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Furnlshed eacb week by the Abstract office of James Kearus & Co.. Ann Arbor, Mlch. Abstracts furnlshed on short notice : Edwin Sandenon to W. il. Sweet, i huif of lot 81, etc, II. V. Lazelere's Addition, Ypsilsntl $ 300 Chas. W. Glover to N. J. Glover, I.ots 17, IS. 10. 20, 21. ■!■_. and 28, Turk Kidge Additiou to Ypsilantl _ 200 Albert McCorkle to Edwin Sanderson, easl huif of lots 30 aud 31, H. V. I.azelere's Addition, Ypsilanti 1,200 Eliza Marsh to Cha. S. Houghtou. lots 6aud 7. Hnnter'a Addition to Ypsilanti 1 Win. Btsnbro to Marsena Holmes, íJ'j a., ou n. e. ; , Sec. 2-1. Salem 1,400 Marsena Holmes to Wm.Stanbro.Mrods of land off e. XA s. e. J-i Sec. 11, Salem- 400 Uut A Fogerty to Geo. Mast, lots 15 and 18, block 3. Ormsby aud Page's Addition to Ann Arbor City 800 Emma Wheeloek. by adm'r. to Emanuel H.C'ook, w. ;oí n.e. i Sec. 14, Bridgewatur - 2,275 E. S. Booth. by executor. to Henry Booth, lot 10, block 1, Dexter villagel 200 Allen ii Brinkerhoff to S. E. Briukerhoff. laud on north side Forest ave., Ypsilantl i Mortimei W.Boab to Peter Fletcher, lot 1, block I, Fenn's Addition to Chelsea 1,350 .T.M.AT. H.GoodspeedtoH.t D. GoodI. lot on tast side of Main gt„ block 1. South Range 4 cast. Aun Arbor City Daniel Barton to Jas. W. Barton, e. j. e. ', of Sec. 3, and s. '5 of s. w. ' , and w. ' . of s. w. '4 of s. e. Sec. 3, Lyndon_ ____ 200 L. H.Clemente toS. E. Sheldon, e. % lot 6, block 6. .outh Range 12 cast, Ann Arbor City ,v00 }. W. Lapharn tour is in [de, lot l.llock ', ( owan's Addition to Manchester... 50 ab tq Chas. Hildinger, ÜO A on . '2 n. w. ! i sec. 8,Brldgewater_ 900 Wllllam Day to Rosella Muuch,20 Aon 26, Ypaflanti 1,000 Jane Jacobua to Elmer Jacobui, small plece of land on block .:. North Kauge 15 cast. Aun Albor city 175 Mnry Blbb to John Kirk, lots 32, 33, and s Additiou to Ypsilanti 62 1 ha-. Hildiugerandwifeto Oscar T. and Annie Kaab, s.60 A. off the s. w. '. Sec. 33, Freedoin 4,500