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Wheat Crops Of 1892

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From tli Liverpool Corn Trade News ui' Jan. L'4 : It is now poBSlble to compite n thorouKhly reliable statem cm oí the ppoductlan ol wheat In all iiic Important countries. Official reports have been ptrbltahed at the 12 cliiief wheat-growiag countries, and we produce t ii ■ muite in a tabular forin. omlttfcng all the minea countriee and only efhowtng what bas actually leen ifli.ially cstiinatt-d. The crops of the Southern Hemtephere we omlt altogether in the present table, as they come tu nialiirity in t niiddle of the ordinary cereal eeaeon, and render compari-sons diifii-nlt and mlBleadtag. '1 Ui' icmainiii!; oountriM not Included wi the tabular statemeni m-ow bout 10 per oent. of the world's total erop, as known to the trade : the totals of the tlireo years mnv und?r review ropresent, t lwri'fore, !)0 percent of the total product. Any variat ion in the yields of the aareported orops would not affect tbe graad total more than 1 or 2 per cent. We now giw the oroiw of the fcwelve Chief countries : Hu. 1892. Bu. 1891. Bu. I890. I"nitc;d States- 515,000,000 fll,000,OOU 399,000,000 liussia Riid Poland 200,000,000 170,000.000 210,000.000 Ontario and Mauitoba 4:1,000,000 .V. .000 ,000 37.000.00" Frauce- ::ii,000.00u 212,000,000 8ffiy000,000 India 210.OOU.000 275,000,0110 22ti,000,00O Germauy 97,000,000 85,000,000 93,000,000 Austria -1 4f,,0(K 1.000 n'1,000,000 4J.000.000 Hungary l:'.").ooo,CKH) l.w.OOO.oOO United K'Kd'm, Gl.OIXJ.IIOO 7:..000,0ü0 70,000,(KXI Italv 111,000.0.10 WS.OOO.OOO 12000.000 Spain 7li,0C0,00) 72.IXI0.0OO 7:,000.000 Koiunania 5.s,K 0,000 ').000,000 72,000,000 Total 1,929,000,000 1,928,000,000 1 M2,000,IMX) Very unrellable statistlcs. ► Ncxt Siuiday nlgbt Rev. J. T. Sunderland will lMí;in a neries if evenlng serinons at t'iie Initarian church, on 'Tb Labor Problem and its Proposed Solutions." The dates and subir 1 will 1m' as follows : Feu. 12.- The Relations of Capital and Labor. The CapitalUt' View. The Workinan's View. What is the Labor Problem? Feb. 19.- Trades Unlons, Strikes, and Arbitration, as a Solutiou of the Labor Problem. F mi. 2ii -Restrietionof Immigration as a Bolution. Marcii 5.- The Single Tax.and Other Proposed Improved Metliods of Taxation. as aSolution. Makcii 19.- (Mornlng).- Co-operation, ProfitSharing, Capitaüzation of Labor. etc., as a Solution. March 19.- Nationalism and Other Forms of Socialism as a Solution. Makcii 26.- Summary of Conclusions Reached. Some Things that are Clear.


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Ann Arbor Courier