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Warms Washtenaw Democrats

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The Mtmi-oe DemocraA of Feb 9th, wmtaJne a couple of artilles In nBpeci tO tbc circuit judíírsliip, tliat probaMy win not be quoted n whole ur in 'part hy onr democratie conpemponaries, so the Ooutier as a paper that eadeavors to glve all the neus. reprint the saiient polnta of the artdcteB. After stating that Monroe county Would have a caiiilidatc iu the perMm al Mr. E. R. (üirt.-iy. pr chaiiiiiau ui the democratie county cnminHttv ui Monroe county, it says : "Mr (ioiinau as c( ry o tli er demociai 11 t'his congresslona] district, no doubt, t'iiily appreciatee hJe vrork ana the democratie vote ol thia county. 'l'iic conservatave and falr-mlnded demócrata í the iMstrut concede Moni-im-'s eïaten In Hoe Judicial convention and tiicrr geenua to bo no doubt that wc 11 ) allowed to name tihc canilidatc." In notlior the (lemocrat quotes ;m Aiiíu.s editorial for it.s text and proceeds v tan the Ndea of the Wj-iitvnaw coaoty demócrata and Mr. Bsakea in particular, In thia "liKirming" manncr : "The alxve, irom tht: Ana Arbor Argius, would indícate tJiat thre t-till esteta that determiimtioii among a certain dan of alleged demócrata to deteat any jiwlk-ial candidate put forward ly the democratie party of this (liKtriet, and csixtially if he is a Monroe coaoty democrat- the same as was done kíx yirs airo. The triek catSftoi l)o repeated ; at past we do ftbt beliere it eau. We have a better opinión of The Wawhtenaw democracy tÜKin 1 th:nk tlu'.v can alain le led n.stray by men iiioso motdveH are neütihier decent, dccoixjus or democratJb. A horde of hofigry and hopelessly dishimest and played out political free lvooters. wlin have repciitcdly roached out tiheir begiging hand-s for party Iat rona gv and have a oíten been retfiwed. They are not friemls to the democracy of Wiishteiiaweouiity, they are not friendw to t'Jie demoeracy of tlii.s eongressional or judicial district. They have renderod themeelvea infanHHis ; and tJie tajnt of t renehery and cömi'ptton clings to them. Xo man -viho calis hdmoeU a democrat wdïl advocate or indorso the nomination orolrction o'a republican insteart Of .in equfllly luonest and capable man of liiis o-wai party. Tliere are finly lm rensons imaginable with, forcé In them to explain wliy amyone who ails h.imsolf a democrat, should adMi ate snch a move - bribery or revenge. Tlve Domoorat, liko the Argus, 1ifl do words of condemnation for .Tudge Ktooe'a term upon tlip i:onch. He ha.s ]roved himself an honorable, liilunindied a.nd Impartía] judicature, nu honor to h.i.s party and nis callinjr : but tfaect does not follow tliat wlthln t lic democratie party thorr aro none to quite t-ake hi.s place. .ludiré Iandlon. Uta opponent of fcix years ago. Is luis equal in nll those essentlate." Tei-Iiops this nrtiele had eomething Vo do with Mr. IvOhmans' being knockCd out by fhe otlier office seekers, after he liad seeured a majority of tlie (lelegates. "Who Is the belle to-night?" aslícd he As they stood on the ball-room floor; He looked around the room to see. And she soeaks to him no more.


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