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Republican County Convention

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'! h ■ rc)niUi au ((iiiiny convent ; i lor tliis (listiirt ronveneil ,-it ali' COUri house Mondar Porenoon. In the absence of Dr. V. I!. SmAOh, cliainnnn ot theeouoty committee, Secretary .lohnMin called tlio convent on tO order, inl named Prof. Wm. M. Oriband, of VpsnlaaiU, ix h.iirnian. Joeepb T. Jacobo, ol Ann Arbor, was seleted ns secretary, and bhe followinii eonuniiters nppointed : Permanent Orsanization and Order of Bosiness - Alox. W. Httmlltüii. Ann Arbor; D. C. Grillin, Ypsilanti; Jas. I.. Ollbert, rhelsea. Credentials- George H. Pond, Ann Arbor; George C. Smithe, Ypsilmiti; Wm. Judson. Chetses. Reaolutions- J. E. Beul, Ann Arbor; J. C. Beemis, Ypsilanti; Geo. H. Kempf, (helsea. An Oidjournment was Uien offected to half-paat 1 o'elock. Upon reashcinbliiig the committee reportad the temporary ofiioers ns permanent, wliitli was adopted. The conimittee on eredontUil reported tune followiiing entitled to seats n tJie codventfon : ÏÏTt Ward- Frank Allmeudinger, Dr. W. F Breakey, A. W. Hainilton. A. J. Sawyer. Wm. Dieterlè, J. E. Beal, W. K. Childs, Robt. Campbell, Jos. T. Jacobs, Job. Marshal], and O.M. Martin. Seeond Ward - Gottlieb Schneider, E. K. FrneaufT.J.Heinzmann.F. Hnhn.L.ScIileleher, J. C Schmid, M. Steffy, and R. 8. Greenwood. Third W. .1. Clark, A. H. Fillmore, R. Spokes, John Freeman, tieorge Sweet, Charlea B. Hiscock, Zenas Sweet, George H. Groh, und John J. Fisher. Fourth Ward - Wm. C. Stevens, John D. Boylau, John V. Lawrence. .leroine Freemiui, Samuel Gregory, Ueorge H. Pond, John Nowlan, and Frank Vandewarker. Fifth Ward- G. H. Rhodes.Kli S. Manly, John Cox, and N. 1). Gates. Sixth Ward- J. W. Benuett, E. F. Johnson, H. G. Prettyman. G. w. Bullís, Chas. Kingsley, Wm. A. Campbell, and N. U. Corbin. Ann Arljor Town- I. N. 8. Foster, E. (.. BUbee, F. B. Braun, H. H. Camp, and J.T. Fnller .Manchester- A. F. Freeman, Wm. Bnrtless, J. F. Nestell.T. J. Farrell, Ed. C. Root. 8. H. Perkins, Frank Spafard.and Geo. J. Haeussler. Pittsfield- N. C. Carpenter, S. R. Crittenden, Andrew cainpbell, CharU- Mills and George C. Wilsey. Webster- Wm. Seadin, Edwin Ball, John A. Cnshing, and Ruy McColl Seio- A. R Beal, John L.Smith, Frank Phelps. Frank Goodale, Frank Sinith, John Schieterstein.C. B. Alley, Daniel Lyon, and John Murdoek. Chelsea- Wm. .Tudson, Godfrey Graw, J. L. Gilbert, Jno. A. Palmer, B. Parker, Wm. Bacon, A. V. Wilkinson.S. f.. ives.Edward Tickenor. and George H. Kempf. Northfleld - E. E. Ieland, Frank Dnncan. Albert Groves, Frank Barker, and Henry C. Waldron. Ypsilanti City. First D. C. Griften, Wm. Kobbins, C. S. Woyjey, and Norman Redner. Seeond F. W. Cleveland, George C. Sinith, and W. K. Davis. Third Ward- H. D. Wells, F. K. Owen. K. 1'. Allen, and W. S. Pntnam. Fourth Ward- George Damon. Ypoilanti Town- W.M. Osband.J. L. Hnnter, .I.r. Beemlg, .lames Graves, and B. I. Kelley. The ( ommittee on reeolutlons repoiteil the : Whekeas, We, the Republicana of Washtenaw, assembled In conreution, hail witli sat.-faction and pride the coming again of onr great state ander (all and complete republlcan mie after the squaw-bnek maladniinistration. We urge upou the legislatnre to heed the cali of the people for a short business sessiou. )!■ tolved, That the speedy repeal of the infamous Miner law, made by the legislature, meetswitli the approval of onr best citizens, as it was an unfair and partisan measure. In nat ion I affaiis, we greet the distinguished and crowuing act of Pres. Harrison's adminitration. about to be consummated on Washngton'a birthday, of raising tlie old flag over he flnest liae of ocean steamships arloat. and nanguratlng measnres whlob will again place American flags and American ships and Ainerommerce on every sea, in every port. As the time approaches for the re-election of a judge of thls district, we cali attention to he splendld career of Judge Kinne. who has, without fear, given clear and able judgmeuts which have rarely been reversed in the higher ourt or questioned by the people. We cali for nis renominatíou and urge npon the voters of his district to re-elect him without regard to party. This is an office where partlsanship is indersirable. Wc commend the action of the ackson couuty republlcans in endorsing a ood democratie judge for re-election, commeuding the action of the majority party in ackson county to the majority party iu this onnty. The Uuiversity of Michigan in uur niidst vill ever be our care and concern. It requiret areful aud able management, whieh must be iveu by wise men of business training. It Is dvisable to have a regent neur at hand, and or this Important position we present and ecoinmend to the delegates ehosen to the tate convention the name of Col. H. s. Dean. s a man in every way qualified and fitted for oing great good, both to the State and Uniersity. His name will add mach strength to he state ticket whieh will give it a sure promse of success at the polls. WMfeb wei,, adopted iy a rising ote. The next order of boafcMM being the clioosáng of delegates, the followini; ■werc eJuoeen for the BtWte and judicial ■onventions : TO STATE CONVENTION. Al Larg- Hon. E. P. Allen. Ypsilanti: Hon. Audrew J. Sawyer, Ann Arijor; e.eo. H. Kempf, Esq., Chelsea. First District- Wm. Judson, W. ( n. F. Johnson, J.T. Jacobs, J. E. Beal. Dr .!. Wood, z :thnn Plorce, I. N. 8. I ■ ml District- s. R. Crittenden, Wm. Osband, W. 8. Carpenter, K. 11. 8toue, A 1 Freeman, M. R. Ravmond, O. A. Sober, Wi Burtless, . A. Wooi'l. JUDICIAL COMVBM1 H'N. At Large-ioitm V. Lawrence, Ann Arbor; . F. Freeman, Mancheater; I. C. tirlffln, Vis lantl. Kirst District- Norman I). Uates, K. F. Johi Bon, A. J. Shkvi r. A. W. Wllkiuson, A. W .Ham ilton. lieorge s Wheeier, Uenry Waldron, K. Hiscock. Pred li. Kraim. Second Dlttrlct- W. K. Childs, Chas. Mil] George Scotney, .1. B. Wortley. W. R. Darl George Rawaon, Jl. P. Johnson, Wm. (Jampbel Tin' llcxt tl]'!aifi n order v;s the Belectíon of .i camHdate lor eountj (onii]i.ssk)iicr (if schools. Dpon mo tijn of IIm. A. J. S.iw.vcr. .lohn W Benoett, Enq., hc preeoni popular bu pervtsor ol the !tii ward, waa noml n.itcd tor posMiom. After a f'liort epeecti by Elobert Campbell, Eeq., the oonvention ad journed, fcclinu tlioy liad done a good woik. and n a barmonlom manner.


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Ann Arbor Courier