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Four degrees below zero at T o'clocl tliis a. m. The Ann Arbor Press Club is- what are you HiniHntg about ? This is 110 joke ! Ladies lea and social at the Pres byterran churcli, Thursday at 6 o'clock. You are invitert. Tliis has been bad weather for thoso good New Years resolutions. Bort of Blippery, don't 'ciher know. The ladtes of St. Andrew'e church will be deliigihted to sec you at Harris Hall Thursday evenliig at 0 o'clock. The TV. F. M. S. of the M. E. church will meet on Friday, at 3:30 p. m., at the resJdence of Mrs. Burd, 12 8. State st. Win. Herz luns bought of Hutzel & Co. tiheir stock of window glaes, whieh stock of goode they will handle no longer. The fire alarm Sunday p. m. was camsed by the burntag out of a chimney at the residenee of Jlrs. Sliadford, OB the NorthSide. I'rof. F. N. Scott giives the next lecture before the Unity Club, next Monday evening, Feb 13. Subject, au illustrated art lecture. Leonard Foster, of Ann Arbor, has been drawn. as a traverse juror for the March term of the United States court, to be held in Detroit. The Knights Templar lea ve on the 2:19 traja ïor Jacksoe, tlhis p. m.- not to remiain for a term of years, but to have a jolly good time to-night. Col. H. S. Dean and Evart H. Soott, oï this city, and Mac C. LeBeau, formerly of Ann Arbor, are vipon the general reeeptton committee of the Micliigan Club banquet for tbe 22d. The middle of the street has been very popular the past week, for pedeBtriams, who have preferred its broad way 'to the congealed slipperynees of the straight and narrow walk. Mise Anna Adams and her pupils gave an exhibition of China painting, at the 'home of TV. D. Adams, on S. División st., last Thursday afternoon and evening, that elicited much favorable comment. On Saturday night next, Hon. Henry Atterson, the famous editor of the famous Louisville Courier-Joumal, is lo speak at TJniversity Hall, before the Studeuts' Lecture Association upon "Money and Moráis." One of the absurd combinations of the day is a "character and lemon botval." Hbw the two will mix is a question. Whisky and lemon is said to "'assimilate" very well, but there's no particular character in it. The democratie county convention, to elect delegates to tihe state and judicial conventions, and to nomínate i oandidate for county commissioner of sciiools, will be held at the court house in this city, Thursday, Feb. itHh. Ash Wednesday, the beginning of ]nt, occurs Feb. 15tb. Only a few more days of gaiety. Easter SunUay occurs April 3. Last year Lent (Ommenced March 2d, and Easter came April 19th. Tliis is an earlj' season no doubt. ■ ' School Commleeioner Cavanaugh found hiow cold the weather rcally was In (hile visit to the Bridgewater schools kast Friday. It i said that when he "clucked" to iiis hoise, the "cluck" would freeze tip and drop before reaching the liiorse's eare. ,Oiíi. S. Fall, wife and three children, Mr. and Mre. l'eter Daieress, and Mr. and Mrs. McKay and child, all leave for -the land of perpetual bloom, Loe Angeles, Oal., nest Monday. Mr. Fall and Tamily will eave here Friday, remaindng with relatives in Albion umtiil Sionday. Two coasting accidents of a serioue mature happened on the N. State Yt. hill last, evening. Harry Brown, oldest som of H. J. Brown, had nis ïight leg broken a-bout midway betVeen tlie ankle and kneé. Tlie next accident was to Jolun P. Kearney, iHjokkeeper at tlie F. & M. Bank, wlio ii ad nis right leg broken t.wice, in siuh a way tluit Dr. Darling thinks it possible t'hat he may loee the use of the limb entirely. The trouble at tliiis liill comes írom the eleds sleiïilg around nnd lutting the posts at tihie poilnt iwhere they turn to go down to the 'M. C. station. It is a daiigerous hül, tind coasting upon it ought to be proilijbited. Fraternity Lodge F. & A. M. work the 3d (logree Friday night. The new Colurnbian postage stamp has evidently tome to stick. People are 'independent these days, if they ban't -walk they can elide. The teachers from the Howell schools visited the Ann Arbor schools last Friday. Rev. Henry Oelston, of Florida, writes to iiis ieople here, that his orange erop iias been badly frozen. Gov. RR'h hiae re-appolmted Bishop Geo. D. Gíllespie a member of the State Board of Correefcion and ('haráties. "Jesuti the Teacher" wlll bc the topic next ISabbatli niorning in the M. E. cihiwch. In the evening there will be no sermón, but questions will bc answered. Thie Northside Slinging Club are to give a musical and literary entertainment at the cbapel on Monday evendng next, tJie sam-3 to close with a box social. The public invited. E. J. Dennen hos been choeon warden of tlie Kunday evening Vesper services at St. Andrew's öhurch, and he togiether with the Reetor will dhoose subejete and select speakers Sor future meetings. Tlie store of C. A. M'aynard on State st., wns broken into last Frlday niglit, th,e tlnieves taking what ehange tbcre was iiii tlhe money drawer. They gained am entrance by breaking a liglit of glaas in the rear door and reaching in and tïie key. At tlie initatory vesper service for young people, held in the chapol of St. Andrew'x cliurch last Sumday erenimg. Prof. B. M. Tüiompson gave a twenty-minute talk tlint was excellent. Some of Vive congregattjon went so far as to intímate tbat the professor wooild nwike a good preacher. The presentation of "Living Whist," tío be given nt t'he opera house Thnr.sday and ITriday eveningsi, by Prof. and Mis, Itoss Graniger, wlll be one of the most enjoyable emtertainments tihat has been presentcd for public apjiroal tlhis season. It wlll be well viiortlli the táme and money expended in attending. The closiiig recital oí the first semester of t'he Normal Conservatory of Music, of Ypsilanti, Frederick H. Peaise, director, occurred at the Ypsilamti Opera House last evening. The programme was a magnificent one, containing the crème de la crème of Ypsilanti musical circles. Miss Alice Cramer, of this city, was upon the programme for one select jan, "Song - Do you Remtmber ? by Godard. The last Dowaigiac Republican devdtee a page to tihe dedicatory cv èrcises of tüie Beckwith Memorial Theatre, recently held in tliat place, at wiilch Col. Robert G. Ingersoll was tttie sta.r performer. There is only one o"tiher such theatre in tho country. [t wás erected by tdie widow of the late Piulo D. Beckwith, of Dowagiac, as a memorial, and is prooiounced one of the finest in the state. The Liiglit lunches served at Harris EHall Saturday afternoons, up to C o'clock, are delightful, inexpensive, and delk-ious. The coffee is extraordinarly ne, and the cake and sandwiches nelt in your moutlh White you carry O'ii a scientific conversation with the lady wüio is eervlng you, in regard :o tlue status of the weather. Doubt ■t do you ? Tillen learn by experience the truth. Go and see tor your self. Igmaoe J. l'aderewwki, the distin■iiisiiod Polieh, who has createda great furore in tJiis country and u Europe for hlB marvelous perforniuires, -will give a single concert at Detroit, in the Auditorium, on Februu-.v 2f7. This is the only concert to h' siveu by I'aderewski in ttiis scction of the state tliis year, he bciug under . ontraft not to appear agaia at , ruit al Ann Arbor or "isilanti tliis ; "ear. ( Amoiiiï taiose receivlog votes for the . ree AVorldV Pair trip liiven by the ] ifiroit .loinnal, we notice that Chas. 3. Edwards, the fajthful and popular i meiïïber of oiir fire dopiartment, lins , 93 votes. If all of our citizens who s ako tiie Journal would cut out their oupons and either aend thera in or mud them to some of Cliarlie's friends ] vilo would gladly eend them for lijm. 1 e could Boon Bèt (Miouuh votes to i give foton a íree trip to the World's 'air, for tiuere are between 300 and 400 Journials taken here. Frdday evening last was not a very ïviting one for ploasure partles, yet ihere were two loads of as jolly people as ever rode in a eleigfai, who went o Mr. and Mrs. Popklns, in Dixboro, flliat evemiuig and enjoyed tlio klndly íospitíilities of tlieir commodioue raanilon. The parïy was cliaperoned by Oliver in tlie highest style of he Ltrt, and the beautiful presenta preented to tlire dignified lady and lovey gentleman winners Avere of the most ostly and suierb quality- the preents - yes, tlhe winners also, if you ke. At tlie nexf meeting of this Apolonarius Club it is announced that Freddie & AVillie will be the prize winers, and great expectations are being aiSed over ttoe prospect. It will iirobbly be tire gTeal losing social event tüch the Lenten season will cause o ceae. A coal lamine in Ann Arbor - not a eoal dealer 'has any goft coal in their yards and can not get an order filled more. Tlie persons who owned skates and knew enougfli to use thein, were about tthe only ones wlio could get about town Monday. Bert Baldwta, son of Alonzo Baldwin, formerly residente of the Northside, was killed recently bjr accident in a mili in the northem par? of the State. The Unitiarian vhurch was not large enough to diold all the people who desired to iiear Prof. Fiske, of Harvard, upon tihe "Mystery of Evil," funday eveninn'. Eugene Gibiiey died at his home ■on N. Miain st., on Feb. 4thi, and his funeral was held at St. Thomas church M'onday mornfng. He was 44 years oíd, amd leaves a wife and four cliildren. He wem a brotllir-ín-law of exSheriíf Wm. Walsh, and of Jerry Wateh. In tihe circuit court Mooday Jolin Gormian plead igruilty to burglary, and was senteneed 'to lonia for two years. He broke into a saloon at Manchester. Herman Stoll, w"ho was accused of breaktog open then charity box of I5ethleliem cliurch, plead guilty and was genteneed to Ionia for six months. Rev. Anna. Sflisiw, of Boston, gav her lecture on "God's Wonien" last Fridny ni'gtot to a large audience of the Unity Club. She has a well culturedjnind and lias the happy faculty of intersp-ersing liier discoowae with a ve in of wit and sarcasm in mattere pertaining to men and women that kept her audience in a constant flow öf smiles - laugflïter and admiring Cheers. Fred Rettkh, Jr., after an illness extcmling over several montliLS, dicd at Inte lióme on E. Huron st., yeeterday monirag, aiged 'iiearly 30 years. He wias a mati've of tihde city, and had one of th'O8 peculiar dispositions that made every acquaintance a friend. He was married on tihe 12th of April 1882, to Miss SaraSii Staebler, who togetber with a little dauighter, suvvive Mm. Funeral services Till bc 'held to-morrow, Tliursday, from the ïamily residence, Eev. Max. Hein conducting the sMine. A small boy in one of the public schools not a thousand miles from , Ann Arbor, wiais required to write a coniposition on King Henry the YlIItli. He valiantly tackled the job and tlhe following was the unique , sult : "King Henry AIII. was the . gi'eatest widower that ever lived. He was born at Annie Domino in the year 10G6. He hjad 510 wives besides ehildren. Tlie first was beheaded and afterwiarde executed, and the second was revoked. Henry VIII. was succeedèd on tlhe throne by hls grandmother, tihe beautiful Mary Queen of Scots, eometimes ealled the Iady of the Lake, or ttoe Lay of the Last Minstrel." - Argus. H. A. AVilliams, of Aim Arbor, was lwakened tlie othor night, by a red iiiot coal of fire falHng from the overliead eeiling and lodging betweon liis náiglvt-shirt and the back, of nis neck. A liftle thing like tlnat alwaj-s annoys WdllSame, Tiiioge uerves are not very eetxcatg, and Hie feit so put out pn tJtoie occasion that he soon got up. It wias tortu.iiata tor Jlim that he did ; tor while engaged in planning some worde tSiiat wonld adquately oonvey thoughts, he diecovered tlhat the house was burning up. He iininediately put on hi.s day shirt, dreswed, combed nis tuaAr and went and notSíled Hic ftre depiurtment, whirh saved the houee by a lively fight. - Adrkin I'i'css. If the Michigan Central R. R. can-ies out its pla.n of running surburban trains from Detroit to Aun Arbor and return, putting the fare at one cent per mile, we do not join in the fear of some of our business men that it will depress any branch of trade in Aim Arbor. We knnw per&omally of people who llave lieen to Detroit to purchase goois, fuiiiii ure. carpeta, etc., who have retumed to Aim Arbor and made their parchases, belag perfectly satisfied tlitit Ithey cnulil obtain better fignree, for the same quallty of goode, than fthey coulü in Ietroit. For a 'time some few might run down there a.nd 'make purchases but tfctey would scan ,tirc of it. There would be a great many advantages to be obtained by 'the establishment of such a. train fecrviee. The Snlhie Observar takcs some of íts Detroit and Ann Arbor exchanncs bo tesk tor exaggpratimig the small pos scare near that place. The Obsorvir stiates that "there were but three of the disease, and one of ilu'in .slisilu," and that the farm house where arc is 110 nearer Saline thiui 1lHs city, and that ''only last y-aturday (Ann Arbor) permitted one of tlie family where the is raigirag to go to and around her streets and stores, jio one offering any objections." If tliis last statement is correct it "wae because no one knew of jt, and lf tono of that family did come Jiere, or go finywliere elsc, unnecessarily exposing people ,to t!he dread disease, he or slie ought to be made to suffer for it. It was a cruel, and reprehensible act. Ye.s, it "va.s a crime, and ouight to be punished as a crime. Here you have it ! A bilí has been introdueed'into ttoe Minnesota legislature "prohdbiting the manufacture, sale or use of fooopsbirts withln the lhndte of fhat state, umder a penalty Of $25." Now tJiie sanie old question arises agaiai : "Wlll prohibition prohibí t ?" Rev. A. F. FroBt, pastor of the Xew Jerusalem (Swedenborgian) cliurch in Detroit, wlll lecture Priday evening, Feb. lOth, in the Dteciples' church on S. University ave. His subject is : "The Views of Renan and Ingersoll Respecting Jesus and Gospels considered and refuted." Dr. ffm. A. Ewiiig, lit. '04, of New York, lost ibis eon, Alexantler L. Ewing, last week Thursday. He was 21 yeare old, attending t,he University of Virginia gjid greatly beloved by students and profeesors. Dr. Bwing 'was bom in Dexter, where his fatliier wias a physicinm. On Mouday last judigment was rendered in tflie circuit court in favor of the Superintendente of the Poor of this county, against Mary Rabbitt, for $503.83. ,Tliis was for the care of her son at Pontiac, for which it appeared Bihe was alnundantly nble to pay instead of making him a county charge. Mr. Allor, oí the observatory, informs us ítnat Mr. R. K. Palmer, and not h.imself 'is the etate weather observer at tinte point, amd that the rain fhat feil on 96 days of last year was lOOtths of an ncli instead of one inch, as given in the item last week, the entire rain íall for the year was only 31.84 nethes. The Uniiversity School of Music will gSve, imder its auspices, a magnit'ieent series of oh-amber cooicerts, begtondng Meordi -2. The price of season tickets will be $1.50. A Pupils' Recital will be given Satuirday, Feb. lltlh, at 4 p. m. Tlie first semester eloses Feb. 17tih. Regis trati on lor seeond semester will bagin tiliis week. 'Mr. g. "VV. Bea.kes haring sold an intei-etit in the Argus to S. W. Curtis, the firm will liereafter be Beakes & Cartds. Mr. Curtía is a gradúate of the literary department, elass oï '92, from Monroe,- whicli accounts for his politics- and was president of rht' O. oí M. democratie club year. He returned this year to a ooui'sc in tlie law department, but havtog Imrned his fingei"s with printer's ink by belng manager of the U. of M. Dailj', lie has done a very sensible tliiiiii aiul gone into the business iiermaiieiitly. Mr. Curtis is n pleasant ueutlcnian, and will be heartily "welcomed into the ranks of the Aim Arinir Preee Club. "Sdde-Trackecl" Is a comedy drama tliat not only pleaees the public, but lias in-oven Itself worthy of praise ior tltie manaer in which the autlior bias constructed eacli individual character. Mr. Jule Waltere', as Horatio Xerxes Bootüi, as an independent representative of the American congress is very aniusing-. The way Mr. "Walters illustrates the ch'aracter is ex:r uc i atingí y funny. The autlior fcúae leen liberally eudowod by nature w il h a. fund of iinniili'd humor and patino-s, admiringly saiited to the requiirements of tlie piecc. Among all the railroad plays now before the theatri -al loving public, "Side-Tracked" is decidedly t'he better of them. There is somet'htog indcsiribably "eatching" in the play and the chief player. Mr. Waltere is a gemdus. It must be so. H is an artist and while on tlie stage pulls the play up to his own level. Tlwvt'8 the secret of the pereninal popularity of "Side-Tracked." There are m,any etriking and original features introdxiced and are deserving of special comment. Every member of "Side-Tracked" is an estallished artist and every feature a uovelty. It is safe to place "SideTracked" above any railroad comedy touring the country. It will be seen o.t Grand Opera House Feb. llth


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Ann Arbor Courier