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A Chance For Sunshine

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The X. Y. Sun is ealling t,o Ita aid ïll the vituperative wiords possible to obtain in all the dictionaries of the the world to expresa it dislike of the late President Hayes. Tlie Sun believed Hayes did not have a good title to tilue preekiency, and has not the common decency to allow the avful .present-e of doath to ailonce its venomous tongue. Here ia a clipping from the X. Y. Presa tihat reflects the belief of perliaps nine-tenths of the republicana of the country. It is eepeclaUy dedicated to Mr. Dana, of tlue .Sun. He shiould read and reflect : The statement of the Iiev. Dr. MaeArthur in hfe sermón on Stinday thal lie believed Mr. Blaine was cheated out of tilue pre-sidency in 1884 after he was fairly eleeted by the votes of th people, revives an old story. Man prominent republieans at least shar Dr. MacArthur's belief, and it would be interesthig if the matter could be settled. Dut it is likely always to renuatn a disputed question. Mr. Blaine luimself believed thiat the ballots in this state were mnipulated so as to give Mr. Cleveland thíe electoral vote of tih state. I asked him about the matter several years ago. He said: "I do not care to be interviewed on 1'he su'bject as it can do no good iiow, but I will say to you personally that I believe I was electcd in 1884. I believe enougli Butler votes were couoted for Mr. Cleveland in this city and Kimgs county to defeat the republican ticket." "Have you any proof of this?" I said to Mr. Blaine. '"Y'es," he replied, "plenty of proof, and a great deal of it comes from demcratic sources, too.""Why aiot make it public ?" Mr. Blaine siliook his head. "Not now," he said. ''Perhaps I may some time - aftei" I am dead and gone.- fae added. Mr. IJlaine's private papers may be fouud to contain some impor tant inSormation on this subject wiuich will be of value to the future historian. He always said he did not believe Mr. Cleveland was a par ty to ttue f rand- tliat he probably had no personal knowledge of it. In expreesAng this opinión Jlr. Blaine evineed chiaraeteristic generosity toward lus opponent. A lady received 30 votes for United States senator in North Dakota last week. Wiho says we are not progressi'ing ? It is believed to be a fact tliat protection and pensions will perish toffether. Mortification will begin to set in Mareh 4th. It isn't so mentioned in any work on natural history, but from the worm of the still has descended many a family of Oood big snakes.- Tory Prees. Tliere is one republican in the Texas egislature, and he is a colored man. It is a great mystery to all of Texas how m Great Scott that fellow was allowed to get there. The Hawaiian Islands have two live, wide awake volcanoes. The United States need these to out-do Vesuvius and some of the old country half dead craters. By all raeaus annex Hiawaii. Mr. Gorman, the gentleman who occupied thie Beat in congrios set apart for the 2d district of Michigan, has ntroduc-ed a. bilí to re-peal the civil service act. "Jimmie" wants no iinpedimentis in .the wajy. Those wlio favor return to capital yuiiislunent in this state will please ake note thiat both Virginia and Texis, In willen recent disgraceful lynchïigs have ocenrred, have capital pun.slmient upon their statute books. It is aald that tlie oppements of Gen. Ir&gg, the man who "loved Clevcand for Vhe enemics lie liad made," Bed bi-metallic "argnments" wltlh _i-cat Erncoeee againet liim In the reent senatorial contest in Wisconsin. Those "arguments" won, and poor irag-g will nevpr be a I". S. senator. In 1880 the silk fabric nianufacturel in t'he United States during tliat -car amiounted ín value to $34,500,000. In 18Ü0, after ten j'ears of republian protectjon, the amount of similar na nu factures in this country wa.s valed at over -ü'.,000,000. Tliis nercase of $34,500,000, or 100 er cent., was caused by republiean potectim. - Mail and Express. The state convention of the populist meets at Ionia, to-morrow, Feb 9fch. It is stronigly intimated that some of the democratie papers in this district draw their inspiration from Washington - on certain subjects . The supreme oourt has awarded Capt. Belknap a certifícate of election as cortgressinnn from the Grand Bapide district, but we predict the 'house wfll not award hini the seat fhat SêlongB to him. In Battle Cretk thie eoinmon council ordcred tlie street car company to keep. salt off tlneir tracks, and in conBequence the company wêre obliged to sihut down and wait for a thaw, wlnile those wlio do not have horses have to walk- and tliey are in the majority, too. The people of Europe believe that frh inhiabitants of the United States are sinking rapidly toward canibalism. They think, and rightly, too, t'hat it is only one step from the inhuman barbarism of the people of Paris, Texas, to the gemiine cannibals of the original Cannibal Islands. The Methodists talk seriously of establishing a religious daily in Chicagio. Ittvat is exactly what Chicago heeds, but can the patiënt be induced to take the medie Int ?- Cedar Springs Clipper. "Birds that can sing, and won't sing, must be made to sing." You've heard about that story, hnven't you? Last year 4,000 new postofflees were established ín the United States, and 557,646 unmiailable letters wero "mailed," of which 36,612 had no address at all or any mark to desígnate from Whence they came or whithtiiey,should go. Which goes to prove tbat there are a great many absentminded people in this -vorld. Gov. Riih is republicanizing the state service as rapidly as possible. I. B. Greene lias been appointed by him ae county agent of the state bord of corrections and charities, in place of Tracy L. Towner.- Ypsilanti Sentinel. Of course tliere was no politics in it wihen Gov. Winans bounced Mr. Greene, and appointed Towner in his place ? Oh ! no. Certainly r.ot ! It is altogether probable that there will sooTi be four new states, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, and Oklahoma, wit-h no territories except the Indian territory and Alaska. But when Canada and the Hawalian Islande are annexed, we sh,all have enough territories to last for tiiE life-time of a nation. But they are not annexed y et. The Ypsil.-mti Sentinel says lithe world is governed too much." That may be o in soiuo instanoes. But if there could be a little more of the lighi sort of government, in some loalities, sucli barbarous scènes as have ecently been enacted in Virginia and Texas where mobs hung and roasted nen without trial or any proof of fullt, would be done away with. It s enouirlt to make the head of cvery American Citizen droop in shame to ead iIlb ai-cim-iits of these barbarities. The York papers are firni in lie belief that Mr. Cleveland got niped, linaneially, in a whisky trust eal he went iuto sometime since on lie reconimendation of his bosom lend, Win. C. WMtney. And it is ow aald that lie does not belteve the hisky trust was trustwortliy as a ublic trust. That he rather trust public office, in fact, but would not ruvst his beretoflore much loved secreary witii an office of any kind. Clevei;ii(l and AVlhitney are said to be out, nd 'Mu not speak as t'bey pass by."


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Ann Arbor Courier