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Mis. Hnmilttm Colé, ol Saline, dled last Wednesday. The Soutli I.yon U. E. ( hurcli lias 1 een preseoted wil b a n Dexter I I and oal yard. Dick I Ma til e pa opri ■ Uphtherle closed ;i fourteen week'a run oí revival meetings al Milan. Day Conklin. of Bri-dgewater, lias nn In Georgia, bh a joing aove f Boon. T!u' parloro of toe .M. K. church at Dg Bupplied with brand a cárpete. The K. Pe oí Xoi-Mivjic bad thelr anona] ball last weck, and it was proDowtced i In the land. Senator Palmer te t" iectore before the Iadies' Library Awociatloo of Ypsilanti gome time tiiis moiith. Our couirty exChanfjM are quite uuanimous that toe erop of office i-.rki-rs tibia spring win abandant. The M. E. L-hurch at Dundee was ■teated by taldag U ntembera on probation a week as last Sunday. The literary society ut IVbble's Corners publishes a paper iiani-d Uie Noerama. Isn't tliat name :a little topheavy ? s knocking out the horses i .f Han O'Brfen, .Tr., of Augusta. Tlii6 ■winter is enougb ti ]aralyzc ii.nything. Sto.kbridirc Aoean't propose to let Chicago knook oiit her annnal fair, a.nd afee annouaoea it fur Oet S, l-, iwid 5, next. Tlie back door of tfae 'clul) room" looks as thoujili the W. C. T. ü. lia.l leen lunilanlinii it. - Enterprise. Not flecorated witji tobáceo quids I Milford ami Saline eaob thrcaton to have a treamery. Why don't they buy cme of the many for sale about tüie country, at half eost ? - IMymoutli Mail. L. S. Hulbert, of &haron, sold 200 lambe to Jud Austin, receutly, tdiat averaged 102 lbs. Said to have been t'he ftnet sent out of Sharon for a long time. Rev. H. P. Shier ha rented a house at Pebble'e Oorner's, Salem, and ia to move out of tjie parsonage. The new loeation is more convenient, that's Uve reason. It is sail thkit there is scarcely any fro6t in t'he ktoutkI, in the woods ; that duringr the lato thaw, rehlclea in the woods would cut through the Bbow and uto tbe írround. Jolin Haab. of Webster, died recently in llai pe: '.s Hospital, Detro't, wbere he had gone to have a tumor removed. He was ." 1 ycars old, and had lived in Webeter townsiiiii gince 1865. Tlie Mam In ster echoote don't probo lel out for anytliinir now. Waahlngton'a hirthday had no effect il pon tituem ■hatevcr. Xothini? luit chotera can badge tbem agaln until next July. The annual conventdon of the Ldv:..n county Bunday School asso■ ation will be held in the l'rcsbyteriaai church of Howtil. Mareta lOth and llth. A good programme has been prepaied.- Hxwell EepublJcan. Dr. McLadhlaji, of Vork. saya that tfhere have been only oAae rases of -mail pox Ju l'ittsiicM. tlirc.' fatal, Bue balanoe convaleecing. He bellevea the dlsease bas been Buccessfnlly otted and will not spread any fa.rtlier. .Tamos L. Farmer, n' Superior, was mm r.nïai'ihi,, of Ypeilenti, Tiiday last. on a ciarge ' ■ni-liy to bJB animáis, and wns a fio and 918.50 ooeto. l'armer appealed bo tíne Circuit courl and $200 bonda. Mre. E. 1'. Allen Mkywtag tJic "tafl" ui file l;iy. gQpped 0D the sidewalk, Friday. and BnstsJned an injury to ankle whiien uiii prevent a repeT;tim of tbe avteident for many dayg, Tliere were no bonea broken but some of 13ra tords were severely stratoed. - Iantia.n. A farmer dcüvrrcil two iiundi-rd ]ilump fine, wool lambe at tlie Centran sto-rkyards ov Frank Ihmlevcy, last. Moiwiaj. If thcy weigbed accordiiir to nppearances Mr. Farmer banked Conatdemble ver ;?l,200 from the i. Does tarnüng pay ?- Dexter ter Leader. Tlie gieneroatty of gome men is outrwgooueiy aboonual. Ju1 Iteteo to iliis from the cor. oí the Milan 7.radci' : "A BOOrt lime ano a man led hiis horsee on: to water and a way n otn liim and ran out on the mail ; be gOt a boy tO gO aller Hiem. who sii ing them, but uavcied (our miles in and was oiioi-ed 5 cents ior hilB trouble, laiinc.l be dld ik it want any reward." a ie nevera] youtagn men s. they 'think themeelvee young mem In tliis 'tmvii. üt any rate lliey are big enongb to Mnoke and cbew toiieco, (they ihink thiw makee them entlemen) yes, and they even go wiih young ladics, and vet, we aie sorry to say, do not know tnougii to behave themÍW in U religioiiH mectini;.- I'inckiiey Dfcpatch. Why not send them ie with a reqooBt that thoy be houndly spank'l and put to bed ? Sootti Lyon'a cheeee tactory Is fast approachAag compleition. Spe al religloos services are boW being held in the Chelsea churcl Mart K ' "' Toledo t' the fruit buBli U. II. Mlller, the vlllage blacksmith iker, has sold out to Leo c Into Salem ge, beving rented his farm to Ma-k Holmee. Bleven new membera were taken into Saïtoe tent ; Maecabees a1 i.-isi metl l'ii ai Cheleea and over at l'imkiu y. 11 ïirii of stuur -T tu caten on to, the Birla e&tch on bobs. A man has been leefcuriog at Howell (Hl "ÏVX)lS." Accordinix ti local papera be pleased his awllence. It is thought that ReT. Clark will withdraw hia resiunat ion as pastor Of the Northville IinptiKt church. Thv next social of the Saline PresbyU'iian Society wlll bc held at the resideaoe of Dr. Bld Un. Heller, Mar. sth. The Manchester lecture course made ciiouifh money to boy i valuable instrument tor th' BOfaoOl laboratory. TiUvky. Foster I-itchfield, ha-ving bought the ToMw' tarm near Dexter, will remove thereto, nd enter opon a tarmer'í life aijraiii. Henry Snowball, oí Auiiusta, came near beiiig smasJied by a fallini; limb COmdng down on to lus head, whilu OboppdflC in the woodfl recently. The Uulie8 cornet lami of Boatb Ij-on lwiw disbanded. The reason given s a í?ood one. The Imys of the tiown objetted .to tie Bwollen lips of the gürls. The ladies of the Ltterary Society nt Pebble'i ('oniers receotly worsted the men in a dit;iission of the imigratlion questlon. The next meeting: is Manh 18. The crust of ice that fonnexl over the boow during the tha.w in Februnry is smothering the wheat in many places St is said. The air can not get thirougu the ice. Tile winter has killed off the qua il, but the English sparrow has proved itself tongli enougli to withstand the climiite without (iny serious mortality liaving set in. Farmers who contracted their sheep KiiiH' time Bgo at a good price to be delivered now, are Enterprise. Tliere bas been no decKne in the price of mutton at a.ny of our nieat einiwiriuni.s. The total expenses of the goyernnient of tlie village of Milán íor the past year lias lK'en $1,680.89, and the treasurer has a balance on hand of $.10.G7. Tliie includes about $450 paid íor a fLre encime. L. T. Van Wánkle, lunnorly of this ( onnty. sold liis restaurant etc, at Jlt. rieasjint, to U. E. Tublis, and go to (Yystal Lab, Beocie Co., on the 'T., A. A. & N. M. IÍ. II,, and buiid a nunmer resort hotel. Laei week, o. C. r.urkhart, of Lima, slieared sixty live line wool lambs, gttlng 500 pounds, -w h i:-li be BOld to Wm. .ludson for 1! 1-2 cents per pound. The lambe are warmly houseii and gettlng along Hnely. C%.elca Standard. Au exriiaiiir ■ very polntedly remarks: Probably an editor oever surpressed o piablloatton oí a fan aa an item of news, l.y reijnesl, tlrit 1 he party favored did not think a Iitlle less oí the Dsnally he geim m&d and abuaee the edVbor haalde of six monthg (rom the time the favor Ib granted. wiiüe a tramp was telling his tale oí woe t.o a rather relijriously iniiined Damtly SJhe other day. and beWBiling the iart that he could get no work. the li t tic girl of the house from behind her mother's skirts s.iid: "Oonldn't Satan Bbd aomethlng for you to do ?"- Howell Democrat. A reetdent f this place came home one night recently but did not immedtotely retire ; in a dhbrt time his wife called for h;m to eoine to bed, and be. replied, "Thaeti all rfght, my dear, can't yer let a fellow warm lijs feet?" a.nd apon in ves ti sat ion he was found tobe warming Jiiis feet on the sewlng (lielsea Standard. J. H. Roberts, superintendent of the Mieliiican state exhibit at the Woilil's Pair, luis ritten the oííi ers oí the M .Uiüa.u state Troops toe eabinet pttiotogrephe in uniform to fcshown in tbe state building. This exhiblt ineiudcs thv ranke trom Captain up.- Vp-ilanti Sentinel. ui course there -ver attendlng tbe ami - business. In Prance it is cuedomary in Urea for heavy teaming sds In WTkle, and trhi' nnvanl axles oí íoiirwheeled n-;mni are made Bhorter the bind axles. s,, that the four wheeta roll a portion oí the road two ieet w;dc at ea'li jiassai;.'. Such va;tuis juprove rather than Injure the eondition of tlie i-oad. and are easir-,for the liorses. ihe usual load for oaeh Jtorse in Franco two or three net load on bard road. This ís more tJiïin doublé the usual load hiere even an. our best roa ds. And yet a few of our farmers- not many of them- are so short eighted as to oppoe the makiiig of good roads. Mr. and Mpb. (;e:. iá. VaAl, oí Ypail-amti, hare gooe to California. Frank Manger of Whiitmore i.akc. reda splendid, Uve vale-ntlne Feb. II. a boy. Mías May W..01I. of Urna, was m glad oo tier I5th btorthday, oue day last week, 'iiy her . Burprising her, n x: un etlng ol Uw Saline Farmer'a ciui vi;i be held at Gilbert Hurd'a Martíh tOth. The sobject ot better 'niühways wlll be cüs.-uTh animal i and eloctlon u' saline Bheep Breedera and Wimi croucrs AseoeAation wlll be held In Saline on Tnesday, Maren 7tii. Our school and chnrehes are all cloeed for a (ew days iy order of the board of lioaith as a precautíon aurainst ttue ])r'tnl of dlphtherla.- Mitan Ieader. Mr. Tlinmas Wlleon was 87 years old last Saturilay, and is still hale and hearty : hc 8tHl ependfl ïnuch of time at the mili whlch for so niany reccivnl liis persona] attention. - Miiain Leader. Fourteen livoly Dexter ladics drovc to Ann Artmr recently on a visit. Thcy wonWn't hare an abominable niian along ! No ma'am, Btr.- NtíWs. We hav' heard Mnce that they "didn't enjoy the ride a bit." On Fiidiiy e veiling last tiiv store OCcupted by Mr. Himiili. Jeweler, in Ypsüanli, and owned by .1. I!. Wortley, was lOund to be on fire. The fire dopertment wsub aoon on hand and the flamee extínsutabed, not untll it had (lainaucd Que jcwrlry BtOCk about $8,000 worth, with only. $5,000 insuran.e. The bnlldtag was only slightly damoged. The return of Mr. Xewkirk to Dexter lias o; ( asioncd some comment among tliiose not cofrnizant wlth the circumefances governing lus action, and in exptanattoa we wouid gay that the dea'th of Mrs. Eirkett last November, neeesitated the return of Mrs. Xewkirk to her father's house at Dover, leaving no choice for Mr. Xewkirk but tjo glve u.p hdB business in Northern Michigan, and to again become a resiUent of the town of Hls birth. He will tafo lilis Jiosjtioji in the bank at the close of Mie legislativo session.- Dexter Leader. The Commercial Telegrapfc line lias 100 miles of wire, wlth, 10G Instrumenta and over 200 operators. It represent $4,000 In Stock invested and ha.s 175 tdiareholders. It connects Adrián, Tec-uniseii, Clinton, Ridge-vvay. Britton. Macon, Ralsln, Tipion, Newburg, Holloway, Lalce ltiilirc and Sand I.akc, and runs into a good m;my farm-liouees bet ween tlu-ni. There is not another private line of equal pxtent in the l'nited States and it is attrartinir a good deal o: attontion trom abroad.- Tecumeefa Heraid.


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