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He used to hold her on hls knee Each eveuing when be went to court üer: But now, each eveninj;, proudlv he Holds on his kuec her little daughtei 'lilis is Asli AVediusday, tlie ïirst tlay of Lent. Yeeterday was Bt. Valeotíos's Day. Wc didn't get one. The democratie convent-ion tor this judicial circuit will be helil at Dundee March 4th. The days art lengtheiiiiii; preceptil]y. Do you notiee it at about 6 o'clock a. tn.V ■WaslMHiftoii's birthday is next Wdneeday, wben áll good republicana wjII gx to Detroit. J. Rice Miner, formerly of this city, ;B hoav the editor amd proprietor of the Chicago Trade Journal. Democratie caucu&es in all tiie ivards tonight, and county convention at Ui court house to-morrow. Bepublicans stiould remember the wsurd caucuses to be held Friday evcning of tliis week. Hee cali cm 2d page. The youngsters pnade each othor happy or mad yesterday, witli their Valentines, just as the case might be. Miss Hemenger, a graduóte of the High Bchool, takee the place of Miss Baxter, rewigned, in the first ward school. Míes Jeannette F. West, of this place is eow the preceptúen of the MHan high school, takimg the place of Miss May McGregor. The Severo winter haring killed off nearly all tlhc quail in this sectloii, Ih Ypsilanti Roil and Gun 'lub propoee to import some h-om Virginia. Bey. H. Himow, of Kaiusas City, ■Mc., rector of Bt. August ino ihnich. colored, was in tlie city over Bunday ml assdsted in the service nt (St. An(lrew's church. The Courk'f office lias added to its bisMiery outfit one of Donnell's "nire stítcblng machinw, the let in the lnarket, which it -will initiate ín stitch tih 15,000 Univereity Calendars iK-ing printed. The laet Fnculty Kecital of the IScliool of Mus-ic for tlio year will be given at Newberry Hall on to-morrow Tlh'vtrsday evening. The first concert in tibe series of Chamber Concerté will be given on tbc evening of Marcli lid The Detroit Journal in its (series of "Mithig-an'e Beautiful Women," pubJiisfhed the portrait of Mrs. B. F. Bchu maeher of Ann Arbor, last Fridaj evening. That's correct. Bhe ono of them, and Bert's proud of ít, too IÖ is saM tbat plons are now ii ]rogress to organize in every scboo district of every coumty in this state wliat is cnlled an "industrial legión.' All votere nnd nll people over 14 ycars V)ld, are efigible to membership, am Avhn they join pledge themselves to work for tbo snocess of the Populls piartíy. Now brinif me a ladder and chair. ïny Intl. nd a wbHewasb brush, thiit's damp, 6Íve Die plenty of room, for l'm gomg to use The new ('olumbiaii Btatnp. Job. Donovan is Bpendtsg week (k)vn eaet. Repubiicjin county convenUon next Monday,Fel. 20i'h, at thecourt house. A very t--Tiirht form of aoaxlet (ever ie lieiag inaulecl in ly mnny Aun Arlvoiitcs iincl Ypsilaiitiiins tfliis winter. it ia wo ligtlit that ttroee Uarlog it experreine jio particular inconvnlence. At tiie M. K. pnonasce, oo Prlitey .vcuinfr, l't'b. 17th, Mrs. Cobern wlll entertain the Epworth League wiih a ■Walnut Btijpprle," trom 7:80 to 10 oVloek. On Humlay morntog next, Hev. wr. CoiM'i-u wüi tiw i;isi lecture of the conree opon "Tle Man, Chrtet," and the TObject wlll bé ■The 'Tabletnllk' of J-sus." 'i'iic ir.-; in-es n "Tbe Man Chrtei .7. sus"-'; Ue fiim'i llilVl" drawn laiuc i iiit;ni;;rton; and aroused great interest. The lust locture of theiniiise wil be leli v-.-red nexl Sun,!ay momtag. Topte : "The TableTallc of Jesús." Sl.-itthiiis FJiiiis, ol Northlleld, whilo refuralng ïrom thi.s city to Die hom last J3aturday eventagf, nt about 0 (Vclnck. w.-is run uto by a ireitflit train it the M. C. R. R. crosstoff, and carne oeaw climblag tfee golden gtairs 1,n a liuri-y. His taoraee and slviiili wci-c tliiown in arious dlrectlons aud BhmlB wae pit.ln'd over the fence. lhc maequerade of the Ann Arbor I'.iifirs, bo be beid t the Hink on Wcdnrsday cvcninii. Feb. 22d, will omethtog tliat the tovers ol ïmi uCi cnjoy to bearta content. The latfwt additlon to the list of notables i f neen Uliluokalani and her n,.]ih.'v, ïicir presumptire, Prince Kauawanakoka. oí ttoe famoiKS Hawaiia.n Islainl kingdom. At the close of the vork ol Ann AiI ommandery at Jactoon last Tuésday uiglit, Bir Kllisht Chas. S. Fall was ca lied out of the ranks by CommamU'r oodrioh nnd prenented With a eostly ??ol(l riníí, suitably ennraved, and, set -with dinnumds. Of ■whk'h Mr. Fall is very proud, a.s li should be, for it repreeents not only n token (,i csticm, but the good -will aod fifteotlon oí tlie membere of the trnft who gave ft. Bear ! In-ar this trom the Cheteen Herald : -The (luestion ha often been aeked and nnswevd. as to who the grcateet man, or the meefeest ïan. Hut wtoeo we aak who ie the ïi-ancst man. aoorá of suffering peofittebtng machines, the beet in the ord tliat it is the tnan wlio does not lean tlie ice off hUs sidowalk." A arty nt our elbow suggeeta that lu'if a i-o lots of mighty mean men in bis town, judged ly that standard. IiNt Bunday eveolng hundrcds of leople Avere onafble t gaia admission o Bt. Androw's ilmn-U tO listen to be of Weth I.ow, IX.. D., presilent of Colombia Unlveralty. The alm, digniiied, unassuminii. pleaing peecto and manner of I'rosidcnt Low, auaed bina -to be very much admiren, and flie words and thoughttf which he gave utterance to made a proíound impression upan liis liearers. Ann Arbor people would be glad to have amotttier vteit írom thi president. He treads on air. He liíts nis hands and floats tJirougli pace like a bird. He breatUnes n OtODe and oxpels it from his lungs in ripples of Bong nnd trills of Ilute like whistles. The Bmilo he gmile commences at his toes and treeps along upon tbe musclee and nerves, ffat,hermK vitality nnd pleasure m it courne until it expands in a Avonderful brood and blissíul expresion all over his facial cuticle, coverBng it eompletely from par to ear and tip of Ato to the top knot of his masatve brow. He Uiakes liands witli a cordiality only knoivn to those ivho Ki ve roifered the joy that he is uimerLng. He luys the dwars -vith an nlacrity that ïnakes the sreasy Grcian dame on the ten cent pieces smilc im unisón. "Who is tliis fortunóte perOn ? is County Clerk Brown, and tune reaaon is a ffood one. He is tliü fa i lier of a daujïhter. If lie had been tlue fatlier of a son no one knows what ■Wiie coneequences miglit have been. The Üniveisity l-chool of Muele cloes its first eemester's work this week. The line series of faculty concerts rond pupil's recitals have lwn public eviik'nces of the artistic standing of the teachers and the value of the ins'tniction giren in the school. The displayed by all the pupils if lesa public is ai n less forcible nrfiument for the -vork done in this instltution w-iliich has already more than fulfille'd t'Jiie expectation of its lounders. The closing concert -ill 1 given TJiursday e--ninig Feb. 17th, in berry Hall. At this concert a line programnie will be presented by the faculty. Registration is now in progress amd ït is desirable taiat the lessone sliould be arranged as soon as poseiWe in order that the work of the first week may not be intemipted. A fine 6eries of fivc Chflmber Concerté will be g-iven by tthe Bchool In Newlerry Hall on tllie evenings of Mair'li 2, IC, 23, April 13 and May 4. Tli Detroit riulhannonic Club Avill .nppear in three of these concerts. Further particnlara will le given in tttue noar future. Suppose that, wbile we've got these atamps, S Thev form a nuicilage trust- y Then heaven help us.ieentlemen, [J. The goverunient would bust!- Puck. i Meeting of 't he Brotherhood of Bt. jg Amlrew at the cbapél at T::50 o'eloek to-aifrlit. The regular teacher' examlaatlon will occuir on Tlmi-sday, March 2d, at the court n the City of Ann Arbor, at wlweh time all ffradee 61 tertifbatea will be granted. The next examinatlon win be a special 6n the last riïdiiy in Marcfi, at Ann Arbor. Tliis is neitlK-r artglnnl nor taken rroui the l'rcss : "A lioíi turnod loost' in Oeorgta -'- yeata n9 has turned ni in Florida. Others that are let loone every yi-ar frequent ly turn up in the theatres. wesrtns liigh mts. Of m.-ikinií pöe tooaceo 'éptttle on t-lic Boor r golng out between the acts. The Vernon Arguè f last week, contained a luuidsome notice of Mr. p. E. siicldon, wliii lias recently movfrom tlint pdaoe bo Anu Arbor. He wiae ppeeidenl f tb.-it vlllage, Becretavy of the Rhéawaaaee 06. Mutual Fin Ins. Co., member of the school board, etc. Mr. Bbeldoo is the gentlemen wlho rcccntiy porctaased the iiiliard business f WallOCe W. Miss. in tlir Ht. James btock. The senior Clase Oí the liiirli school liad an oratorienl contest last Friilay evenhní í'or the pnrposc of chOOBinií a Clase orator. The contestant s u, .1 . II. Montlíomery whose Mibj-'rt was ■The Wimdny Qnestion at the. Wortd'a Fmív ;" (i. H. raiti-idire. "War and AHntration ;" W. F. Dodsley. ■Mental (nlture of the Pillar of the Htate." Mr. Páatrlúge -ame OUt vi.toi-iovis witli 79Ö points out o! a possihle 1,000. A year airo Newton MrMillan, Ht. "59, niauairiiiír editor ol the Chicago Sunday Pot, nU inarried. I.ast summer ttUey ment a day in Aun Arbor. ín drivinir tibout and howing hls yonnü viíe the rniversity and city, they went to the cemetery, whicn bo pleaaedlïef vrith its beautiful loeation, ihat siic declared her wish when ene should die, to be buried there. Last l-sátorfey Hbt cBed after a brief slckihss, and gggterday moralng wal laiil to rest rtiero lew than a ycar ao sino lwul been as a bride in healtJi, and with a proepect for a long ;uid happy lie. Jeannette Ogden MacMillan was only 25 yars of age at the time of ber death. Her gorrowinp; lmsband luis the ■ympathy of his frieiuls in ttais city. In the city charter amendnunts paaaed mpon Monday evenlng, by the iouncil, it is propoeed to increase the ary of tihe assessor to .i,uuu per ; car, he to gtve his entape time to the vnork. Ateo to giive tike chief of pólice not to exceed $1,000 per year. Th is Int ter ïwise lul made in the hope of s: miuíí B letter class of talent in the office. The alary of the city clerk is left. at $800 per year. Th.' rity eierk !■ one of the boslest offivials oí uny kiml in the city. The work takes wot only all of his time in the day, iut a Lood portion of it at nigtot. He is the business man of the ciity. He tas more -vork to do and iVeserves more Kiy t'lwin any other ( ity oflk'il. He tihould have $1,200 per year if pay was meted out according to work done. To leave liiw sa la i y at $800 is an injustice. It is gUngtaew ior whkh there is no excuse. Uving Whist," is presented at the opera house last Thurmltiy and l'riday eveningw, was a suecess. It was Verlmps a ïittle diffieult for the average person in the audience to teil vrtio took the tricks, Uut the movements in the pi a y wwre grftCrfal and that was the principal part of the entertainment. The ladtea were handBomely arrayed, and the gentlemen also. The kings, queens. aces and jacks were the attractton, and had fine eostvmea. Tlie skirt dance of the acee vma the flneet thing of the evenhig, Iliongli the ja ,ks had niany admirers for thelr cloiís, and peculiar leg gyiuiintstics, the jack of spades espei-ially capturing tliv audience wlth lijs comical perfonnames. Mr. and Mrs. (ji-anger may coiigi -atulate themselves upon the euccess of the evenings. It must ba-v-e taken a great deal of time and trouble. Tile people of tiiis county generally will ïeel satiefied witli the decisión of the Oakland coumty jury at I'ontiac last Saturday niornimg, in the case of Deputy Sheriff Ea-ton, of Ypsilanti, acused of raurder in shooting the ncfxro Griffin, ome months ago, near Sou-t h Lyon. The jury was out but thirty minutes, and returned a verdict of nat gnilty. Griffin was fleeáuíg from arrest, being accused of astnawlt upon a woman at Yp&ilanti, and had been chased by Officer Eaton to Bouth Lyon, or near there. Aa he refused to give up, but attempted to escape, the officer shot him, inilicting a wound from wliich he died some days aft-erward. Before dying the prteoner confeseed to bcing guilty of the crime cliarged and of other crimos of similar oliaracter which had been attempted at Ysdlanpti. Griffin sliould have had no gympathizers, for li is crime was one that is deeerving of the most serious ptmishment onder the Vnv. I The stvite prmtdent of the Patroos of Indu.stry. Ilepresentatiw Batuey, of Ht. Clair co., was in the city Saturday lookintr ovr the I'niversity and te nccils. He eeemed surprised at thr great work can-ieil on liere for M Htt.le mjoaey. Geore AVahr's Uttle ilaugUU-r upnet a piano lamp in lus realdeoce, corner of X. División and E. Ann sts., Mcmday evening, catising considerable damaice t furniture. Tlie ííri" dcpartment was calld out hut not needed. Ilev. Mr. Suixlerlaad'S set-ond pormon on "The Iabor l'ioblcni." at the Unitarias chuiili. Wtll Ih.' Uiven in the Iwtead of evening. Subject : "Strik-es (ind Arbiti-ation." In the evenires the congresation wlll join in the S. C. A. anniversary meeting at Uniwrsity Hall. The Unity Club programme for Monday evening, Feb. 20, includes a hort story by Mr. K. L. Weeks, of the UniTerslty ; Barty Day Ol California and the Journey there, by Judgo Harrlrnian ; and musjc in cbarge of Miss Gertrude .Sunderland. At tihe meeting of the director ol the Aan Arbor Gtoa Co., Ba-turOay, it was declded to put ia a plant for tlw miainUKieture of water giiü of 80,000 feet cepecfty tiaily. Tliey expect to reduie t'lie price of gas if tliis improvemit provee wwsceelpï.- Daily Times. Dr. M. E. Höbart, wfcd was born and oilucati'd in Ann Arbor, and was for yrais with Di-. Breakey while studying lii.s profession, died ai. Tomona, Cal., Teb. 0, 1893, ageü 47 years. He leoroe a wife but no cbJldren. Hi brorher, A. Scott Hobart, is tlie presléait raayor of Big Biipid.s, where the ofemalilns were buried. The sewing school is greatly in neod of eight new teachers. Last Saturday tvc had 90 children and only six teachers. We have all the room will acconimodate and we can not do justice to thiis nuniber with so little help. Will not some one volunteer to asMst us ? We meet in .the south room of the Courier Building Saturday afternoons. M. B. BUOWN', Sup't. The birtlulays of Miss Fannie Campion and Miss Katie Saunders both occurinig on the same day, their young friends, about fifty in number, asmbleil af the residence of J. B. Saunders, 81 N. Muia et., last eveninfr, and proceedd to make thcmselves and otbere happy. Card-playms, dancing, etc, were kept up until midnigUt, wliciuv refresliiiiii supper was scrved, iter Wbfell Hinging and dancing were remmed, and iwt untdl 2:30 a. m. did it I e: unie apparent to the young Jolke tluit tlie hour had arrived to iepart. A íarewell song was sung, and good-nJghtB were joyously repeattd. Geo. B. Itooney and Pteicc fumislied some ïaseinating miisic for the occasion. The Ann Arbor Savings Association makes the following statement of business for 1892 : BBCIIVID. Dueg $20,Sf3 52 Karm'ers'aiïd'Mechauics' Bank 1JJOO 00 Iuterest,. - P 1? Deductions, - - a " $-23,439 85 PAYMENTS. Overdraft last year, - - I 37 J Withdrawals, ,;! JMatured stock - - Temporarv loans, - ' !5 MortgaRe loans 4'í5 ;? Expense fuud, 5; ÍÍ Insurance - -- iiS Dividends credited, 3.0,3 tx Balance 011 hand iJS lv Í25.439 85


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Ann Arbor Courier