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Many Of The Papers Of The Country

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have taken to ealling the secretary of state of thii country, the "premier." It may toe EnglisJi, but it's not United Hiatos. I-#t'B cling to our Yankee secretary. Representativo Ncwkirk has introduced a bilí in the legislatura making it an offense to use vile, obseeue and profane langunge towards a perpon with a view of provoking an asKa-ult, for which there in now no puniwhment. The bill should pass. What a kkI conimentary upon the jrreat men of tlie (It'mooracy if Mr. Cleveland 18 obliged to take. up wNk a our jrriape KjraUlcan nfter all for hia chief iulviscr A man who four years ago was a caadldate liimBelf for the republk'Wi nomiiiation for president ! Mr. Cleveland is having so much trouble in aecvdoc lí oabinet, wliy not take tluit renegade repnblican and all arounl mugwump from PhiladelrJiia Mr. Wayae McVeifrii? Ha would not rerusc. Hut some way lie has not Jen hcaril of tiasx electioo. No one eppcars tn ioe li-ira. BereraJ New York papers have been intervicwins ladics in all Btagefl of life in tihat city relatïve to the "Crinoline laroe." Bocfety ladiee, Bemi-society ladics, home keepers, type writrs, clerks, woiking girls, all are unanimousi in opposition to the return of the unlK-.-omintr Btyle, and yet, wo powerhil is laahkm iliat as soon as a faehionable lady appears with hoops on, the rusli will coinmence and all uill wear tliein, liowevcr much they may inve'gh agalnst It. The hoop kirt should not be looked down upoo. It ha, u lts day, plajed a Monderful part in the worhl's liistory. It in tmU that John H. Koíívrs, the inventor of the Typograph, the BUOMOTfo] type-setting mahine, conceived tle ldoa of .the convergir wire top of kis machine, by eeing a discarded hoop-skirt wliich nnng looped upon a nail in an alley. He had leen Ktudying a dozen years, without siKcpsë, and was just about giving up in despair. Glve túie thing o show.


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Ann Arbor Courier