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Dexter is to i e.w b;mk. No school ;it las! flri s larlet fever. The Inwlcrville 01 ï ■ v r la bragging (kboui thcir BCbools. The Enterprise wants oíd photographs or ptotxures oí buildings in and alxmt tbat villaire. If tlu' (armera wlll agree to raise the eucumbers, Manchester will havo i ])rkif íactory nexi summer. A. ]. Powere & ükm, of Xorthville. y ,it So. Lyon, and 1m ready tor buataesa in tlic t-l'i I The weather was qnlte inilil on Tuesday. and "new" maple sugai will lxín tlic marki't in a few daye. - Man. 'iicstcr Enterprise. T1h Dexter New .-ays ihat "a vcin of ridi soft coal" was Btruck a few áaye sinee on tlic farm oí Mre. Schultz, letwe-n BtUK and I'ortago lakoa. Hiulson lias imc lnmdred and eleven widows. Th-eir property is assessed at $277.000 and ilicy contribute $2,800 to the imhlic treasiry in tases. Richard AValsh, of Web6ter, Oled Jan. 20, at tiis homo, aged 83 years. A iiative üf Ireland, lie c&BM to AmcriOft in 1S28, and tu tliis c(iunty n 1836. Stímpaon, f Milán, has invented a eomputing attaohment for ecales Tvtilch Indícate the exact ■weiirht and ost of any anirle at any price per pound, says the Leader. A burgular was captnred at Manchester the other night, wlm had broken into a saloon and filled up 00 "btidge." He proved to be nn oíd offender who liad served time at Ionia. Tlie time was when gome people who "vere compelled to sii)sst on a diot of pork and potatoes, ttionght themwlvee terribly i 11 used. The time U uow when thoee two articles of produce are Usted nmong ttie luxuries íind thse same people are kioking bccauee of tilieir BC&rclty. Verily, gome Ieople are never satisfied. - Poxter Xewe. A ery unique plan for raising funds frae been adopted by the Ladies' Social Union of tbe Baptist diuieh. It is proposed to hold birthd.iy parties amoag tbe memtwra of the Dnton, and ach moniter in ivliosc honor the pary is held, í-liaíl dejiotíit in the treasnry tlie immliei1 of cents that the nienilr te years oíd.- I'owierville Obeerver. Anot'her adíeme of ili" ladies to tOioAv hoiv youns they are? The Dnndee si-hool board (Sepa of the $9.000 bonds of tiu' district, to reptace Un bondi faiiing doe Feb. 1, to tïi Wiayne ('ounty Savings l'.ank. Detroit, at five per cent. interest, the bank fuinishinir the Mank bonds and paying all expenses of tthetr issue There were Bix bidden tot tibe bonds. -Reporter. Tiie boodü taken lip were held in tliis city, and were paid in full and t-ancelled last Wednesday. J'lie citizens of Wayne, held a meeting last week t talk over the proprieiy of bonding the villaire to secure maTiiii'atoiH's. The talk was ijnite favorable and a toininittee was ap])Ointed. W understand tihat one or two large iaitoiies are ready to looaite tliere f a Itttle assistanee is proffered them. - Plyniouth Mail. How ivould it do ior Wayne to induce Borne railroad to lócate a passeimcr depot in that villaje V A good Btory is told of a minister who, finding the fire in the grate liad gone out, asked his wife to et BOmefhing dry with whieh to relight it. Tlie good diñan left the room, and there was ji humorous twinkle in her eye when she retnrned from t,he gurret a few minutes later with an armfnl of her lmsband's old sermons and tlie remark : "I don't know of auytblng dryer tban these, dear I" - Nortihville Record. The new hook aaid eye tliat are peculilar because the hook has a hump in it luave been Bucceeded by a hook Miat ib peculiar for two humps between w.hivh the eye s held in place Tims rapidly Soes iiiventicm suceeei invention in this lnnd of novelties. - Chelsea. Herald. Uro. Alliwon is a raaji pretty well along in years, but Jxe must be quite kitteiiish yet, 01 be would not be able to go into Buch mJnute details on this hook and eye business. In a chuiik of Ice delivered to ai Ordhard Lakc le.-itaurant recentlj tihere was Mnbedded a f rog. Af ter be ingon'exhiUition and viewed by manj people, the frlgtd priaon wam smashed The frog wax like no imu-h stone. It was put mear tJie stove, and in twc hours it TO as lively as it ever wa in a summer iond. It was frozen il the ice at least ten months.- Iviving ftoiiDemocrat. Thet'a a pretty goot frog üut you just wait na til it's time for snakes ! Does it evet oecnr to tJie averag resident that strangers wlio visit (lul sea otteo Dbtain very untavorable lm pressions of our village by reaaon o the first eights tliat greel tliem ? It' a (act iiuvertlieles. For instanci three-fourths of these samo visitor ■ ume-here by rail, and the first ob ject upon wiiich their eyes rost is a ïew old tumble-down wooden build ,.n the ttmi si'le of Nnrth Main „tred. r.ui we are glad to aote that town powessea other lii.U pavt-ally make ap ior the firs; eived. Few places bain as .-ulistantinl aiul weU kept Uusáness blócka ana fine ea. The town ais. cènmany bandeóme buildings and groumds. I streti ae well shaded and kept ta good repair. Probably do i.iu-n to bicsscii with a Ilner farmiiii rountry or a more Intelligent close t! farmers tiian can be found In


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Ann Arbor Courier