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Instances Of Non-partisanship

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Before the republicana talk any more .bout non-partisanship, let them look tio Laiiising. - Angus. Yes, look to l&imLug. The preeeding democratie legiel&ture not only turned republieans out of their seats, and kept them out, but they stole seate without going through any fonn of law or anything else. That was partisanship of the kind that if persisted in would soon ruin the nation. The present legüslafcure, ha ving democratie Mats contestad by republicana luave practically decided to nllow the demoerats to rema in, alttough the reimblii au eunti'stants made out good íases. 1 A.rgus tnjght poseibly gain some dea of non-partisansihip from AbraJiiam Ijneoln., when lie appointed Steplien J. Field associate justice of tli.' Buprenue eourt ; and fro-m our pris ent pi-csideiit in appointing Jadg Jackson as xssociate justice of the supreme court ; of tlie demoerats aml republieans in New York state where eiac'h party endorsed the other's candidate for supreme judge, and numerous otliier instances might be mentioned. Even right here in onr oivn city tlie present republican postmaster has kept the office force equally divided between the tvo great parties. The repealing of tlie Jliner law was not parti&iusliip, it was patriotism, which was so evident to even the democratie members themsolves, that wbari tiie measure was up iK'fore the house, not a single democrat had a word to offer wiiy it should not be repealed, or in defense of the rankly partisan body that passed the obnoxious measnre. In tliis oonnection the following paragraphs from the Adrián I'rcssmay be soothing to the nerve of some of our democratie friends : It seenus tbere are some demoerats in the state wlio are liedding big crocodile tears because Urn republieans tip over the Miner law, and prate a gi-eat deal about tlie wrong it does tihe people in whose interest it was enacted. , Away witli such nonsense. It was ('TiiKted to gain democratie support, and not to pleas tliO people. -Had tiie state been as sure democratie as Kentucky, does anyone suppose the Miner law would have been enacted? The democrate .would do the same tlhiing as the republieans are doing if it was their cart that was empty. It is tihe fairest way to cboose electors in a state wliere the minority can always secure one or more, provided tibe demxrats are in the minority. If the demiocrats have a sure thing like Kentucky or 'Mtesouri, tlien the old way is tlhe best. See ?


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