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LS Driven tntt - all impurities of fJii 'H OH8 th blood' no lnttt V.i r or what name Ri. f BV or nature, or frora jJBhBVb QSHIb by Dr. ] ' ' ■WHli QAk Ooi cl en Medical I 'i;';} Hik Discovery. J:.-t'i lUSa CIcar your skin jC K, M -with it. Every f7 Víl AHHi distlgurement, i-4 'x H 3 ÍTom a common t" blotoh or erupion to the worst Scrofula, wijl disappear. 'X invigornte the liver, cleanses, purifles, and cnriches the blood os nothhig else can, and promotes all the boclily functions. For all the many and variod iorms of Scrofula, and for the most stubborn Skin and Scalp Diseases, such as Salt-rheum, Tetter. Erysipelas, Eczema, Iloils, Carbuucles, aud kindred ailments, nothinz " equal it as a remedy. Tho sarsaparillas claim to do good m Harch, April, and May. The " Discovery " does more than that. At all seasons and in all cases, it's guaranteed to beneflt or cure, or you have your moncy back. Nothing elso off ered by the dealer, though it's probably better for him, can be just as good" tor you. "THE MISSIE LI" FOUND AT LAST. iu'h Business Chain made up ol ■umi links tluit cannot break On this chaln hanga all public confidence. Wlth the reputatloo we have it wil] cai natlon competltors, for they know we do exiK'tly as u e Goodyear's Drug Store, A Fine Residence Property for Sale. One of thé finest residence property in Anii Arlior. Locatlon the best in tne lty. A large brick house, furnace heat, and all modern improvemenu, hot and cold water. bathfaml in fact all the conveulences to mako a model home; a fínebarn on this property. Also 1 lot in sume ueighborhood. A lultable house for a society, as the lots on either side of the house can lie boiiRht also. For partlculars cali t C'oirier Office. SDB CIOCES. They are striking no only to indi the hours and half hours, but Btriking in design) strikingly attractive and at pricea that will strike the most económica) pocket-book. We have a very I ment of smal] novelty clocks, very snitable f. i BIRTHIUY and HOLIDAY PBE8ENTS. Please cali and examine our stook. WM. ARNOLD, JEWELEH We llave arranged to give moro reatlinjj matter lor tho long winter evenings. WItb our own paper, wliere our Bubscribers pay in advance, we íurnish a year'a subseription to the larmers' Friend, a large 10-page paper, published at South Bend, Ind., especially in the interest of farmers and their lamilies. tf.


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Ann Arbor Courier