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ON the 21st the time In the sonate was occupied in considering the siindry civil appropria:ion bill In the house the hours were inostly employed in filibustcrmï against the carcoupler bill. Mr. Butler, oí Iowa, introduced a bill to establlsh a truer figure oí constltutional iherty and another to amend the general acal of the United States. Sknatuh Manderson, president pro tem., read Washington' farewell address in the senit? on tin; SSd. The sundry civil bill was passed..'..In the house tho post office appropriation bill was paased An eflort to brin; up the anti-option bill was defeated by a vote oí 188 to 12 A re.solution was introduced to asirrtain the debt of Ilawail. Tuk Benate paesed the diplomatic and consular and tbe military academy bilis and a bill for the relief of Georxu W. Jones, flrst United Status senator from lowa, on the 23J, and the legislative, executive and iudicial proprlatlon bill (X.,OMSK)) was considcred. I The nomination of Ben ton Hauchett, of Michigan, tu be United States circuit judge lor the . circuit, to succeed Judge on, was received In the house a bill ,,-sci. for tbe relief of George W. Jone, tirst Benator froni lowa, and tho conference report on the army bil! waa agreed to. ON the 24th a resolution was introduced in the . senate directing the finance eominitlee to ascertain during the rco-ss oí eongresa the effect of the tariff laws upon imports and exports and the effect al home and abroad upon wages. Mr. Harter (O. i introduced in tho house a bill to provkle for the iree oolnage of silver and gold at the present ratio and upon equal terms. The Indian appropriation bill was considered and the item for the support of Indian schools Was increased from ïl,0yo,000 to ïl,075,UUÜ. DOMEST1C. Tuf. large hominy raill of tbe Hndnut cornpunv at Mount Vernon, lnd., was totally destroyed by fire, the loss being $100,000. Fkedeiück Lescu, an old man worth 150,000, vvho lived alone in Chicago, was found dead in liis home. Physicians said he had been dead two weeks. The coalbarge Keliance was wrecked near ]51ock Island, E. I., and five of the crew and the captaiu's wife and child were drowned. Lki.and J. Webb, past grand commander of the National Sons of Veter ans, committdd suicide at Topeka Kan. No cause was known. Eli.iah HaXFOBD, President Harrison's private secretary, has qualified as paymaster in the army. A thai.n' on the West Shore road was throun down an embankment 18 feet high near Palmyra, N. Y., and three persons were killed and nine others wefe injured. Richard Mays, a negro, was lynched at Springvüle, Mo., for an attack on a white woman. Ihiiii O'DONITELL, Jack Clifi'ord and Hugh üoss, leaders of the Ilomestead (Pa.) strike, charged with raurder and treason, were released on f10,000 bail each. The St. Lawrence county courthouse at Cantón, N. Y., was burned, and all indictments and other records were deBtroyed. Gov. McKin'LEy, of Ohio, will be compelled to pay 8105,000 as indorser for Robert D. Walker, that being the amovmt of paper he is on which has not been paid. The factory of the Harry Bisseneer Tobacco cómpany in Louisville, Ky., was destroyed by fire, the loss being f250,000; insurance, S150.000. Michaei. Suneï, the murderer of Bob Lyons, was sentenced by Judge Ingrtliam in New York to be executed in th electric chair during the week beginning April 10. By a cave in at shaft No. 8 on the South Joplin (Ma) Miaing company's g round four miners were killed and another hurt. MoBB than one-half of the business portion of the village of Strasburg, 111., was consumed by fire. SroTTED fever was said to be epidemie in Marshall county, Ky. , and lifty deaths were reported. ï stockmen were injured in a collision on the Burliugton road near Lincoln, Neb. James Bbnsok, aged 20, employed as hostler at the Ingold hotel in Altcona, Pa., shot and killed the 14-year-old daughter of the proprietor of the hotel and then fatally shot himself. No cause was known. At Ashland, Ky., the wife of Sartin Webb beeame suddenly insane and attacked her husband with a hatchet, in flicting fatal wounds. The ceremony of raising the American ttag on the steamer New York (formerly the City of New Y'ork) took place in New York harbor, President Harrison hauling the banner aloft. lx a wreek on the Pennsylvania Schuylkill Valley road between Phoenixville and Spring City, Pa., four men were killed. Ni:ar West Liberty, Ky., an old feud between the Caskreys was reuewed, in which Sam Caskrey, Jeft' Caskrey and Jesse Caskre.y were killed. Two COACHES on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wajrne & Chicago road jumped the track near Columbia City, Ind.. and J. W. Paramoure was killed and twenty other persons were injured. An express train on the Pennsylvania road was wrecked in West Philadelphia, and Mr. and 5!rs. Mintzer, l!ev. James Walker and Miss Maria Reeves were killed and ten other persons were injured. At a conference in Cleveland Gov. McKinley made an assigoment of all his property for the benefit of ereditors, and Mis. McKinley insisted upon doing the same with hers. Lewis Redwixe, assistant cashier of the Gate City national bank of Atlanta, Ghfci was said to be a defaulter to the extent of 880,000. The seeond continental congress of the National Society of Daughters of the American ReTolution met In Washington. The late Mrs. Benjamin Harrison was president ot the society, which now numbers 2,700 members. Throughout New York, New England and Pennsylvania a fierce blizzard caused suspension of railvray traffic and did other darnage. The Lincoln league, a republlcan organization at AVatertown, N. Y., has started a movement for the purpoee of aiding Gov. McKinley, of Ohio, in his financial embarrassment. John W. Foster, secretary of state, luis retired from President Harrison's cabinet for the purpose of assuming tho management of the case of the United States in the Behring sea arbitration. Tuk annual meeting of the Sons of the American Revolution was held in Washington and Cíen. Joseph C. Breckinridge was elected president for the aext year. Man y euramer cottages at Salisbury béacta, in Massachusetts, were swept away by the waves during a storm. The total receipta from internal rerenue for the first se ven mont'ns of tbe present fiscal year were (96,414,786, being Í-7, 815,677 more thanforthe same period laat year. Charuc M. Jackson, of Grayling, Alich., ex-treasurer of Crawford county, was ari ested on the charge of being ïia.CO'J short iu his accounts. The house of Adolph Neise, alaborer at Ottumwa, Ia., was burned, and liis wife and child perisbed iu the flamts. Neise as arrested on a charge of causing the fire in order to secure the insurance on lus wife's life. Pktkr T. E. Smith, paying teller of tlie First national bank at Wüininffton, Del., is a self-confessed embezzler to the amount of $55,900. Tuk South Dakota legislature has passed a bilí requirinjf six months' residence lefore a plaintiiï eau begin action for divorce and in all cases where service is by pubücation requiring a year's residence. l'ivr. men were arrested in Des Moines, Ia., while in the act of robbing graves. Ir .seenis to be pretty well understood that nothing will be done in the j Hawailao aunexation matter at this gession of congress. T}ik Beaupre Mercantile company of St. Paul, Minn.. failed for $400, 000. The assets are S200.000. Thk jarri (? of a tilt hammer at the Abrara box stove w orks in Philadeiphia caused the fall of a wall which killod three men. Frank Holland, who on March 6, 1892, killed three men, was hanged at Brazoria, Tex. THK doors of the líate City natiDnal bank at Atlanta, Ga., were closed, ow ing depositors 8530,000. At the leading clearing houses in the Umtei States the exehantres during the week ended on the 'J4th Rjrgregated $1,215,988,075, against 51,252,253,897 the previous week. The inereasa as compared with the corresponding week of 1898 was 13.a Iï failures to the number of 230 occurred in the United States in the seven da s ended on the 24th, against 301 the preceeding week and 270 for the correspondía time last year. Mrs. (Ieobob Chamberlain, living near Dunbndge, O., gave a large dose of arsenic to her I0-year-old son and took a dose of the poison herself. Family tronble was tli" cause. Clothing manufacturers of New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Rochester met at tha iirst-nained city to organize a permanent association and also to take steps to disunionize their faetones. A suicide club has been formed at Bridgeton, N. J., with about fifty mernbers. A supper is to be held each year on Washington's birthday, and the member who draws the black ball must die with ia a year. John Sturqeon, of Bucyrus, O., was arrested at San Francisco for embezzling nearly S20.000 from estates of which he was executor. In the criminal court at Nashville, Tenn., liarvey Weakly, on trial for murder, when askod if he had killed the victim said he hoped God would strike him dead if he had. llardly had Weakly spoken when he feil dead to the Hoor. At Uahnville, La., a negro named Underwood was hanged for murdering Oscar Lamon a white man. (ioy. Lkwklling has fully decided to reorganiza the militia of Kansas, increasing the number from lS,OOö to 60,000. Orders have been issued to remove all disloyal line and staff ofticers and replaee Ihem with men who will obey the governor's orders. X. C. lïiri'EY, partially insane throngh losses in mines and miuing stocks, shot and slightly wounded John V. Mackay, the mining millionaire and president of the Postal Telegraph company, in San Francisco, and ttaen fatally shot him At Barnesville, S. C, while a colored woman was at a dance her five children at home were burned to death. The agent of the Missouri, Kansas A Texas road at Adair, I. T. , was rob bed by three desperadoes of ÍS, 700. At Johnstown, Pa., Joseph Zetzoch undertook to drink two quarta of alcohol for a wager of two dollars. He drank one quart and was eating some sausage when he feil dead. Tuk Daughters of the Revolution in session in Washington eleeted Mrs. Stevenson, the wife of the viee president-elect, as president general of the society. The paint and car shops of the Southern Pacific and fourteen passenger coaches were burned at San Antonio, Tex., the loss being $100,000, President IIaiikisox has approred the act granting a pension to the widow of the late Maj. (len. Doubleday. PERSONAL AND POLITICAU The Michigan republicans in state convention at Detroit nominated for associate justice of the supreme court J udge Frank A. Hooker; for regents of the state university. Frank W. Fletcher, of Alpena, and Dr. Herman Kiefer, of Detroit. The prohibitionists of Rhode lsland met in state couveution at Providence and nominated Henry II. Metcalf, of Pawtucket, for governor. At the prohibition state conyention in Lansing-, Mich., Myron II. Walker, of Grand Rapids, was nominated for justice of the supreme court, and J. F. McGulloch, of Adrián, and Robert C. Stafford, of Plymouth, were nominated for regents of the university. Gkn. W. R". AxKE.vr, one of the oldest and most prominent business men in Des Moines, Ia., dropped deadon the street. A. C. Beckwith, a wealthy stockman of western Wyoming, has been appointed by Gov. Osborne as United States senator for the next two years. Rufus Hatch, the well-known Wall street broker, died at his home in Westchester, N. Y., aged 61 years. Henhv T. Thurber, a Detroit (Mich.) lawyer, has been named by Mr. Cleveland as his private secretary. ! n. ( i.1:'. iT.A.vr) antHii t he ' vi bis cabinet I 3 the se!eo ] tion of Hili 1;. A. Herbert, jf Alabama, for secrelaxy of the nav.-. and Kichard Olney, oí Boston, for attorney general. The completed cabinet is as follows: W alter Q. preshain, of Indiana, seoretary of state; Jobn G. Carlisle, of Kentucky, Becretarj of the treasury; Daniel S. Lamont, of New York, secretary of war: Jlilai'31 A. Ilerbert, of Alabaraa, secretary of tli3 navy; Hoke Smith, of (ieorgia, secretary of the Interior; J. Sterling Morton, of Nebraska, seeretary of agriculture; Wüson S. ISissell. of New York, postmaster general: Richard Olney, of Massachusetts, attorney general. Tuk governorof Idahohas signed the billenfranehisingMormon. The raeasure adds abovtt 3,000 to the votiug populatiou of the state. Allen Ma wil. aged 56, president of the Santa Fe Bailroad company, died at the Hotei Del Coronailo in Saa Diedro, Cal., from physical and mental prostratiou aggrayated by Bright's disease. FOREIGN. As explosión at the Skalis mine in Styria cauaed lifteen deaths and twenty other miners ere seriously injured. Firk in Strangeways. a suburb oL Manchester, England, did damage to the amouut of L90,000. The city treasiirer of Ottawa, Ont., has given orders that no United States money shall hereafter be taken at the offices of collectors of the city hall. Merchants were also unwilling to take American money. Twentv anarchists were arrested in Rome on suspicion of having been implicated in causing dynamite i 6ions there during the last year. I'ivk iundred houses in Kadikey, Turkey, were burned and more than 3, 000 persons were homeless. The damage was eslimated at 5,000,000 francs. Coxxar Ryan died at lialinderry, Ireland, aged 112 years. His wife died the. previous day at the age of 100 years. Cholera statistics show that in the last month there were 97;! cases and G9 deaths from the disease in Russia. At a masonic social in Weston, Out., the floor of the hall gave way and thirt3- persons were injured, nine seriously. Edwardo López, a desperado who had killed a score of men in the vicinity of Sonora, Mexico, in the last five years, was captured by offieers near Fronteras and riddled with bullets. Tin; Fren eb. steamer Donnai was i sunk in acoUision near Saigon, France, and seven persons vere drowned. Special agents of the treasury de! partment were in Vancouvor, 1!. C, investijíating1 the alJeged smugijling' of Chinese into the United States throujih. j forged merchunt return certifícales. M. JuLEB FERRY has been elected president of the French seoate. Tuk chartered banks at Vancouver, I!. C, will hereafter only accept Amercan silver at '.10 per cent. discount. The foriner discount was 5 ptsr cent Eleven bria;ands were convicted before the assize court at Caltanisetta, Italy, and all of them were sentenced I to penal servitude for life. LATER. In the United States senate on the 25th the legislative appropriation bill , was passed with amendments and a I conference with the house wasordered. A motion made by Mr. Sherman to go into executive session to consider the Hawaii question and presidential noininations was defeated. In the house an attempt to consider the sundry civil appropriation bill was defeated by filibustering1. President Harrison issued a proclamation convening the senate in extra session March 4. S. Gleitz and vrife, of Tarentum, Pa., returned home from a funeral and ■ found their tivo childreu burned to death. Tuk Kansas supreme court decided that the republican house is the leg-al house cf representatives of the s1. : Mii.i.i :;. a pugilist, died in San Francisco from a blow reccived du ring; ;■ flght with Dal Hawkins. Fivk members of a life-saving crew were drowned near New Bedford, Mass., while (?oing to the rescue of a wrecked b Miss Julia Fi jrofthe leadingshoe merchant of Atlanta, (ia., shot 'iille-.l hei' two sisters. She was thought to be insane. A LRATHKR trust witli a capital of 845,000,000 lias been formed by New j Y'ork and Boston leather houses. Samuel Bbown and his sous Sidney nd Oeorge feil a distance of 13S feet 1 in a coal mine at Coalton. O., and were killed. Joseph PAYNE, a neg-ro, was lynched Í by a mot) at Jellico, Tenn. , for assault on a white gicl nained Naunie Ceeil. Uriöasds entered the post office in Misterbianco, Sicily, stabbed to death the postinastcr, Perinis, and his famüj-, and carried off all of the money. The Coírodt A Saylor company; controlling the Reading (Pa.) rolling-milis, failed for 8500,000. A bahí owned by W. Chesrown near Olney, 111., was burned, and fifteen horses and five cows perished in the llames. While a peasant wedding party was crossing the Dniéper near Ekaterinoslay, Rwssia, the ice broke and ten persons were drowned. Four oyster boats were wrecked near Laurel, Del., and seven oystermen wera drowned. Fraxk GiLBOUon, aged 28 and a popular young man, shot and killed Miss Dora May Wassam, aged 17, at Galveston, Tex., because she refused to marry him. and then killed himself.


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