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She's ni y sandwich, l'ni her luim, ïny Lillie, l'm her Sam. Soon ril annex her, You may bet Litcle Hawall Will be niy pet. - Dcf'iance News. The High School junior exhibition ia down on tlie boards for MarcJ 17, the last day of tlie school term. Th is is tbe day that tshould come in like ;i lion if w want to have an éarly spring. .Hut ao f;ir it is very ]amb like. Repreeentative Kllao eaye that the Fish Shute bill would eot the taxpayers of t'his county alxiut $10,000 passcil, and that. is why lie is opposdng it. At the meetltag sA the Pomologlcal BKxiety next Saturday p. m., in the (xrart house, th; queetton of Good noails vs Poot Roads win be the toplc for discussion. The lailics sopply kltcfaen at Harris Hall SaHurday aitornoous is meeting wit.h gcKxl sucoeee. Tlie light lunches alo ei-vfd durlqg Saturday afternoonfi are very fine, indeed. At tbe Ooogregatlona] church the ml M-nium by the pastor on the subject of Atomement, will be delerred untül Sunday Maroh 12th. Oommunun serviré next Sunday morning'. Rev. Fr. Nu.tient, f lh Mobles, lo., - to lectura In st. nnmt Hall, Mar. 17, upon a subject not yet nnnounccnl. He is an eloquent divine. An mlmdseion fee of r(i cente il be cherged. Mre. H. AV'. Bogen left the vcstry 3t. Aniircw's imnii. $500, whlch win be placed in the current expense ■ ïHiownirnt iimd. V'hi;h mfüüee tllis mud iKiw 91,500, and endowmentB ui' all kinds $3,000. The sparrow law lias beeo so amendcd t'liat 'tluwe who ilcsirc to scL'ure ihe bminty taust ihjw bring the entira aptiOTOW, instoad Vil" "the liead only. Thjs is ïor the purpose of saving other billis bom teetroctloo, A wcll dreesed man, for a tramp, glvtng Bhe name ol Waltcr Smith. was beiore Justáoe .Pond Monday. charüd witUi Btealiag a pair of gloves and Ik haiidkeivhiH ïrom Alex. Ratti, on Sunday. He as sent to Detroit Xouse of Oorréctlon for 00 days. G. A. Peters in'orms us tliat the populist party wilíhold a county and iiulirial convi'iition in theKupervisoi-'s il, ai tbe court house, on ïliursi'ay, Manli 9th, at 11 o'flook a. in., lor tlie purpose of iioiniiiatiiiii county and Judicial ofticers. The Hilgli School exhibit at Hie Worid's Fair will be Bhown on a table i!l' jiKilies wide 13 feet in lcngth and with wall lïpac-o 8 feet high, TULs plves ampie room for the bost hijih e Kool in trlie country. Gilxson has raken Isome iine piciuiTs of Prof. WSnes' Geometxy classes and thetr Avork, for tthe exhibit. She gazed on Faahlon'a new detlgn, And thotight for half a minute ; Then sairt : "Woll. if It's crinoliue. I vow that I'll be in it." The Marcli term of the circuit court convt-nes next Momlay. Sec Oftll for rt'puhlican judicial conn-iriion, to beid at Dundeo Marcli 1 Ith. da-ra Morris ,to-morrow evening at t?ie grand opera, will be an e vent. The snow piow service of the city hfts been ccmsicleinlily bnproved thie ■n-hitor. At St. Thomas Hall Lenten devovi.tKins are held each Tuesday andFriday evewiugw. Kerosune oil is good in its place, but most people prefer to havo thelr drinklog wiater tree from it. Preporattoo ba bei,nir made at the etectrtc llgfrt worka (or placlng the nsw englue and boller. The concert given ly Max Helnrlch et al., at l'iiiversit.v Hall last l-'nday eveotag, te eaid to Uuvve been excellent. Hermas Hutael has contracted fov 100 cords of wood to lo deUvered at tüie ltrivk and Tile Ct'8 works at Kinory. Ed. E. Hiecock, of Webster, has leasid liis (anii, and will remove to Ann Arbor and enter business wlth his fatlK-r. 1. SibBOOCk. Bev. Henry .Tatlock is dellverlmg a serie of lectores on Wedmesday eveniin. at St. Anilrcu's chapcl. mi the Itook of Common Prayer. In real estáte transfer of Schairer & Kempf to Willinm Aprill, in last wei'k's issue, the -oi'.sId'.Tation Bhould linvc been $1.000 instrad 0Í $4,000. Frank H. Warren, wtmm Uie demócrata have Domltaated In Detroit for Jodge of the Recorder's Court, nativo o! Man:Jiwster, in this connty. The regular montfaly aocJal n' the i.adirs' Aid ÖOClety of the M. E. clhiurch. will Ik; held Thnrsday, to-morriiw cvcninir, in tlu' cliniTh parlors. Tea Berved at G:30. All railruads hcII tickets to Beatón llarbor at onc and one-th.ird fare for the round trip, on account of the G. A I!, ciuampment, Miaren G, t, and 8, good to return Marc-'h 10. Eniil ways that BO f ar no fruit bode o; any kind. have been injured Uy tbe rolcl weattoer. The present nnonth of iMarch, however, is a bad one for, aaid tliey niay all be desbpoyed yet. Peach bode are the easlest to fcill in tht' winter, bnt after thcy are in iblo-ssoin ilicy are the tooghcgi ol all (ruilt bude. The past qnarter lias been a prosperous on-e for the M. E. church of thta ity. Duxtag Huut tune 35 have been re civcd into ehiurh by letter, one from probntion, six on probation, total 4L'. DuriliJï same time two hae wjlhdrawn, two cUed, six removed l.y Ut ter. and eÜgbi without letter, total 18. On Sunilay morninir next the pulpit ol St. AndreWs chmcli will be tillcd by Rtgbit Rev. Thomas (Jndor-(iiiil Dudley, Bishop of Kentueky. In the evening he Avill eommence bis selles of lee tures, lwfore the Hobart Guild, on the I'.aldwin foundation. Bishop Iulk'.v has ui -nviabl' rcpntatdon as a inilpit orator. Soarobody in ('hk-aigo, representing hiimself to be CJias. E. Hiseock, Becrei;iry of the MK-lLiyan PurnltuT Co., of Ann Arbor, MMi., last week, disposed chrecks a:ggrej;ainí a bout $250, emd tüie Banu wre scait to the lst National Baak, i this city for collection. All were lorerïee. Wtoo the dover rasccü is, the atitboriiUea woulil be lilad to as ertain. .lulitis Burkhardt, an employé in the ('ourirr's ]rcss room, u'asinHl his left knec qutbe eevorely last Baturday, wtlle in th aet of cutting up some old debriB inh) klndllng wood. He will bc laid up ter a weck or o. The liartrnlaf piece of wood tUat cansi-d t'he troubie was an old barrel hoop. It .stands to leason th.-it -Itilie will be opposed to lioops, all liis Ufe. The ji;'v fish shntf law will raus.' the mili dam owmere oo the lliirnn liver consideral'le expense If. the bill be unies a law. In cansequencc of which Repreeentative Kltaie offered an amendment exemptJng the Huronriver hom rhe iirovisions m' the bill. This has. rejeed the Ire of the Ushcrmen in tliO eounty, and tliey are making Kline's liie umaomfortable for him Avith letters and petltione. It is stated that the T., A. A. .: X. M. I!. R. his ptoeured ri.ulit of way uto Toledo íor tlueir own ternfinal in Toledo. The depot will Ik' lorated on ■Voodruff avenue, al a poftttl Uetween Iaiirane and ("herry streels. Tli ■ new line bas been surv-.'.ved and éxteiMls fvom Iyairraiine streel to the Ann Arbor line. at, Manhattan road l.-eiiïnninir a! a [xiiut near tJle Old Ladies' Home. The work of tirgnnmns a Y. M. C. A. tor the yotin.e nion of the town e s'till workin.ii iiself slowly forward. Xot as iast as some wonld like, but it sliöuld be rcmembered tliat thiugs of iuusüiroom gjtfwtli aro not apt to be las'ting:. Tüi.lis emterprise appeals, or iitiüht to appeal, to cvery parent in the city. By throwimg the right sort of infliK'n;o.s a bout tfho boys until tby .'iré old enouRli to realizo the coneequencea of wrong dolag, Ifl t inonly way ,lo save Ilietn. Any tnfonnatiim you juay desire ttpon the suiiji't w in be jíivvn by a. L. Noble. Behind the beautlful mald I sat, Anil my lieiirt at the niemory rieves, Kor althouffb she ktndly took off her hat, She fatled to pull down her ileevet. - N.Y. I1' ThiK is bmppoced to be the ttrst day of spring, 'rimit la to s.iy, March is a sprint; iihhiIIi. It :s in.ikiiitr Harkins & Willis bon to get 3,000 of theif toasters ready by May lst. 'lin'y ;uv liiiinnicrs If tibe cholera mterobes can live tturougb sii'li n winter as thlfl oh ínas iici'ii 'tiic.v must be abl ■ bodfed litl!e (elIowB. I Lev. ( Scaddlng, Elector oí Trinity clmnli, Toledo, Ohio, wlll li present .uní iiriAcr an addrcsa al the cvcii'iiii; Bervlce el Bt. Andrcw'a church on "Wcdncsday evening, Mareli í.'.th. The person who lias not broken any iones, spraüned any lirabs, or dialocated any joints tliis winter, is not Ín style at all. They Uould ttnmédlately proceed to come m witto the elite. It i.s ie)icirteii tbat therc le a grcat dearth o oandtdatea to íill th city B oí Aun Arlxw, and it muy liecom nec(sai-y to use bear-trapB.- Ailiian Press. Don't jou belle ve it. Ther ■ are al thi.s minute more llghtnlng ro'da up ilian Uie aver;me ceneufl numerator could comit in a month. Rev. J. T. SiindiMliiml wi Ispéale oext Sundüy m&rdtng upoo "Ttne reat Hüstorte ( ri-eds of Chri.sK'ndoni : thelr Or'min. llisioiy (ind Inilueire, and the I'resrnl Attitude f TtíOUgtlt toward tlicin." Wlbjeci : T.esti-irtlOO of Im;iLrin.ii ion as a Solution of tüM Labor il'i-oblem." Two little ijranddaiiííJiters oí J. D. WUlia-ms. oí Ann Arbor towB, arvived írom California a few days slace and sound. Cotli thelr párente died recently, leevtag tíiem entlrely tliotit kindreil in tliíit íar away state. Klnd harted and Ohrtgtlan people aaw that joairney saíely marte. They will have a good lnom. Miss I.(juiise H-enriette Spring, the tiiird dauchter oí Mrs. Sciphie SprhiLC. oí W. WaíftuingtiÓn st., died Monday a. m.. alter an illness extending over nearly ttliree yi-ars. She was a native of Ontarito, Canada, and was very mucb loved y hfr t'amily and friends oí Iit kiml and pleasant ways. Funeral Bervloee th afternoön :u 3 o'clock fi-om Bethleheni ehurch. At a ji'nt meeting oí t lie common council and Xhe líusiness Men's Assoí-fiatiou, held last Thursday, tlie eoininittees w ere appolnted to take charge of the visit oí the ture, to be made hero un Fridny oí m'xt week, Mardb lOtli : Iteception - Mayor Doty aud the Common C'ounci!. Finance- Col. H. S. Deun. ïlios. .1. Keech, Fred Behmid, J. E. Beal, J. V. sheuhan, lr. W. J. Hcnlmiui. H. J. Broivii, l'rof. A. (_'. McLaughlill. Kiitertaiiiineut- D.FredSchairer.Miss Emilia Bower, U. W. Wngner. Dr. N. S. IIolT. l'rof J. C. Knowltou, A. V. Hainiltou, E Duffy. Transportation- Evart H. Scott, J. E. sumiiLT. A. r. Fergusou. Dr. Remember a. Coiiins, at one time a resident oí tlus clty, belng .■! nrated here, (lied Föb. lltli, at hls lióme in Dennüsou, Texas. He went toGraysoneoumty, ïexas, about 18GG, ai coinpanied by li i.-s mother, who wlU be remembercd íiere by our older citizens, especlally those wbo w.-re atteiwliuit.s lipón alie. M. K. Cllurch, and thcy íoumk'd 't lio vdllaiíc oí OolliOBville. He was a na t i ve ni ludían Ter., and was Horn iu July 1848, his párente beteg inis.sionaiirs anuing the Indiiuis. Hs (inicie, Judsou D. Collins, was the flrst missio-nary sentto China by tlie M. E. cliurch. The ouly ineinlxT of (the ía.mily uow l'ít i a sonof 'tJie Doctor, dow about 15 yeara oíd. A gre:it many oí our í'i'ailci-s" and i ■ . - j ï . ■ 1 1 1 - ol Aun Arbor wiu remember Bfentia] ajwl eveir jolly and happy (has. M. Jones, íonncrly bookkéepcr of tEe I5E Xatiunai Bank. These wlll m (iriibt be Burprteed to lesarn bhai ■charik''" lias jotoed a theattlca] troupe, and ka now a Kansas star- but nul oí pop." vai-i.'ty. The Wlchita Daily Beacon oí Fébruary l'l'. glvea a. column account oí Mie piay. The reporl pratees Mr. Jo-lies' role as "tSw Just and sober judge, mil oí t'lie hnin-essivcih'ss oí the law," but eaye notíhüag about tlie absurdiity of uc'h a solemn peraon appeartog in the glddy mases oí the skirt dañe and serpentine gyrations. As Mr. Sawyer lias resolved to Be cure all íil clase artists íor tile opei-a Ihjusc lu'i-e. niei-elv gnggesi tlial he make appli.ation al once íor lilis troupe before ii i everlastlngly too tete. Xwo of Aun Arbor's cilizens took pai-t in tile Younn' l'eople's servicee at St. Andrew's church at hal!'past ; Yiock lust Banday evming, tlicn wint to the M. C. station, boardcd tlu' North Shoro Ldmited expresa, rode : mflee to Detroit, tlien rodo tw-o miles om tlie. striH't cara, and arrived in .timo to hear iiearly all of a sermón beinsí delivered in St. Jolin's church, Woodward ave., by l'ather Hujnt.iiiííton. oí New York. And liad Ui-ey seen íit to haw done so they coiild have retiimed home the sa ni.' evemliBg, on the 10 o'clook train, istold merely 1o Ilústrate thc age we livi' in, and üiow rapidly one can move alionl tfae cai-lli's gurfaoe. 'l'his wonderfu'l progresa Jn fcravellng has beon niade in less thnn halí a century. Bweet violets. l"or your return we long; We mían the flowers, of course- No rcfereuce to the song. -Kansas city Journal. C'hickens around in different parta of the city ai-r "coming U missing." Eberbaeli & Son now run their electrtcel lalxmttory witb a now electric motor. The ertre formerly occupied iy John Sloope la Cdok iioiis,-, iM'ing fittoil ap as a Klliurd i-oom. Mpb. Mary .1. iIhmI last Sunday at the reeWence of tier dini'g-litfr, OO E. l.:lerty st., aged alMiut i(t ycais. A snit has been tmuiieeced against tii,. M. e. B. il. ('o. by Peter Hynea, ly his next frieml. M. J. & I. 1'. Lehmaii ai-e the attorncvs. Mdcbael Klias, of s. Seventh st.. dled last. Sunday oí coneumptíon, leav[ng a wiíc and tdwee diildfen. Funeral eervicea were held yeeterday. Joaepb Vofcac has been admitted to vitizcnship in the circuit court, and Judgmeat OO dríanlt oí jdaiiitiíf oí sist;. 'JO, entcred in tíir caso of John vs. David Mayi'i1. I'imr tpampB -ai-cd for at the jad Moiulay njght, being endoreed by Poor Cuminissioner Masi.n, wre all nanied Ta lor- so they .said. It would probaia.v more thas téu f tliom to make a man. The coming cal. miar l'or the March berm of the circuit ccmrt will contato 98 cases, nine ol wtllch are criminal, and the balaiu-e dlvlded up as usual onder becSmteal heads that are oniy Well uuderstood by tlu; heads of the law. El-Stoertfl Dwyer. Commlssioner i'avanaogb., Editor Beafcee, Oonnty Treasurcr Suekey, Gapt. Manly, El-PrOSecuiin.i;- Attorney Lebman, Judge Bat hitt. and quite a number move ol the faithful went to Detroit yesterday, to attend the democratie state conveiition. TIlu Di'vil" 18 to be the theme of B talk beJore Hm Vnity Club, by Prof. (alvi'U Thomas, Monday evening, March Gth. l'ruf. J. K. Keihard will al90 upOH the subject of ''Hereclálty." A lull ouglit to listen td ihrse eotertalelng pfofeesora upon tüneee most totereetimg Brabjocte. The reiail '.netit deal ts attempted to ratee Mu1 prlee on meata this weck. bat dropped otter a bwo day'8 trial dropped back to tlie old figures annin.- Ciielsea Hcrald. Xn sudi failure in Ann Arbor. Steak oí all kinds now is about a half dollar a muuthiul. and ome needn't have au uncómmoly large niouth, either. ïeeterday auoraing Alex. H. Rogers (üed at bife home on DetroH 8t., aged 80 yeais. ,11c was 1 he er.-iii'er oi the sieain siiuvel ,oi the Centi-al B. I!. He was bom in liothwcll, ■. wlhere bis paTente are now Living, and luis "ií: the dau.nhter ui Spencer sweet. Funeral Bervices will held to-morrow, riuusday. aiternoon. The peculiar locattta of the M. C. R. B. station niakes it a couvenienl pl.i e tor the llo;d of water l'roni hilis. to attempt to run throu.iih r,t, u ts way to the river. As a cojiseqiwaice Wm. Eldert, the spei-ial pi.lieenian does his liest ik arrest ;t. and it keeps liim buey. In Livingston county tOie republicana endorsed the Honrilla t ion of l'.olin Peam a, a populist, tor the ofl'i ■ of circuit ludge, and the demoerate have done the same. Thta in tace ol the tact that there are good repuWllcan lawyers in this dis. who cimid be elected. i'.is ■- wihere this is oonsldered a aon-partlsan offi.e. The boy ■who lias the freedom of the gtreete afternSgbtiall without business permissiim f his pareaits is cnltlvetlng a dangerous liabit. A boy wh.o is rlglii ■will prefer his home, frifiuls. 1 ks, and newspapers to the h.u dass found upon the sireet. Busd1ui ii 'm' all kinds look upon the boy loafers as "dead beate" of the future. - Exchanne. Regalar animal i-xamination of feacttiers for this oounty. t o be held at the oourt house to-morrow, Thurs.lay. Tlne team of Mis. Fred. Kcmpf, of NorthiU'ld, while betnjï driven in tO dlmi-ch ly her son. Sunilay morning, became MfgtxUmeá rit au eng'ine on tli T. & A. A. road, and ran away. Mis. K. was tlu-iiwn nut, breaking her rtght arm just below the houlder. Her Bon succeedcd in ebaylng in the muer and Xinally atopped the team. There will be a number of boslnesa tíhangea Ju the Masonic block this spring. The Bank will enlarge and greartly beautlfy Ite qaarten takhijr iu tilie rooms iiow occu]rd by JE. 11. Ha.ll in addition to their pi-i'scn t qiiarti'rs ; Mr. Hall niovcs ole door west. The Western Union Tel' -in-apli Co. will have handsome quartere by itself in the rooms aovr occoplked by e. P. Sfcaebtór, and Mr. Ltapert will oocupy vnv of the win,l,u - u i til E. I!. Hall.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier