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r ie expected that ihc lojrlslature will visit vlie fnivci-sily in B body next TLin silay. Matvh 2d. i;'o. 1'. Kcy. t'he city ■ 1 1 lc ". 1 1 - ■ ■ i ■ , lias been appojnted Instructor in descrlptivr geometry In the Univorslty, al a saiary of ;-il'." per semester. Dr. O. R. Long is to deUver a course of lectores before Uio studente of tfae Homeop. department, opon ".Mental Di-cas.'s. -iiiüui compensation. Prof. s oii g&ve a wy pJeasant uuk at the young people'a vesper services In st. Andrew'e ctaapel, lasi Sunday eveninir. On The UOSpel M ■.- -;mv. Oornell Universlty, ith au Income of $."00,000 per yar cl.-iims tliat the state slicmM como tO it.s aid and reseiie it trom starvatimi or Boniething of t-lve (sort. Prof. Fied Morley luis been granted b leave r absence t; asstet In taking the primer; Itrlarulatlon of St. Mlary'B rivor, ander Gen. Pc1, U. 8. A. Baid !bo 1m an Important piece of (Drk. The U. lof II. .Minstrels have. the bost "gags" t'hiw tyvnr tliat. have ever been j I gotten oif befon an Aun Arbor audience. Tiilis fe no "veug" lmt ;l truism tUat our jpeporter has been quletly inionneil of on coiulition that he would nuake it puhlh . The of .las. Whlteomb Kile.v. beJore t'he Stuik'iifs Lecture Associaüloa, on Frlday t-venintt, Maren 3d, wil be one of tlie evonts of toe lecturegolmg seaaon. Everybody waata to iiear thiw poel hu Lrets so near the henrts of the people. On Man-h 17th. tlic oratorfcal winnere oí class conteste wiil compete íor t'he privilege of reprosenting tbla Cn;v-isity in t'hi' rontcsi of the NoitliWeetern Oratortcal Iengne, to be held at Oberlin, hi May, whiMi the winner peta 75, the next betrt $50. It win ie a Tigiüt llTely couteift of word. It was n notewortih.y tact that the Unirersity of Michijian was weïl representednt tïie recent mauguration of the irei'dent of the Tniv-Tsity of Wis n-:n. baríes Kendall Adama, elaga oi '61, wa.s installed M president ; and I're.s. Angelí, Ilon. James L. Iliffh, law clftM of '(!(;, and Trof. John C. Freeman, Ut '68, were on the prorainine for speet'hes. Tlie very best exhibit It is poselble for a Unü-ereity to make, the U. of M. will endeavor to have at the Chicago 'Woiid's Pair. It has 3,000 square feet of floor space to cover, aanl certainly can not complain of want of room. The mecluinical engineers have made some fine pieces of macliiinery, why not place one or two of tnem upon exhdbition? Of course H would Dot do to have a íreshman and a co-ed exposed to the public gaze ! The bronze doora of the Oapitol at Washington, were designed by the íamcus Michigan Sculptor, Ilandolph Rogers, and the original casta re now tJie peoperty of the UniverBdty, beimg among the lateit lot of t!h)at igTeat artistss' collection of original casts preeented by Wim to our Univreiity. They are nmong the most valuable of his prodnetions, and will be of lincreasing value as tHie years roll on. (IUiey are now in the art gwllery in rtllie building. It may be of interest to note that tliere are 135 freshmen medjes against 106 last year. Th,is is good evidence that the lengtheniiiig of the courte. and the rajüing of the standard of admission in .tli is deiartment, will not lessen the attendance. After all it is tlie school that proposes to teach it students something ; that compels them to possess a knowledge of tliedr n-ofeesion when they gradúate ; tïiat jts diipioma a thing of valué to it.s posseaaor, that wlns. That is what the I'. of M. is doing. I One-ffUi oí a mili is ;m Infinitésima in I teelt buï it tras nt.nlc .-i greot dea of talk oí hite. a .J pecina d ol iii ■ Ame. an ren deer, bas been rccemtly added to th iiiuscuni. II i-ann' trota Newíotind lMllll. I)r. .1. N. Marlin pertonned, Tusda afternoon, oí i :;' masi dllfleult operatlone kimuii io swgery, at ttu hospital. The bursünir í water pipes In tln Pal r. house Mooday, caueed damag ki Ule bODM and íuvnil amountIng to -onider.'i lr. Tli caminal addrees before ili' Btudciiis of the law departmeini takos place Hiils aíternooa, the address ' ■■- nir (lciivercii by Roa. Btephan A. Ivuias. The Glee Club are to alng, and thi' proirranime wlll I1 Invltlng. Hou. .1. Sterling Morton, oí Nebroeka, wiio la to ix -tii-e new Secretary oí Airri; r.ltiirc. is a gradúate oí tli' rniversit.v oí Micliitrau, and one of its íirm hienda. He iustituted "Arlor Day," the Dame oí Aun Arbor susgieattng the t t le. It may interest some of tbe readers of tbe Oowier to know that I)r. May Cutler, of '88, wuleil on tlie Bteamer China, on the 14th, for Beool, Korea, (China i. as a medteal mtaskmary. She goes umler thc awpicea oí tli ■ Womans r. M. S. of tbc M. B. ehnrch. siic has been practfetag for the past fev years at Pomeroy, Oluio. Thf last issue of the rniversity Record lias a graal many iutere? artictes, amonio thi'iii tHMiiii one entltled ■fwenty Teen Dl Oo-Bdnoatlon." It ui.l prolKibly be read wlito ffreat Interest ly some of tlie ia i-.-s of eastern toeidtuttong, -whk-h are Ktill cogibating npon the questum whether it : i est toadmlt woincn to thrir gacred ]ire -inet.s or to keep theni in a ltttle annex all by tliemselvrs. It sill bc ótily a question of time, witli all of t'hem. Tliere is no reasoa why wc sliuuid deiiy daufïhters the name cducatkm we gxc our boos, and the slow eaert wül have to learn this lesson froni t.lie west. Th service ooadneted by tbe studeiits' ('hristian Associatlon Sunday. both moraal and evening, were of a very entertaininr chiaraetcr, and the addresses tihough sotnewiiat of a historieal nature, were very Instructivo. It wa.s t'He 35th aimi versa ry ol the first Students Y. M. C. A. ever founded in tihe l'nited States, and th? day was made memorable. Mis. Aliee Freeman Palmer spoke brtolly in tjie moming-, but in the evening delivered tlie aamual addi'IHB, whieli wás indeed entertaininíí and charmlng. It was an appeal to all that is true and noble and charitable in one's elf. The intisie in the eveiiing, whicb was 'urnMied by the Clxoral Union, was a remQrkably entertaining feature ot tile program me. TCe local debate content between the tour literary eocieties - Alpha Nu, Adelpfhi, Webster and Jeffereonlan- hield to choose representatavee to debat at tüue Inter-uixivoreity contest in Univereity Hall, Itacch 31, will occur next Moniay evening in t'he law lecture room. The contestants are Messrs. Palknor, Jefferios, Best, Gray, Lipson, Kedick, Purdy and Kilbride, tour of whom will speak on the affirmütive of tlie queetion, "Should the Undted Stafes adopt the policy of suböidizing the meroantile marine ?" and tour on the negatdve. The Judges of the debate are Rev. C. M. Cobern, ?rof. ('. Adams and Prof. B. M. Tliompson. The men are all debaters of marked ability, and the best men of Th,e four nocoeties, honce the contest cannot but be of unusual interest. A pood programme of music wiill also enliven th contest. Tickets aïlmitfuig to bothi preliminary contt and íinal debate the Universjty of "VVUsconsln, are on sale at Bowdinli's phoe store, State st., and at Moore & "Wetmore's, Main st. Price only 25 ents.


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