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Smart Weed pmd Belladonna eombftned wltfc the other ingrediente (Wed in tlK' best porns plaatera, niako Carttr'.s S. W. Ac 1!. Backache Piasters tihe best in the maa'ket. Prlce LV. cents. Excursión Rates on the T. A. A. & N. M. R. R. For the Christian Endeavor State Convention at Benton Harbor, April 4t]i and 5th, the T., A. A. & X. M. R'y win ell excursión tickets at one and une-third fare for the round trip, good goiing April 3d and 4th, returning April ótih. For tlie Bpworth Ieague State Convention at AprH 5th to 7th, the T., A. A. & X. M. R'y wJU sell excursión tickets at one and one-tdiird fare for the round trip, good going April 4th. 5t!i and üth, and for return April 6th. THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. My doctor says it acts gently on the stomach, llver and kfdneys, and isa pleasant laxatlve. This drink Is made from herbs, and is prepared for use as easily as tea. It iscalled LAN E'S MEDICINE All drugglsts sell Itat 50c. and $1.00 per package. Buyonetoday. Lane'a Fnmily Medicine moves the bowels each day. In order to bc healthy, thla is necessary. WORK FOB US a few days, and you wfll be surtled at the unex pected succesfl ttíut will n-wurtl vuur etïbrts. We paeitively have the best business to offer au agent tl'iit can be foand on the face of tlits earth. 845.00 profil on $75 OO worth of business is bchiL' eatly and Uonorably made by and paid to hundreda of men, Women, boys, and girU in our employ. Yoo eau make inoaey faster ut wurk for aa Thaii you huve .tuy idta of. The business is so easy to fearn, and Instructlona so simple and plaln, that all luccéed from tbe ttarx, TIiom who take hold of tli busineí rwip the udvantae that arises from t sound re)iiiluiiou oí om of the oldest, most succestftü, umi largoft pubHahing houses in America. s care for youneli the protits that the business ?o readlly and liandsomely yields. All beginners suooeed grandly. and more than realize tht-ir yreateflt expectations. Those wlio try it find ezaotly as we teil tbem. There is plenty of room for a few more workers, and we urge them to beglo at ont-e. If you are already emplovt-d, bul nave u few spare moments, and wish to use them to advsntage, then write us at once (for this is vuur grand opportunity) and receive full particular?; by return mail. Address, TRUE & CO., Box No. 400, Augusta, Me. Garfield Tea Cures CoiiBtipation, Kf stores Complexión, tiaven Doctors' Bills. Sample free. GARnKijTEACo.,3lïW.45tliSt.,ÏJ.Y. Cures SickHeadache 1 TruthsSick. I 2 Forthoso DEATHLY BILIOUS E 8 SPELLS depend on Sulphur JL ter3; it never fails to cure. V DO YOU SUFFER with that I tired and all-gone feeling? IL so use E Sulpliur Bitters; it will cure you. 3 Don't be without a 1 TR Y : Jj tle. You will not regret it I fr ' 2"T1 ■ 3 The I of a fair face is a I Jj Secret f"I skin. Stdphur Bitters A ""?"1 makes both. J f y ou do not wish to asufferfrom RHEUMATISM, usea ' ■jbottle of Sulphur Bitters; it never jifailstocure. - Are you CONSTIPATED? If so" j Sulphur Bitters ia just what you need 3 Poor, weak, and weary mothers RAI8E PUNY, PlNDLINQ children. ! Sulphur Bitters will make them t strong, hearty, and healthy. ♦- t 4 Cleanse the vltiated blood when ' you see its impnritieg bursting throughtheskininl _.„ ' Bely on Sulphur I PIMPLES, Í Bitters and health I BLOTCHE8 WÜl ioUow. AND SORES. Send 3 2-cent stampt to A. P. Ordway & Co Boston, UauforbCMmedlcsl workpubllahed f II 'I "AVeat Makes an every-day convenlence of an old-time luxury. Pure and wholesome. Prepared with scrupulous care. Highest award at all Pure Food Expositions. Each package makes two large pies. Avoid imitations - and insist on having tho NONE SUCH brand. MERRELL & SOULE. Syracuse, N. Y. MTHMA? SCHIFFMANN'S Aslhma Cure Never fails to give instant relief in the worst OltOO. and ctfecu curi:i where nllu r. tnll. Trll Paekag FKEE of Drngglita or ij aIK. É ■■ M ■■Uil The best HUtorv of the nnT TTnfl uTTv the frm ihe d8I II Ml I I VI 11 1 1 1 '"overy of America to UvaUlllvUlf llu' I'ivuit time. '■r I GOLUMBIA For special terms apply at oace to PALESTINE PUB'G CO., Elkhart, Ind. E. N". BILBIE, TEACHER OF VlOLlN. Pupil of Emil Sauret, BeWin, Germany. Can be seen Tuesdays and Fridays at liis rooms 51 N. Main St.,Ann Arbor Organ Co' Block, HAMII.TON'9 INSURANCE, REAL ESTATEand LOAN AGENCY No. 2 Hamilton Block. Life, Flreaud Accident Policies written in First Class Companle Rateg Low. Losses libcrally adjusted and promptly paid. One hundred Lotsin Hamilton Park Addition f or sale on easy terms. Office Hours: I'rom 8 a. 12 m. and 2 to 5p m. A. W. HAMILTON. SPENCERIAN STEEL PENS ARE THE BEST FOR EXPERT WRITERS "-1 FOR ACCOUN - -- te" lürsifcmuifVi FOR -- -■''■' JtSE!UfciexAÍf"V . FOR FOR ERGR03SIIB - No. 36 Soid bv STATIONERS iwiwiim. Samplet FREC on receipt of return posttge, a cantt. SPENCERIAN PËiTcÖ..ei2EBwRrorY


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