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The Late Dr. Studley

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TUr Bad news of t'.he death of Bev. Dr. Stmdley, fornierly pastor oí Che M. E. dtíareh of tfiife city, reached here l:ist Suuday jiight. He (lied at his home in Evaiwton, 111.. on Sun(lay ereoinsr, ol poemnonie. 'ihremahH ere taken to Detroit for 1 m i-;.il in Woodniere cemcU'iy. Tta Hev. Dr. WiHiam Sprague Btudley wan born ta Boston, Mass.. May J(i, 1823. He receXved his ariy edui-ation at the public schools in that city, and iwlnen old enougb, entered a print njr office, uliviT he served his time and became tlhoroughly coaversant wttt olí braiu-hes oí the priïlter's art. OPartly with the money that he earned nt luis trado, anti partly by w.hat m nherited from his father, he possessed such nieans as decided liim to gTve up the print ing business and acquire a thorougfli edueation. He emtered tttie preparatory school at Wllbraniiam, Mass., where he took the regular course. From tiliere he went ti Middleton, Ct., and etudied for tour years at tliie We.sleyan UmlVerslty, wjift-e he was duly gradoated, havfng won distinction in all liis branches of study. The first expertence Mr. Studley linl ín prearh:ji,ir was while he was Ktill a student at Middleton t'niversity. Tliere was a tem pora ry vaeancy in S:. Paul's ehnrch, Lowell, Mass., and lie was asked by thi preaident to sapply tlw jiulpi't, iwhich he did íor six months to tlue natisfactiou of the congregation. After praduatlon became pastor of the Methodist church at Malden, Mass. The ministerial term was then two years. and liavinu; eompleted his term n Malden, Jie toook cliarirc ol ühe church at ('harlestown, Mass., his gWts as pastor and a pulpit orator jjpafriing him an iiv.reasing number of frionds. His p-astoral emgagements alfterwards were with iliurclies in the anti] he went to Detroit elgnt years ago, at the Central M. E. ehnnli, wliere he servad three years, then eame to Ann Arbór, aervlag two nuil the last tiiici' years havo been M'eiit ministeiiiii; to the First Metlioi! '-; Episcopal cnirch at Eavnston. Ainoitfi the pulpits he haa (llled have been tbe moei prominent In Boston, l.owell, M.iss., ( iii.innai i. lirooklyn, Buifalo, Durinii the war days Dr. Studley wem In Urooklyn. and his strong and ,Vail; i!riii;ii ;;it:on oí ,-:lavcry arOUSrd ilie ire of the ]ro-slavery churchmen. who were then an important lactor in t'he New York and urooklyn i-lmrchi ■. ll: plaln sjieakinii at that time .nave su, h oil'eiise that wlien he ijL.-hed lili seroiul term at Summerfield ehnrcli. l'.iooklyn, the easw-ni conference found th:it. no eastern ihurcli of any promnence was open in. After that lus course was dlrected weetwa-rd. In 1850 Dr, Stuilley marr'.ed Miss Frames Adolaide i'ollins, ol l'.oston, She diel at the end of fifteen months, eavlng hum with one littie glrl, who b imw Mrs. G. P. 15. Hoyt, of Jamaica Long Island. Some time after thie lie miarried Miss Mary Irene Smith. of Boston, by whom he had tour ehildren, two sous and a dauirhter dead, and n snrviviiiíí dantfhter. now Mrs. 1'. II. (ray, Dotroit. Dr. and Mrs. Studley celebra ted tk' ïortieth anniry of tlieir inarriaííe a short ni,' ;i gi ■. I'Kifi-ssoi' Terry, of th.e Th ■ i at l'.vanston, recently sa Dr. Stndley : "It is tl' sin e Dr. Studley ■ame to Kvanston, and his ministry uaa been Of rema rkable interest and ower botli aa a pastor and as a pulator. Very few men in the entre Methodist church are his superors in tlie pulpit. Kis ministry has modo a proíouiid iinpression on the omniunity in i:aiisiou, not only on he Metli(,l;sts but on t he entire popuation. "As a ])a.stior Jie ia oi a large and peñeróos nature, tender In hi.s sympaliiiee, with a large knowledge oí human nature, and faithJul in the visitation of the Hick aiid the afflicted. As a ('hrfrt:ui toan, his character is gtrong, cbeerfnl, and healthfully kind He ie nu ín i-i.i nr'liroiw, bul biiniit ani suniiy. bife strong, cJieerful faith cotninunr atlng its'lf to ot'hers. I liav haard a Chirtstlan woman who has to work h.anl soy tliat h'.s mtnletrlee kept her head above water duriing the six da.vs oí the weck. I):1. Studley s a man oí large a hoiarshiip and wide rcadinir. and he liatraveled extenBtvely n tlhe worid. He has brouulit all h:s knowledgc to beai on bis work. He te modewt to a fault, and l.ut for billa retlrlng nature miglit have heW a mu -h hJgher place in the church." Here in Aun Arbor no pastor was more genera Uy belOTed. He was the veiy soul of honor, and goodness, kindness and ohfirlty shone throii'gh nearly every art of hiis life. He was a noble soul. and leavea betblnd him a memory fragrant with the incensé of Christ's love. H!s sermona were always ornamented wltüi leautifnl poems, many of whik-h were of his own composition. Quite often tue would toke a verse or so of some eweet song in words, and add verses oí luis own to amplify and brintr out the thought of his text. It was always a deligh-tful thing to Itetea to him In conversation, when tellintr oí tlie pro-slavery days. He tlien resided in Boston, and couuted amonghila Intímate friends Wm. Lloyd Garitisn, Cbarles Suniner, and the íiaiul mn wlur were the l'aders ol th,e ant i-sla vcry movement. Dr. Studley had the reputaticm, when b was stat:onel in Iioston, ol beling t lic i'incst recudor of hymns of any man in New Enirland, and before and during the. war people woulO trav-l lontr distan es to hcar his sermons upon the vital question then agltatáog the inind of every American citizen. A brave man, a vaüant seivant of God, a noble citizen, a wwcct spirit imbued with the Saviour's love. lias departrd fxom the cartli, and is mouriied by t]ijuanIs. IIi is at rest in the aïme of HDm he Berved so well whlle here on earth.