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Col. Dean's Candidacy

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The prominent republican papers t.hrouglmut the state have lxrn eanvamáag tbe (ju. stion of the nomination for Regent of the Daivere-lty, and so ïna.ny good words are unid in favor of Col. H. S. De.i.n, of tliis city, that ue iVel compellcd to let readers know limv nniih uur fellow citizn is ;houi;iit of by peogle oí Michigan : The Republican and Oourier of Cold water and tlie Adrián Timee have eecn had art i, les favorinir (dl. Deans candidaey. 'l'lie Republl au, in an articie opon the .snltjeit says : '"Uw BepubUceo te Incllned to iavor tliat nonii'iiation ior several reasons: First, we believe it would be an ImproveiiHMit of tilie present plan to have at least one resident regent who is a representiat.ive man of t4ttï state ; and. eiml, Col. Deen is a resident of Atui Arbor, and be ta atoo a dlstlnctivcly representativa man of Michigan, politieaily and eocially. "Col. Dean is an energotie and sucessfnl business nvan, with an nnass-a,ilalle record - B man who has no superior In the confldence or respect m' liis fellow citizens, who have honored h.ini witli ma.iiy po.-itions of trust whicli be ha filled to their complete atisi"aetion. He is doübtless a practical man, and familiar with out univerattty and its needs. "In tihie etttte Col Dean is known as a live repiiblk-an. an unusually ElcU't-e olksei'ver - one who knows men and luw to deal with them, and himself a man of stronii eonscientious conviction.s. Hta iirmy record is firstClaee, and so popular is he with the veterans that he holds to-day the position of depnrtment commander in fine (i. A. B. of Mii-lliiran. "Would it not be well to plaoe at least one intelligent friond of the University upon the board of regents, who would pre hls persnal attention to ite needs and the expenditure of its fuixls ? The Republiean believes that it xuld, and we do not think of a better mii.n upon whom to experiment' thcan Col Dean." The Manistee Advocate spcaks of tlue subject in this wiay :■ "Tlw Ami Arbor Courier has presented for oooslderaflbo fy the republicano of the Btnte, the name of Col. Henry S. Iean of Weatoben&W eounty as a candidate for Regent of the state DadTOratty. Col. Dean is a man of widc aequaintanee tbroughout the state. He is at the helm of the Michigan dcpartmeiit of the G. A. R. and is well known as a man of unquestioned integrity and good business ability. Col. Dean lives at Ann Arbor and no dne in the state is better acquainted with the reeds of our great university tfaan he. His friendis in this part of the state will be pleascd to know of His candidacy and if nominated and elected every one can íeel assured tbat the affaire at the Dnlverelty will le w.isely and economically adminisherod." Tbe Port Huron Daily Times has had sev-eral nrticles favoring Col. liciu's pandldacy, and among others, tliis paragraph : "Tlie Anm Arbor Courier and Kegistr bring out Ooi. Henry s. Dean, of filmt city. as a candidato for the re[nibli.aii jKiminaiiun for Regent of the T'niversity at tiie spring election. Col. Daan te admirably quallfled tor the iil;uc and tin' 'i'iines hrartily Indorgeg i nipiuiiraiion." The Daily M.tnlng Journal, of Marquette, is : "Thei-e i bo be :i regest ui the Ktate T'niveisiiy eleeted the (iniii!j: spring and The Mining Journal hopes to see the reimblkanw of the state honor uüh a nomination ae thelr candldate office CJol. Henry S. lean, of Wiastoteaaw connty. We are all proud of the state Dnlrerslty and deeply Interented in its oontlnued advaneement. For tliis reason we are all roneerned in having iis boanl o! ivüi'uts composed of men wlio take jnide in the si.iie. uiio appreciate tne value to it of it s eduoatkmal yetin and Instlt ut ons. and wlm eau le relied on to give zealone attention to tlie dis1i,u-e of llicir iliities in eonnection therewüth. Colonel Dean is su h a man. He han a reputatiou throughout the Mate for the sagaeity of a high order aaid' great energy in the M.-eomiilisüiment of -whatever he undeiia.kcs to do. He won renown in thie lal war as a '-olonel in the Union arniy. ■oniinanding a Michigan leuriiiie ut. a.nd hi nomination would be very Krat i íy i ng to tlie old soldiers of the etate. It is KOiuowliat early to bring out candidatee tor a position a so well fitted for rt as Col. Döain iis for regein of tlie state University. The Mining Journal trusks tlnat the republicans of this península will eend i delegation irieiidly to him to the utate eonvention wliien it is held, tor it is certalu tha't a Jetter man for the place can not be found in Michigan." These are only specimens representtng all sections of thie state; there are scores of others just as complimentary thnt might le quoted, did epace pcrniit. Tliese bIiow which way the wind blows.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier