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TOYFUL News for Boys and Girlal! Toung J and Oldü A NEW( INVENTION just PaBKOWN'S FOOT l'OWER LATHES, Circular, Scroll and Fret Sawinu, Turnlng, Boring, Drilling, Giindinfr, Polishing and Screw Cuttine. For Carpenters, Cabinet Maker, Carriace Makers, Black, White, Silver, Copper and Goklsmiths; ArcMtects. Amateur. Gentlemen, Clergymen, Teachers, Jeweler. Dentists, FARMERS aud everybody else. User havo Wrltten ■ Hart lt 8 Tfars, wonld not take J100. Gave Ut." Cost me ÏCO. I have relused $100. Had it 12 years." ' lt ia worth twire Ita coet." " 1 rould not do without lt. „„ ■ I have s wn many. Thls i the beet. Beats them au." "lam earning my living wlth lt." Frice (5 tas.V). Send 6 cents for 100 pages ai Lathe Instructlon and Description. EFBBAIH JIROWN, Lowell, Mas iCAKTErtsF ■JlTTLE CURE Biek Headacbe and relieve all the tronbles Incident to a bilioun state of the syntem, such aa Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after Oating. Pain in the Side, c. While thoirmoeft jtucarkable euccess haa been shown in curiiig SICK Boadache, yet Cnrter'g Llttlo Llver Pilis aro cqually valu&ble in Consti pation, curingaud pro ■ enting thisannoykigconiplaint.while they alao correct all disorders of the Btoinach,stimulate tho i -i t and regúlate tho bowels. Even ií tUey ouly HEAD Arne they wonld bo almoBtprlceleesto thoaowho uffer froin thia diatreasing complaint; biilfortuuatoly theirgoodueea does notend hcre.and thosa Wiiooncotry them will flnd these littlopillsvalutl)e ín somany waya that Ihey will uot bo wilJiLg to do without them. But after alleick head ACHE Xt the bane of so many Uves that here is where vt ir.akeour great boost. Our pilla cure it whilo othera do not. Carter'a Ltttlo Liver Pilis aro very email and ory easy to talie. One or two pilla niake a doae. They are stricíly vegetable and do not gripe or pozge, but by their gentle action pleaseall who HM them. In vialsat25centB ; fivofor $1. Sold l;y draggists everywhro, or ent by maiL CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLPILL. SMALL POSE. SMALLPRICE RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY, FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constantly on hand BREAD, CRACK LRS, CAKK8, etc, for Wholesale aud retail trade. We shall alao keep a supply of STV1FT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! OSBORN'S GOLD DUST FLOUR. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEED, atc, at Wholesale and retail. A general stock of iSOCEEIES and PROVISIÜNS ConBtantly on hand, which will be sold on a roasonable terms as at any other house in the city. Cash paid for BOTTER, EGGS. and COUNTRY PRODUCE generally. Goods de livcred to auy part of the city without extra charge. RINSEY ie SEABOLT. TRUCK and STORAGE Now we are ready with a new Brick Storehouse for the storage of Household Goods, Pianos, Books, Stoves, etc. PIANOS A X I HOUSEHOLD -:- GOODS All kinds of heavy and light Draying. FREIGKHLT WORK C. E. GODFREY, 'Phone 82. Res. and Office 4G N. Fourth Ave. GET l TICKET OF W. F. LODHOLZ 4 & 6 BROADWAY. And you are entltled to a cholee of TheHome Instructor, the Life of General Sherman, or the Life of P. T. Barnum (free). when cash purchnse to the amonnt ol $15.00 has been made. THE Ml INSTRUCTOR, I.AKGE OCTAVO, 478 PAGES, ILLUSTRATKD. A compendium of useful knowledge necessary for the practical uses of every-day llfe. A complete and perfect gulde to llfe in public and private. TBS LIFE AND DEEBS 0? BEN, W, T, raiü, CROWN OCTAVO, 568 PAGES, ILLUSTRATED. A graphlc narratlve of hls boyhood and arly life, educatlon, career In Florida and california, military achlevements, Ufe as a citizen, last sickness and death; wlth fine steel portralt. THE LIFE OF P, T, BARNUM, The WorldRenovned Shovman, IROWN OCTAVO, 520 PAGES, ILLUSTRATED. Hls early llfe and struggles, bold ventures aud briUiaat success; hls wonderful career, bis wit, genius and eloquence, hls Ufe asa citlzen, etc.- to which Is added his famous book, "The Art of Money Getting." W. F. LODHOLZ 4 & 6 BROADWAY. The way to secure good reading is fo subscribo for the Courier, pay $1 aad secure that paper togethcr with thO N. Y. Tribune. I


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier