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■Tñe lmlwarks of America Liberty1' is what Dr. Jamos M. ICing, the geni ral secretar? of 'The National Iyoaguc lor the Protectiim of American Institutions," terms tho conininii schools if this country, and he inakes a strong appeal in a recent issue of the Mail and Express, to ba&lah ]iartisan political control oí Uu-in, in -very township.i ity aml state in the fiiion. That is riiilit. Under tto circumstances shouiil the Bchoole le placed under politieel control. Here in onr own stilte, the acttOOl boards and oïficers belng elected by mass convent ions. polittca has never interfered or lx-en nnmirht f in connection ith them. lhe only politica! intluence that can make iiM'lf feit in any way in tilla sta'te initrht i.(inic irora the law of the bast leui-lature. whieh took the choOBIiíjí oí tile county school conimissioner from the board of sniiervisors in each county -ind assiirned it to popular ■ote. Tliis compela the politica! parties to nomínate and etect the principal school officer iu the county and may llave a tenclemy to run them into politice, though it Bfaould not. When the éajmrMmM chose the ent3re lKKird of oouuty W.I100I exnminern tliey esrhewcd politics, pretty genci-ally. In tfcta county, though stroni;]y democratie, i-epul:l:canK were chosen 011 the board of examiners. This showi ..,1 i ri.nlit spirit, the spirit that ouKht to prevail everywhere in the management of the schools. The reBOlt lija been excellent here. Tlie common s-liiKils of this county have been advaiiiiiiK, and the peneral impresion is preialent thiat never, iu the lijsiory of the county, have the tornman distrit scliools lieen as effective and fhoroughly good as they are today. TWO thiins in this country should be kept clear of and entdrely alHJve the mire 01" politics, viz : Our schools and out judi i;iry. ■■Creham to go Iligher," was a lm;papT headinu the other day. Yes, he'll go "higher than Gilderoy's kite," if he is not careful. The sight of the Worid'S Fair rlosed lunlay will uike ten enemios oí lnmh influence where there is one today.- Chicago Tlmae. Dr. Norrio Green, tor the past fifteen yeare or moro the head of the Western Inicrn Telcin-apli Co. dted at liis home in I,ouisville, Ky., last iunday, OgeÖ 74 ycars. The report that Grover takis a glass otbeer cvcry momios before broakfast was probabiy i-oined for th purpose of destroylng liis character in the ■tftt of Kentucky. - Mempfais Appwil. a tíbmernt h eredltèd with tlie assertion that women reqnlro one hour of Kleep more a da y than mea. l'cwer rf 1he latter reath the age of fiïty than the former, but afterward the sterner sox lias the best of it. This oonotry paid $7,000,000 for that (rosen land of Alaska, and some of our citizens hesitóte about aecepting the Hawaiian Islands, worth ten times as miuili as Alaska, when they are offerexl to us without money or without pnce. Kioker Kilgore, of Texas- Wie state in which. tliey torture suspects to death- is the great king of the House of Representativos at Washington, or appears to be. He is the ruler, at any rate. What a fall from Reed to Kilgore? From a man of brainu to a bruiser ! Why not inciease the amount of kilver in a dollar bo as to make it equn.1 to a gold dollar and tlien let the free coinage sail. The more dollars tfhe better if they are only good ones. Of eourse silver men would not like tbat because they eoüld not make 30 cents on eaeh dollar.- Howell Reyubliran. It is no party question- it Is a matter of business. We want naval and ooallog stations, and we want to extend and btrengthen the institutions aoid the influent-e of our Republic until they will make tliis western hemtsptiere forever secure agaJ&gt the agBiCBBilve ,-uid robber like policy of iminan'liicMl Europe.-Atlanta Constitution. Au idea plajiarized trom Ilufus (nïoate , by tlie mugwump Hogton Herald : "Wiiiuim K. Cbandler'a resolution j 11 favor of the annexation of Hawaii mark him as one of those statesmen wJio believe that the United Btatea fíhould be bounded on the north by the aurora lorealis on the south, the the proceeetoo of the equinoxes, on the east by the ri.sing sun, and on the west by the day of judgnvent." "I deiy Hie m'am conversant with the hiislory, in iiny degree acquainted with Hit' ainnals of this country, from 1787 to 1789, wlien the constitution was adopted, to say Üie protection of American labor and imlustry was not a leading, I migiit. almost say the leading, motive, souitJi as well as north, toe the foniKition of the new K'ivernment. Without that provisión tiliO constitution never could have leen adopted."- Daniel Webster, 1844, Albany, X. T. An effect in orange- Marmalade.


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