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Death Of Mrs. H. W. Rogers

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On Thiusday moming last, alter a long nixl wiions llncss, Ure. Heniy W. Rogare (lied at Jier home In tliis city. Mrs. Rogéis mas a iiative of Massaotraeette, ljorn in Marcli 1811, so tiiat slie liail nearly reaehed hor 82d Uii-tlulay. She came to live herc in tompany with hei' busbond -ome twentv ycars tugo, and Qins been one of the most respected and best lovod la dies in lour city. Her klndneee and charity made lor lier a warm ) vla te in the hrarts of tlio people. Mr. Rugiere, wlio dit'd gome ycars ago, was a wealthy attorncy of Buffalo, X. V. He ik'terniiiiK'd to retire froni business gome tv(;nty ycars since, audstarted west in htartli. of a home. Stopping over in Ann Arbor tor a díiy or n be was bo cbarnMd wlth the pla c tliat he determincd to lócate here, anil did BO, purvlKising wliat was knuwn to our older citizcns n the "Sinclair homos-t eud," on the corner of E. Hurón and División t-us.. the iiiHsr residi'ii'-e ii"op"rty in Ann Arbor. Here they remainied pending tlie last year.s of their IMé in poace and inuetudc. Mr. BiBBell lie mcjitlcnian vho ie slated for Post (encral in the new cahinet, wa.s Mr. Rogero' laAv partner ut one time, and President Ctevelaind was a BtOdent in tUetr (Office. Ihirinii Mr. (leveland's visit to tJiis city a. ycar ag0 iic callcd apOO Mrs. Ragen twid renewed the crld acquaiintain'csliii). The funeral] aerricee were held Thursday ciciiiiü'. pi-aycr beiug sa ld at the icftise ai 7::M o'clock. ly Kev. llenry Tatlock, and at 8 o'clock at St. Anilrcw's cliurch tln Kpiscopal service was olerved, witli full vestcd choir. The honorary pall benrers werp Pres. Angelí. Prof. Pettee, JoJui M. Whoeler, E. 15. Pond, Prof. Waltere, Dr. Herdman, Dr. Jln-akey. Pfof. D'Ooge, and Dr. C. B. Nanrrode. Tie active pal! Indiërs were H. J. BroAvn, Prof. Chas. S. Demisim. CtÉBH. K. Oooïey, Prof. A. Zweit, (eu. H. Pond, and Charlea S. MJllen. T.lLe remanís wjrc conv ycd from the ciunrcli to The M. K. 1!. Ktation. and taken to linffaTo, X. Y., Wihere the mmediate fainily are all Imried. President Hemy Wade Rogers, of tlieXortlnvtstem Unjvorsiiy at Kvai ston, Hl., iSlierman Rogers, of Bnffalo, X. Y.. Mrs. Katthbone and Miss Rogêrs, of thiis city, accompanietl the renwiiiiH U Bnffalo.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier