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Points For Poultry Raisers

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Pul'.eta w;i prove imi-li. more pro Itable i: iliey are nat e: ovd'd bj :■ tówlB. Dg !i]i tiic Borghum heada and tii' poaltry will plek oif the seeda Uh 'm wlvee. By cnllin:;' nul marketing reasonaWy eorly a eoasklerable s.ivinij can nade ba leed. i)tiiiinfï can take the place of good manu u-iii'-nt in lic winter as wel as in slimmer. One advantage wth poaltry on the Darm B tliat they eau peadlly itive-n ■■: Mc. range. The lH'.st 'uay of feeding clorer s t i-uu l'hroujih :i cutttng b(ix and tlien ■mik over niiilit. Iate hatched turkey can often be kept tifter tlw; liolidays lx;fore uuarketlag. To have liens lay well n the winter ttney must ii.-ivi: warm quartere and t.c Eed libcrally. Ttuere is a oonstöerabte difference in the taste of well fattened iowl and (me that is tliiai and scriwny. It is not a, god plaai to attempt to conftae fattenlng turkoys for any conBlderable time ; lot tfaem run untU al. out ten days before marketing. Tlie crumbe and scraiis from the ta1 ] and parings and waste from vegcta.ble, all of wliiili usuiilly go to the unrbage barrel, will be relishcd by Jh-iis and manuTactiircd by them into ■ sge. i'aiiiHTs gboold attend potütry ex!Libitims and aee the different breeds tor tliemselves. Don't belleve all the st ories interested exJubitors teil you. but go and master tüie matter your Bell and be your own judie. The proper wiay to Bell eggs would b by As long as this is not the custom, keep hens that produce the largest ones, and sell only to private customers wlio will pay aceording to actual valué. The goose lays about twenty eggs, but at times they will teath as many as forty. lour weeks are about the time for iiu-iibattoii, or, rat lier tbirty days, and the market is more favorable to geese ander one year of age. The guinea lays about 100 eggs and four weeks are required for inc-ubation. They are seldoin marketed, being usual.v cooBOzned OQ tlm íarm. The eggs are la'nni'd lo prwifinu a rich yolk. and are hJgiily eeteemed. Dark Brahma hem make in excellent cross with a Laogstaan cockrel. BggB, as iwoii as bcautafal table iouitiy. are certata to be the result. The Brown Leghorn cfx;k is often usel with LangBban paUete vitii equally good icsiiUs. UTiey run a inedlnmsízed fowl and by many are preferred to largo fowls.- N. W. Agi-i rulturist. II tiic water in tlu; bncragbB lK-,.-omes oovered witli ice it i.s babter not to fin the tror.'-íhs at all, luit water the hens three times a da y, with warm water, .■mptyinir the liouuli.s when the bons ■ drinking. It wlU do t'he hens no goud ito drink water tihat is covei-ed witli ice, while t lio warm water will inviicorate 'tilLem and promote layÜDgT, and .-issists In keeping them warm. By pl&ctng thc wheat iir corn in a pan, and leavtag it in tlie oven of toe suivc bver ulgbt, f the Ore te nol too hot, the (frains will be paivhed or humt, and iwlll be beneficlal, ae thêy t the place oí charcoal, and if well iiunit. it la not a dteadvantage. About week with the parched gnalraa will afford tihB beoe a ehange of food ithat will be agreebly rellsned. - Mirror and Farmr. Do not pjaoe too nnu-li dependence upun any one kind of irrain ; thc tiic varii'ty tb better the results. Oíd stock of any kind decrease Ín valne as nlicy gfrow older ; one and two-ycar-old liens are nrach the best for jirofit. Wík'71 the Jiens aro properly cared for tbey ,will need lees food and tho nutrítioiis wiii elther go to the formal too of 'ir;; or fleeb. The poultry keeper Ihat glvea hU fowls proper .itemeiit will find the winter season to bc the most profitahle om? in tlie yoar. Tiie iiouitry management, as with neaily all otliier work on the farm, muoh may be learned trom the experienee of others. Il poultry te sent to market plnmp and fat. well dreased a.nd iu an attractive sfaape, it will bring the hlghcst pri.c, lrrespectlve öf breed. 8o far an : posstbte do avold, care Bhonld be taken not to allow dreesed poultry id Dreeze, edtter before or after .-i ikftig Por i!i' market. -i. íiouiíi lie placed as far away trom ■ü:' door or wlmdow oí the poultry house as posalble, in order to -avoid eold eurrents. If conü tu Bo arrange, .■! board may be leed over rhe roost, so as to pro tilo hen-s írom any drahghts overhead. TJie eold air ue-ually comea in near tlie floor, henee t woll%e more comfortable for the hen. when they are ni tlie roost, íf the floor is deeply eovered witl s,me kind of litter.


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