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A Penny Collection

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. - ,-111 ;i ii -t vatioü ' luiw the pennles i dimt up, we k;vc batow the inorning and evemlng collecttoi] ;it M. E. 'Jinvch SinHay be oit las; : MOR.NIM,. Spleees of the viilnc of (Oií.... ín 75 ■■■; ïo 3 80 120 " or 0 00 1 Utj 03 268 01 -2 68 415 $11 76 BVENlNi. 1 plece of the v&lue oi il oo $i oo 3 piceos 28 75 18 III 1 30 M " " OS i SS 158 ' " UI 1 5K '32 Í7 4 It upposed from tliis aaalysis tiwit atoiit four htmdred contributed t.o tlie collection anti over 200 at tlie evening collection. There were as mairy present in tttó evenlng as in flie morning, but of course many of the Lonngregatdon had contributed nt thie morning service. As near as can be judged not 30 per cent of the morning congregation contributed anvlháng. Tliere are many people Vlio give all tliat they can aflord to glve kn other ways and do not feel t'hat they are under obligaMon ; and th-ere are others, perhaps, ■vlio can not afford to give at all. Anti yet the fact remahis that 11 UI of our clnnx-li eoagmgatífíne there ai-e nuuiy w'ko are Wllltag to attend ser : ■ pegularly anti oever contribute a.nyt'hi'iifí to the expenses of the churi-li. 01 tuursï s:ilva.t,:n is tree, liiat's truc Any liviiiíí being wlio is too ]iï t oiitilmt is welcome to a '.;; nu u any of onr chorchas, witliiout moncy or without price. Tlie InjuiKtKin to go unto all the world ind prea 'h the gospel, te being carrled ut a-i ncarly as it ba poealble to carry It out. Affld yet the toet rematas that it coste inoiwy to prec'h the gospel. Tbe running expenses f every church organization is considerable and has to be met. It is not justLüe that the few liouid be e-alled upoo to bear all tihe borden wheii so man; are recetving tihie benefit. There are many anwwg the churcb go?rs wbo ean afford to give, eertalnly a penny ome a week. Th.'i-c are maaiy Wbto will títep up to a ciirar (ninter and witli quite an air ol iniportanve buy 5, 10 or even 25 cents orth ol i iüaiet tes, wlio would not link it possible to drop even a iiLkle D Une píate at ehurcti to help along be wo.k of tbe gospel, whteh they at hiearl lielieve in, and without the üniluence of wliicli they would be without greait stOïooLs to attend, and without atable tíovernnients to pro'tiect them. PMs is merely a thouht (or some of our young people to thi'ink of. No matter how fortúnate a persou niay ie in t'liis Ufe, tliey -v i - 1 be torced to learn many lessons n self sacrifice beío:-e come to N end, and a pretty good way to do is to begin early, and tli,e leeona wil] not so bitter by Bind by. - ■. 'I was in about tlie inidtlle jT übe ft-allery Saturday evcuiim." said i geudetaan to ma last Monday, ■and I teil you wtuen the boys gave thelr eomerted elpping of lm mis, the swaiyini? of tlliii g-allery made in,v back Ka ir stniwl on end. That surt of clii'crinjr, in jny opinión, is a dangeroub ttóiig ior amy hall, and esnucially so for rmversity Hall." Are not tlLeae repeatad WArahaga oí voBtcient Importan .!■ to sume ht-.-d to '.' Au exchenge telïa the story oí a boy wlho was ent to market witli a eaok of roastlng car.s and alter llngerIng Euroand tawn aJB day earae home wiÜKjut tlicm. Wlion his inother askcd liijn wliy lic (lid not sell the eorn, lic .said that no ono askcd wliat lic liad In tlic süek. There are niany nier, 'hants i:ke that little boy. Tliey have plenty of goods for snle bnt they faiil to teil what they have in their &aek.s. If you exiect to Ml] gooda lm tlii.s day a.ud age of the Wiorld you must open your stock in trade. . It 'm of no local ini])ortancc iicrhaps, but in Toledo laat week, Mre. Müuiie ivilluigerreceived a judginent against liiat city of $3,750 for injuries receivrom a detective sldewalk.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier