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imnriee aspire t a city charter. Fitzloon Barrus, of ïelsea, aged 85, died Feb. 9. "Don't. touch ïiiy arm !" te the salutation of Ballnetoea now-a-day. MatUiew Farivl! died at faja home beteea Feb .TUi. aged 60 y-.ns. B Hti-ii)lih. f Clu-lsi-M, ïvrrntly pwcbased a epan f baya, wlUtbg 2,850 Hm. A va.lentine KKlal at James !- -. Btony Oek, Kiiday evanigg, Feb. lTtli. Mr. and Mre. Ioo Wïlbnr, Bupi rejolce over the advoot of a daughter at tlu'ir home. AVin. Burílese, ttoe popular upers MaiM-h.'stiT. ta to toalld a nv ■House this yo.-ir. The Enterprise ays tliat tbrc will baUdbog W MteflMtei the raming Mwon than last. Hm sie:jl nnnual BMetlBS fli 1' ■!- Recrearon Part Associatlon wlll be liehl in the town hall. Chelsea, on K.Tturilay. Mar. 4. Elijah E. KellogK, who for many ycars üve.1 on the Htony Creek road, wuth of Ypwlanti. dieil recently in (lint. TeiAB, aged 62. Mr. Bad Mrs. Henry Ahl.y. Ol "WilliK. elebrated tbelr golden wedding Feb2d, in n very plMan1 way. Ainong 1lie presents wis $23 in g'l1Tlue Plyraoutli Faiv Asso -iation renders a financial gtatemnt, skowing a 'balance on hand $8OG.7O." That Aeeoíiation la ne of tJw modern niirac-lee. "Did you ever stop to think ?" tufa tbo Itxtev News. Woll, hardly ever. Pon't have time. BeUcs. tli' exertion would be conridenable, don't "dier know. Adin CoshJa oíd to E. Jedele last week, 101 lambg, averaing 98 1-2 )6s per head. Gue8 that kind of tannine pays in Fpite of t!ie trusts.- Dexter Ieader. A donatlon íor the benefit of Rov. Charles R. Case wW bejield at tho reeidence of O. Case, Moóreville, next Friday evening, the 17th. All are ordially invited.- Milán leader. The next meeting of the Columbian Ldterary lociety- wliich ly the way, je prospering 'íinely tflús winter-wlU be held at the homos n' Gilbert Thompson, at Worden, Baturday evening, Fb. I8U1. T3ie liiriri-st ..-ik Kg in this nêfck of wooób was hamled to Llglithair ww mili tiii wtek. It is r. iuclies in diameter at the bun. toet fcg and 48 tocfaee in diameter al the top. - chi'isi'a. Standard. leken-pos small-poi care and vaceination have made the teachers' recente Jook pretty spotted. The - .iiy th.-it tliey nbver lx-fore have had so mi -h absence. -Baline Observer BChool Coliimn. There have been three deathi by ■mall-pox in ilie Hcluieider family np 1 date ; ttoe last vi tim was a sevenmontlis old boy, wlio died last Bonday.- Milan Leader. Now the Ballne ilie Hoor. Horses ni.ig'ht be M cheaf thai owuer could not re tbem ftway iy thfowUm in the halter, and yet gomebody woulrt sneak timmiih the corral íence aml teal them at the risk of jiiang-mg.- Hielsea Herald. Manchost.T jíeople are agitatlng the question of beevatllykis thlr public jvark by s.'t tiiiii out trees theroin. (ood idea. Fot turtbr Inlornuttloi - about the goodness of tln idea- apply tO the I'orotry Assn. iatiim. Beveral movr heavy loads of l"i were welgtoed the iast weck. Öne of weiiilied s.r.00 11., and motín -r wháeh the 5-ton Bqatai would it weigOi. Tlie boj-w do not draw logs juet for fun here.- Vinekney Dispatcli. The Dexter literary i lul ïdintly ilelated tiie question : "Is Ufe WOrth living?" The village undertaker and pravestone maker, botii said t wasn't, ;und advieed people to die as rapidty is health and streng+h wonld permlt. - Adriain Press. A porreepondeot of tlie Country GenUeman elaimB tJiat the nrea of tlie IiitKhictivf mgrJultur in this ooun■try is not beeptag pa.-e with our inf.reatic 4n population. If that is triie ét is to be hoped tbat the formen Hl Uiave better timee aoaa. Ypsúlantiaai : The new oOteera and direetors of 'the YpsQaótt Farmera ané HjorsemenV Mirtna.l Iive Btock IneuTiuice Oompaa'y ;uv President- John S. HaRgerty. Detroit. ■H-tiiry- Frank T. Newton, Ypsllantl. lohn V. Fuller, of Sorthville. Georne Aprill. -. in, Jacob napp, of Brldgewater, John T. Kirk und Chus. Arnold, of Ypsihuni. Eatern Iloi-sciucu are looking up well lired Mk&tgaú honea and they vay jrood prlcee -wIwmi they ftad tme. Pur farmers shonld pay lH'tter atlention to i'he breediSS Of horaes, and in fa-t all kinds ui .-turk. ThCTe ia more money in it tlinn in ralslng poor Btock. - lunclicKtcr ]:ntcr]irisc. A. E. Densinore, principal of the Northport BChOOls, Icclauaw niuuly, died of pneumont;!, 'Hicsday. He VU formerly a resident of this village. iund well known in educational and business circles. In times pat he has leen principal of tbe Milan and ■Mooreville schools, beeides teaching mamy of the district 6chooU in thls vicinfty.- Milan Iealer. B. A. NlChO, Of KowH-rville. li.iInvented a oorae and otrw poke thai IseeJd topreyent any anima] wearlng it (rom pokíng tote pastorea and N08 wtoere it toas bo business to go. Now í He could invmt one tbat vrould be bu tc-muI in keeplag some poople from poktog thetr noaee Into other peo,,!,■■ bueéneee, h would becom! M BBfnt ai ooce, with.nit belng canonlíed. Praneea wüds f Oanton, aged 41, took hs íirsi rlde mi -.v raflroad train to lK'troJt on .Monday, Ín company wKh Wa brcitli.-r ümrw ÍM. McCann. after Bpendlng a lifetimc livinií thin a mil; and a-half of the railroad -track. He nurvived the our!!■ ,in excellent shapc- Wayne Review. ,Tmtli is Bometlmea stranunttaan frk'tion. How íuany farmers, wiio yearty salí di.wii livn, four more hoge, tliink of falten. .me leef for lióme uee! Iu ,„ i tlie ieet W41J cost bat Uttle more to be lióme grown than weiglit of fat pork aml lx; íar liealtliier. esjK'Mall.v for the women folks and chüdren. winw' digestión is no! alway.s equal to dtepOBtng of sli-cs of pork.- Cholsea Uerald. Monday moniinc ihfi end f the tolephoim line ïvius.-d to yMd i'ommuicajtton witïi the otitside world. An iBvMtlatíon into tfce cue reve.ak-d Oiat tE nppnratus incide the phone UM had been burncd out by electrkity durinir tJie lt was done by electric ligit wlre at Monroe, coming in conwict witli the teleivliiono win1.- Dnndi-c Reporter; A Dexter maai. wlüle alive. was wit Bood at 8faOTUaC ow. The other day Mi Avidow eulogized him by remai-kimg ttiat "John is at rent, and In a place wliere Onere is 110 nnow to öhovel." lie is -vvondening yet why the ipeople laughed.-iOhelsea Htandai-d. TJiat's nothing ; all Dexter people jgo ttuere.- Plymouth MaJl. Tliat may ill be true, but all Dexter people do öot liovel not off their walkH, at any rate. A eommunication .was reail in the legislatura recently írom a man at Ewen, who representad that he was the íather of triplets, thrco beautiful girls, born Bept. 12, 1892, and named Bliaaleth, Betty and Bese. He has been informed Iliat the state py premium on tripleta- $1.000 ior ea.-U cliild ií the child survives for tfcree inonths. If tlierc tB a premtBSl of $3,000 he would like to know what to do to collect it without furtlior delay.- Ex. lf yon are tblnking ï "ing to the city to make a fortune, fiwt boy one iof the lui: (íaiiics and read ttoe doiena of oolumtM of advertteemeatf ol gons of every dass, eager lot any kind of a BHsaatkm at any price. Then turn the page and read the prtee of board and ee what meagre reets, poorly-llghted, and badly rattilated ln-i us-r 920 to $30 per month. Deelde if the country does not offer bitter BBcuuiar.v gpofDecte and far more healtlil'ul and plensant surpOUftdingB.- Dexter News. Hint ■!■ gettlng married the editor of tbe Dexter News bts found out many tliiiijin. In liis last paper lie tells teil 1lvis olie : ■The nscl'uliuss if the balrptn : Tliere is aoarcety ttnythlng :i woinan caaOOt do willv t. Tlny use it to pkk tlieir teeth, button hoes, clean BnRer nails, punrii led buns out of cracks, lasten up slray Ikiiiíís. clean out tb stem of their liusbaud"s pipe, scratch tHeii' heads, run t inte cakes to eee. if tkey are done, and aTout ft million otlkcr tilines the poor deludel men know notfoing about, and they eau d it all witJi the saine liairpin. too." Ibe Ladtea' Aid nelety of the l'n-sbytenia.11 cüiiiiivli ha ]leiH?ed itsclf to jrive $3,000 toward ttl new choreta. The society airea dy has $1,500 that it intenóed to use towarü a n#w cihurch organ, Imt Mr, i-itnrkweatlier's penerous igift of $3,000 to t'he clmroh trustees to be used to buy a new orir.iii as eoon as tto c-IiuttIi is rcady lor it rectption. liavinjr made it ïinrtecessary for the Ladlea' Aid Hociety to nse its money in that way, it ■Oliouht lest to give tliis money to the ev thurch, and aRi-ees to rfÜBC as mud) more in the ni'xt 1 UOBtba. Vpiluiti ('( Cbeléea Kuindard : '('(ilimiliian Hiw, Ij. O. T. Mi, was organlzed a.1 tüijii ii1sk-' tliis week willi aboul 4 charter membem. Ihe followlng are t ie offi-ers eüeeted :" Com mandar- Mn. KUa DrULtne. Lleutenant Commauder- Mr, Kttie sp:irk. Haat Uommander- Mr. Minerva Davls. Record Keeper- Mr. I.ncy Stephens. Finante Keeper- Mis. Mary Boyd. Chaplaln- Mn. Mary CoiitMon. aut- Mr. HiittiL' Cliiinillar. Mi8tre88-at-Artn-Mlss Ncttio B. Hoovcr. Sentinel- Mrs. Ada Snei-r. Plcket- Mrs. Hiittie Wademeyer. Botti iiic wlcked and righteoua have iliis urrU been emdoavorlng in valn i.ind OH sli]iiiciy places. Xt has been niit' a common occurenco of late tu witoesa sorne of our most diginfii'ci umi prominent clUxena play tlie mie of ïiïgh and lofty tumblem. Tiiis leat lias not leeii contined to the male lieisiiasioii not by any nieans as some oí Ulo ïly Kirls. sturdy niatroiiB aud solemn maiUs Have Becuined to the prevailins Ía.s3iion, for nce8ity and bowed themsc'lvcs before the community. - lo% Lyon Picket. "Secumed" just about expressee it. N INVITATIOS TO l'ETKRS. Everyone knows "Gus" Peters, of I-Vin, the populist candidate for con n tbta district last teil. H bai been writlng an InterestlBg account f iiis experiencia as a candidate for rii.' benefit of the Dexter News. of late, .- 1 1 n 1 Repreeentatlve H. W. Ncwkirk. lias the following ra 'y letter to lijm (Peters) In the Ias1 issue of ilrat paper : "I have been imuli tatereated in reading ttoe artlclea i my frlead Peters, relat ive to lus electtoa- beg pardon- h:s campaiiin ezperiences, luit was mir.-li .-nrpriscil lo rcad in liis lasi letter that he has hope oí reward in fut ui !' ■This nicans, I suppose, tliat Peten wants to gpo To hcavcn When he is ïh'.oimh liere. Now what he wants ti, go ld hcavon for la a mystery to me. IVtrrs is a ra bid silvcr man. He wants lots of silvcr: in any fonn or shape. He is down on gold nnil goldbugs. Now if I read correctly, in tiluit land of rest silver was long ago demonetizeil. Evprything is gold. sticcts are of gold, the charlots are of gold. tlu luirps aro DfgoM, Die crowns are of gold. Xow wouldnt Peters with hi present dislike of the metal, look nice riding over a golden pavement in n golden iliariot. wi'arinu a golden crown, and wnging liis little song to the tune of the golden heirp ! 'If Peten isHould go to heaven he would raise a rOW, and want silver immediately remonetized. The reaalt voonld be, lie would be dropped outside of tJie ienee, and as the dcvil would have no use for liim, he would be obliged 1x set u]i a little kingdom of dus own. where he would soon pino oway and pevMb for want of someone to talk to. "Now my advice to my old friend. is, to give up nis calamity notions, come back into the G. O. P. fold and 'Be wise - even unto sailvation,' "


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier