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i -i Chamber. Aun Ai-luir. Feb. 6, 1893. i; ■ ü- í 1 : : :■ BCMiOIl. PrwWepi Oobley being absent, öie ,unrii .is ealled to order by the clerk. BoH called. Quorum preent. Absent- Alilx. rergustm, Renberg, rrcttyiiiiin, I'its. Oooley- 4. On mot ion of Aid. Si-huirer, Aid. Kitson was ek-cted preattiapt pro trm. The jouroal of the last aeuton was approved. A petltion froni the residente and property owners on ISrooks tstreet, 3d ward, asking tlnat a grade be 68ttkblMKÁ n l!i k Btteet, I80 to grade the írnid Btreet to the grade wJieu established. Accepted and referrod to the committee on etreete. To the Ion. ihr Mai'ir, and roinniun CouncU. Uenti.emen: The Board of Public Works beg to submit to yon, as per requirements of law eoverning the same, n report of the year s h orkings of the Struet Fund. from Jan. lst, to Dec. SI. l.-ití. THOMAS J. KKECH, V. J. MILLER, President. Clerk. To the Honorable, the Boiinl o Public Workt: I herewith submit my report of expenditure of Street and Bridge, Culvert aud crosswulk Fund's for the past year. TABLE OF E-XPESD1TVKE BY MONTHS. 1892 January street labor and material, - 1 229 91 ;ebru7, - ;; ;; -- gg ípril - 077 00 May - 9S6 66 ju]y7 ... 875 26 Augl'ist, - " " ' ' - 30 98 September, " - '■'■';■ ctober_- --- JS ' November, " " " - 85 43 December , " " " - 11 Total - 6 39 TABLE OF FURPOSE FOB WHICH FUSD8 WEKE EXPENDE. tieneral street work 2f5S 91 CleaningstreetB aud alluys - 1808 A City Eugineers salary and help 6 28 Artificial stone walk constructed, 888 Se Sewerpipe - Gravel J i upplie; (hardware, etc.) 14 50 Sprinkliiifí streets, ( i0 00 Snow ploughing - ":;- "" l'uviiisistones, 1' Land for struighteninK and widening Bumralt st , west of Main st 1 ('0 Land íor street purposea al point of Detroit and Beakea Btrsets, - - 300 00 Repairs on spring i Mr. Burus' cellar, cor., State and ruller, 15 23 ('uttiiiK weeds and docks 116 14 Repairs 'n Bidewalka, 7 Kxpenditures ou Hauover Park - iil 89 Upalre. ■'' Kleven loads of broken stoue 11 ' MHuure for the ('ourt House Lawn, W K Cleaning of the sweepings from streets 57 00 Bus for Street Commlttee, , 2 50 treet Commissioners salary, KK) U0 $S47-, 89 Mouey ruceived for services aud dirt„4 163 93 BRIDGE, CULVEKT AND CKOSSWAI.K FUND-TABLE OF PLKPOSES FOK Wllll '11 KXPENDED. To the Smlth Bridge Co., for uew bridge X0. 8 „ $1522 00 Labor for removing old bridge No. 3.-. 43 73 M. E. ('ooley, expeuses- hotel and railroad fre. tüíting bridge iron, 11 02 E. H. RoberUon, type writing, 1 00 ReilaukiiiK and repairing bridge Xo. 1311 55 Culvert ou Felch st., - - J"" 00 Filliug over culvert on Felch street, - 38 50 Culvert ou Hill street, 335 00 Filling over culvert ou Hill streel, .'2 50 CroBslng stones and slabsi 571 89 Artificial stone crossings - - M s Plank for crossings, - 2'JU 70 Labor building stoue and plank cross-. Inga MS 88 Repairs on tar crossings ' - 47 86 Total, - -HOM 0 Respectfully aubmitted. NEL80N 8UTHKRLAND, Btreet Cimiinissioner. Aid. AViiics moved tbat the report be aeoepted and adopted, and ordered lirinted. Adopted as followa: feas Alda. Wines, Bcbairer, Martin. Hen, Snow, O'Mara, Kttson- 7. Naya- None. KEPOKTS OF STANDING (JOMMITTEES. FINANCE. l'o the Common CouneU: Your Committee on Finance respectfully report that they have had the following bilis under consideration and would recommend tlieir allowance at sunis stated. CONTINGENT FUMD. V, J. Miller, salary 66 66 E H. Norris, salary 25(10 Mrs. Jacob H. Stark, janitor 6 26 S. W. Iteakes, salary 25 U0 Dr. E. A. Clark, salary 25 00 Martin Clark, salary 25 00 HlchmondJc Backus Co. .supplies .- 6 00 Telephone & Telegraph ConBtruction Co., to rental of telephoneg l'rom lau. lst to Aprillst 43 75 Louis Rhode, eoal 7 25 Louis Khode, wood, 6 ward Eug. bouse 2 75 Ann Arbor T.-H, Electric Co., street lightiriK 591 90 Ann Arbor T.-H. Electric Co , office lights 2 00 Ann Arbor T-H. Electric Co., ewitch at Observatory 21 39 Tel. & Tel . Const. Co , Telep., 8t. Com. 36 00 Ann Arbor Argus official printing 14 XI Kst. R. A. Beal, official printing 14 83 T. Rausehenberger Si Co , oakcase 65 00 S. W, Ueakes, Ui receipts. etc 23 00 Wm. G. Snow, horee hire by pólice 2 50 W.J. Miller, ex press charges, etc 1 25 Sid w.Millard, printing sheet blanks 5 00 Total 11,010 37 STUK KT FDND. Felson Sutherland, salary, 6ti 66 Geo. F. Key, salary 60 00 Frank Schuiz. labor 9 90 August Tessmer, labor 3 90 Patrick McCabe, labor 9 08 Michael Williams, labor 9 08 Frederick Kadke, labor 9 83 August Hardt, labor 25 Willis Clark, labor 21 90 Kicliard riiplies, labor. 5 55 Nicholas Hindeloag, labor 3 00 John Weiomann, labor 3 00 Christopher Larmie, labor 60 August Pourening, labor 3 00 Michael Kenny, labor 4 20 Glen V. Mill8,'labor i 00 Frank Wetherbee, labor 2 70 Michael Heary, enow ploughing and leuming 21 io N. Sutherland, snow ploughing 9 25 Chris Jetter, do 7 50 John McHugh, do and teaiuing 17 65 Elius Saddler, snow ploughiug.. 12 00 Thomas Hannon do 7 50 JuliusWeinberg, do 9 oo John Manning, snow plowing 7 60 Henry Marsh, do 18 00 George Weeks, do 9 00 Martin Nagle, do 10 50 Geo. Schlimmer, snow ploughing 8 00 ames Tolbert, lumber - 8 34 aspar Kinsey, salt 2 00 lirisüun Brown, repairs 7 20 on is Khode, cement and tile 9 "9 . Eberbach, supplies 1 50 Wood & Co , lumber and pipe 21 05 larence W. Hubbell. labor 6 75 i. P. Baldwin, labor 8 25 rael Clark, team labor 16 10 Hiram Kitredge, " 8 75 Miehael Kusterer, " 8 40 Total Í 450 28 FIHE DEPARTMENT FÜND. Fred Sipley, salary 80 00 ). A. Edwards, salary 50(0 lenry Mcl-aren. salary 50 00 iOuis Hoelzle, salary 50 00 liarles Carroll, salary 45 00 lax Wittlinger, salary 45 00 rank Kapp, ealary 40 00 Alben Weet, salary 40 00 ennan Kim, salary 8 00 ohn Kenny , salary 8 00 lorgan Williams, salary 8 00 am McLaren, salary 8 00 Wm. Rettien, suii 8 00 MrB. B. Heam, salary 5 00 xuiis Khorle, coal 21 00 . Eberbach. supplies : 24 38 lichael Stahler. coal 14 00 rred Cbapin, hay and straw , 13 62 chuli Muehlig. supplies :i f watbel, Kyer & I'eterson. bran. oats 20 30 I eybold & Allmendinger, horseshoeing 2 iï K. Kearns, horseshoeing 7 80 Total ( 681 80 PÓLICE ITITND. ames H, Murray, ealary 85 00 Javid Collins, salary. 50 00 oble C. Tice, salary 50 00 Total f 165 00 POOH tUND. ■"red Sipley, salary 10 00 Seybold & Allniendinger, repairs on wagon 3 15 'rank Butler, 81K cords wood 39 37 rred Sipley, freight on wood 9 45 5(1 Lyke, 8 cords wood 36 Oü dichael Brenner, lodging andmeals.. 75 )oty & Feiner, sboes 1 75 lrs Anu Erans, aid 5 (K) ohn Eisele, grocerles 8 53 ïberbach Drug Co., medicine 60 ohn (ioetz & Son, groeeries 3'0 ohnGoetzJr., groceries 3 84 acoti Henne, groceries 2 00 'red Stabler. one pair bobs.. .. 8 00 Villium F. IOdholz, groceriee 8 01 William H. Mulntyre, groceries 13 88 O'Hara& Bofte, groceries 8 16 'a-l'ür Rinsey, groceries V (S llngey & SeaboTt, grocerie9 8 w vin. (;. Sno hack to county house.. 1 00 J. F. Stein. meat 4 48 Wahr A: Miller, ehoes 2 ()0 Total $ 18V 51 HECAP1TUL.ATION. Contmg-eut Fund f 3,011) 37 Street Finid 4.M) s "iré Fund vn 80 Jolee Fund 185 00 Poor Fund 187 51 Total 82.IH4 96 Respectfully submitted. W ALTER L. TaYLÜK, A. II. FlLLMORE, WlLLIAM IlEUZ, Finance Com. Aid. Herz moved tliat the report he accepted and adopted, and warrante ordered drawn for the slim Btated tbereln. Adopted a followe: Yeas - AMs. Wiurs. Bdifiirer, Martin, Herz, Fillmoro, Snow, O'Mara, Taylor, Kitson - 9. Xa.vs - None. Chabman Taylor stated that on the bilis in th Geo. Palmer matter, wliivh had ajiain been presented to tu finance committee, they would recommend aaid report tliu uld bilis are juut klainis agalnat the county for wliiíh the city is not liable. Aid. Martin moved tlnat the report made by the flnonce committee be accepted and adopted. Adopted a follóos : Yeas- Alds. WfcUB, SChalrer, Martin, Herz, FUlmore, Bn&w, O'Mara, tor, ivitsun- y. Naj-B- None. Ahí. Snow moved that the vote on Aid. Martin's nvotion be reconsldêred. Ixist a follows : Vi-as - Aids, l'illmoro, Smow, O'Mara - o Nayfi- Aids. AVines, Sohairer, Martin, lltrz. Taylor, Kitson- 6. ORDINAXCES. A11. Wines, leave iiiiving liocii granted, introduced Ba ordinnnce entitled an ordinance relatfive to sldewalks. Referred to the committec on ordinances. Aid. ■Vincs, leave having been grantcd. Introducid an ordinanee to amend seetdona seven, nine and eleven of "An Ordinance Relative to Disorderly PerBOIH and Jtisordcrly Conduct" pass(hI Mareta 27, 1890. Referred to the committee on ordinaiice. Aid. Wines, live haring l?en granted, introdiaed an ordinance to amend sections nine, thirty aiul thirty-four, ■of "An Ordinance Relative to the use of Streete, Alleys and PubUe l'laces," paseed Feb. 3rd, 1890. Aid. Wliies, leave luaving been granted, introdueed "An Ordinance Kelative to Disorderly Houses." Rferred to the oomuiittoe on ordimanee. Aid. Wines, leave ha ving been granted, totrodneed An Ordinanee supplementary to "An Ordinance Relat i ve to Disorderly Persone and Dieorderly CoiHlutt," paaeed Mareli 27, 1890. ücferred to the eommitt'c on (irdinance. Aid. Wines olfered and read, "A blll to autliorize tlit' City of Ann Arbor to [collect city taxes In the niontu of July." Refemèd to (ie conn-mlttee on otdlr.a.ii'-c. Aid. Martin, leave bavlog bten granted, introduced "An Ordinance to autlioiizi' the Ann Arbor Fue] öaa Oompany bo conetruct and opérate gas woiks ana lay pipes tliroujj-li tlie streets, n,lleys and places of the city of Aiin Arbor, for ttke purpose of supplying fuel gas to citizens, corporattons or tlue city. Referred to tli' commlttee on ordiiiani-c. CITY TBEASUKER S KEPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDINO JANUAUY31, 1893. To the, Common Council of tlw, City of Ann Arbor : Balance overdrawn a6 per last report ( 8,(3265 MONEY BECE1VKD. Contingent Fund - Miller, lieenses 1.83 Street Fund - Beeimer, dirt 15.U0 Dietas, dirt l.f.0 U'Xoole, dirt 6.30 Fire Fund-Milan, hand flre 444.07 Cemetery Fund- Manly, lote 20.00 Delinquent Tax Fuud- 4.Í Total 567.91 $7,464.74 HONEY DISBUR8ED. Contingent Fund ? 855 59 Street Fund 679.46 Firemen's Fund 522.38 Pólice Fund 172.2Ó Poor Fund 206.16 Water Fund 3,755.011 Soldiers' Kelief Fund 43.00 Bridge, CulvPrt and CroESwalk Fund 8.35 5,241.09 Total overdrawn 12,705.83 BALANCE ON HAND, Contingent Fund, overdrawn 4,331.39 Street Fund, overdrawn 7520.57 Firemen's Fund overdrawn 546.78 Pólice Fund overdrawn 192.47 Poor Fund 663.92 Water Fund, overdrawn 1,671.79 Cemetery Fund 208.67 Soldiers' Relief Fund. 607.69 ünlversity Hospital Aid Bond Fund 840.00 Delinquent Tax Fund overdrawn 971.28 Dog Tax Fund 100.00 Bridge, Culvcrt and Crosswalk Fu nd 8.15 Total t 2,4Í8.43 $15,134.26 Total overdrawn Ï12.705.83 Respectfully submitted, S. W . JÜKAKES, City Treasurer. Ann Arbor Ciiy, February 1. 1893. Ann Akbor Savings Bank, Ann Akbor, Micu., Feb. 1, lüttó. S l'o the Common Counail: This is to certify that S. W. Beakes, City ' Treasurer, has on deposit in this bank the sum j of Thirty-Seven Thousand, Five Hundred and Nineteen Dollars, ($37,519.00). Yours Respect fully, Chas. E. HiscocK,Cashier. The monthly reporte of the city treasurer, city clerk, marshal and superintendent of tthe poor, were read and placed Dn file. On motion the council adjourned. WM. J. 1IILLER.: City Clerk. There are more tha-n 50,000 persons in Paris who eam a living by picking and making use of tvthat other people tlhrow away- raga, bones, metal, and sucïi refuse.


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