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The Late Rev. M. Gelston

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On Sunday afternoon last, I!ev. Maltby Gelston, aged 87 yeare, 9 mos. and 10 days, died at Jii home on E. Washington st., from a paralytic stroke. The following obitiwry appeared in the Daily Times : The deceased wat lorn in Shcrman, Oom., April 30, 1805. He was fitted for college by hlis father, Rev. Maltby Gels-ton, wSio was a gradúate of Yale elass of 1791. At ttoe age of 18, young Gelston entered Yalo as a freshman and graduated witfe the clase of 1827. He entered Yala thoological semiinary t'iie name year and prcached as a licentiate in Bridge water, Conn., tüiie last year of his theological course. He wae married Oetober 20, 1834, to Maria Harriet Merwin, of New Milford, Oonn. H'is tint pastorate mi with the Preebyterten dmrcb it Medina, N. Y. At tUe end of two years he was callod t Clyde, N. Y., and after three yean he acceptd a cali to xhv Congregatiiinal cïiurch at Itnshville, N. Y.. Wtwre lu' renAtood for 19 years. In Ui e fa 11 of 185.", he went to AlUOB, Mi h. . as pastor of the Presbyt crian cSmrch in tliat city, and remaim-il Live yeai-s. He tihen labored at Graes Lake for two years, from ttare he removed to Ann Arbor to cilmat bis i hildren and lias Kince resided in tSiecity. since rcsidiiiíí in Ann Arbor, his time Iki.s been given to mission u-ork in Sai;iiiav, the Tawas, Au Sable, and cxtfaer places. Severa] cliurolK'.s in th.-it MCtton which are uow larg and proaperoiM lxidies, owe early Inceptkm to íiis missionary laltors. Th last 10 years of Iris miiiiislr.v liaví' Ihmmi devoted to the cluuroh at i(iitli I.yom, where he wwri cvcry weok, driviiifr otm fro-m Ann Arttor. DuriiiK 54 years of mini.stry Mr. (irlstcm luas never becn sick a single Sumlay, and tho firet sickness of his life -nías tlne stroke of paralysis eig-ht ycars auro, whicli agalB attac-ked him a week a go last SaUirday and endrd báfl life Snnday afternoon. Four cluildron BUlVlVfl him, Rev. J. Mills (íplston, pastor of tho Tresbyteran church of Aun Arbor, iU'v. II. W. Grelston, pastor of tlie Presbytorian olinrih In IK'land, Fia., Mrs. Nettie B. Ilarvey and Mtevs Sarah 1!. (elstoii, of Ann Arbor. Mrs. Gelston iliud about slx years ago. The Waehtenaw C'ounty Ag. Society cao not mortgage tts property Iby law now, Kepreeenbative Mille' bill rpealing the act granting; such permies ion hrfiving been po&sed. Jim Slocum, af the Holly AdvertUer, lias a way of tatáng lact-s that all eau underHtand : "WTien a man is thiTougli his day's wark and is ittiag down and rwting in bis homO he cannat read tlhe advertiaements on the fence, and tihe handbills and circulara tllnat were left on the doorstep during fhe day have been blown away or been destroyed. He calis for the paper and tUire he fmds the merchanfs announoeraent, and to bother hiis mind, he reads it caretully and then call.s his wite's attentioo to it, and tiluey deciide to go to the merchanfs tare and examine wtutt ie advertieed. How importent it is, fhen, that your name can be found, the kind of Tm.Miiens you are eng-aiged in and tJic bargaSïis you have tto offer, in its columns."


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Ann Arbor Courier