlsposiiion an Ingratlate iteeU Into every one's good gracee, and prove tJi truth of the sjiyinii : "a soit answer turaetb away wratti ?" A smlle is always weh-onie and lias ma(tê the OOld Icy U't Of many u poor soul endura ble. A party if twenty-four ladlB and gentlemen trom thte city Journeyed weBtwiard last Frlday evening, and brouííht up at the home of A. E. lieal in Dexter. where a delirious gapper was served and au evening oí enjoynient jiasseil that was nierry indeed. The lrospitality of the host and lmste s was more tlian boiintü'ul. and tSie fun JTm-fcfaig was without let or hindiiuue. The only thing to be ïvgretled was that time wonld not walt, but keep movtag forward and the hour of departuri' ca me all tOO Boon. There is a coniniodity beiiiii sold alMut the city that purports t,. gave !!." per i-ent, of coal bilis, prevent smoke, dcstro.YS ileadly coal gas, starts a ïiot lire in tivs minutes, makes a poot (ïuality of eoal do the work of n good quality, etc, etc. One of our expert cliemists has made au analysis of tlic "powder" and finds it to le simply cominon barrel salt colored with mialine. The qualltiee Btritmted to Hiis mineral have never before been known to be the sanie as this uies it. Salt is usually considerect a fire deadener instead ni a lire kindier. It mlgtait save coal by preventilng its combustión. The sim was bright and the air was crlsp, The snow was tirm lind white: The horse was spirited, the sleigh For style was " out of sight." The robes were of the fiuest fur. The whlp was tipped with (?old. The harnea Jtngled Bllvery belle, And plumes kept out the cold. No other turuout on the road Could vie with ours for style. And was the girl a match for it? Well- I- ahould- calmlv- gmtle I The memory of our dazzling ridu Toptether thrilU me still- But oh! the tlred feellng wheu I suiv the livery 5.111 1 - Somerville Journal. Rev. Anna H. Shaw wlll leeture in the 1'nity Club COUr&e on next Friday evenintr on "(iod's Women." This wlll le the tirst time this diatinguished vonifln has spoken in Ann Arbor. Mr, s. M. I. Hcnry, of Evenaton, 111., of the National W. C. T. l'., wlll gpeak at Newberry Hall, Friday eveninjï. at 8 o'olook. Subject. -'Wliat is the Boy Wortli." Admjssion free. The n&grimage of tlie Knights Templar of Ann Arbor Commandery to .ia. '11111. táltea place next Wedneaday, Feb. 8tli. Snch oceaafoas make us feel as f we siionld all like to be Knishts. Coasters aro maUng preat speed. TiriB morning 'a party .ame down llroadway hilll, Startiag Jusí al. ove the boulevard, at the ra te of one milo in fifty seconde. AYhere's your stram and electi i'-ity golng to ? The Rev. Mr. Tatlock will begin a serles of conflrmatlon leetnrea on 8unday next, Immedlately after tbc momIng service. The gamo lee ture will be repeated in the ehapel on Monday and Friday evenlngs at 7:30 o'clock. A chock lias been recelved by City I'.cala'S (rom the authoritics of Milan. tor S4 14.07. principal and interest, due Ilrg department fnnd of this city for a band engine BoW that villano i year or 8O ano. The Indios niety of Bethlehem clninh s ti meet on Thursday even1 ntzr With Mi's. (po. Walker, on 8. Fiftih st. The young Lidies society of tlhe same charch nieets in the evenlng witli Miss Anna Dieterle. on W. Liberty st. Rev. Dr. AV. W. Oareon, of Detroit. ■.( upied the Presbyterlan pulpit last Stinday and gave very eloqnent and learoed discoursefl Ia the Uappan lecture coarte. The Doctor is a ripe acholar in all that pertatna to the sacred scrlpturee and the eaily hlstory of the Christian church. Accordinii to the record of the weatber kepi tor the etate department at Lanetog by Ëlmer T.. Allor, of the vatory thiere were only 93 clear days in Ann Arbor during ls!i2, 137 lair, and 186 cloudy. There were 97 days durtatg the year on whlch ome i ii - ii r more of rain feil. The Waslitrnaw C'ouuty Hort i r.l tnral Society will hoid its February meeting nexi saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, al the court house, the t'.suai place, in Bhe basement'. SubJectB for disi-ussion : Pruning Fruit Tres, .ii-ii Grape Vimea and Bmall Fruit Planta. The Cultivatlon of Smal] Fruits. Questlon Box. By reíerence to tho notke in another column, it will 1h seen timt there will be tince examlnaUoma tor teachers nstcaii of one, as hi-ret noticed. 'Plii-lirst c,iniinatioii Will He the regular on Thursday, Marrh Jd. at Ann Arbor. The noxt one will be a special 00 the last Friday in Maivh at Ann Arbor, and the last on the last I'riday In April, in Ypsilanti. Provüdtng the city will grade B. Huron st., I'roni the old cemetcry parij cast one hlo.k to l-'ith st., and then put l.'ith st., through from K. Huron to E. Ann st.. tlicrc will be enough Imildinii done tlicreon to more than ]i ay the city for its expeoditure. If tliat is done Regent Whitman Avill put np tix rcsidiMiccs, to cost not less than $2,000 each, two of whlch will be on E. Huroo et., two on i:itli t., and two on E. Ann st. Otliers will soon follow Bíter tliis start is and the taxes from the new buildings would soon re]ay the city fox its errterprtee. Judge Ilai-riman : "II ni.-iy QOt be kuown Mint the Aun Arbor Higt o] 1b the greatest preparatory .1 n the nat ion, ïmt it is true. Mme students are prepared for colLqge hiere fchian In any other school The Boston Latin School is probably the next best school of the kind, closely (ollowed by the riiillips Exeter, and Pblllipe AniiiiviT academies, bat our high school owtnumbers any mie of thein two to one. It also outnumliers the CbicagO or Detroit, or any of the city High Schools in the country. This fact has not yet fully daw lied upcm the citize-ns of Ann Arbor. It is au honor tliat our people do not fully appreciatie." The Sentinel tells a-bout a íirstclass company that comes to the Ypsilanti opera liouse, and abandona high prlces. What a treat that wiould be here. If people could hear Modjeeka, Daveaiport, and otber tlrstdass aCtON for 75 cents, the playgiotag jmblic would not only appreciate tlie fait. but that class would be greatly aumented. To glve np si. $1.25 and fl.50 te nol an easy öhing to do for an evening'e entertainincnt of perhape two tours. Tbe iloü.i :-s are bo hard to get that the Jingle oí tliem In the pocket te gweeter id tur i-ars iii.-iu the volees o! the actore, be they ever bo lamous. ■I wteh ibo say to you," Bald a elergymian, a memoer of ttse Dotroii convócartdoo, w(h.tle coming out oí the eloeing scssion ut 8t. Anilrew's church ii-i Thursday eveoiog, "that you have the Uneef veéted cholr wlthta limIts ol this convooatlon. 1 do not knoxv tu l'inil ils equal." A DetTOli lrriïyinau ri-inarki-il to B geatleman preeeni ahat etenlng, In el"Tour is a splendld ome. 1 doubt if its equal can be lound In Detroit." 'I'hivse avIici heve heard this (imir recemtly wlll appreclate these worde oi pnalse. The boys, under the exrellent lradcislilp Dl the Organist, Mr. Houghton, bave made remarkable prograae, and 11 is dmvUtful if there eau (oumd a superior organization of the kind In Michigan. It i sninetliiiiii nare te find in a choir oftlüis kinil a. lmy wio lias the volee, abillty and k-oniidence to the diifirult solos that are BOmettmea re(Hiired, but In tlje pi-rson af Harry Iirown, tlie yoiujg sou of II. J. Brown, Bsq., tlüs i-hoir luis siuh a boy, and M-ry vniuable in niakiivy: it the uicat vucceSB that it is. It is an honor to 'be a memoer of St. AndreWs vevted cboir, and tliat the ycnith of our city appreckate this tact is abundaiilly indirated by tJie numerous appliiations for memberslilp.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier