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CotiiiiReiit, coseeant, cosine- All co's thnt i-nii be said. Are not to be comparecí with thee, Thoti best of co s- co-ed. _ rniviT.-iity Herald. RememberT. Jï. Beed-U. erf M. Hall - Kriilay n:silit. Secret Socfetiox are wit wanted at tihe ü. of Cii i Ilu' Qlee ('lul hW l"1 ■■' rcinforrcd wïtü E. H. Harriman, p. g. üt. Cláreme Aiford, '79, ix the attJorney general for the Hawuii Ilan(l. George Oane, law '92, or l'lint, was fn t3ve 'ity last week, visitini; frirnds. The senJor lite are to hold a ho;m:i1 iw Newterry Ball neoct Batwrday Hon. Doai M. DiCklMnn wil le invït?(l to preside at the inteivollegiate debat. Hou. WtKM. B. Reed, FrMay eveiiiniï, Manh loth. Let it have a place in yauT mem i y There W bc a uni-on meeting of the Alplva Nu and AdelpW in Room 4 Saturnlay at 8 p. ra. Prof J. O. Knowltrai will delive-r a Httea of lectures upon fh? liowfc I-iw Durinig tfhiis eineste-r. Mr. Howelto, tihie Moior lat accnsed of plaíTíairisra had 1 ploguey hot time ofVt in provinff n.n alibi. A course of five lectores to bc deliverel ia tthe near future, ha boen arranged for by tJie Womaria League. The Athletilc boan-(i ha agreed to pretsent to tlue ilass li:i'i!ng the bost record tn track athletics, a leautlful pr'Jze cup. Th Choral T'nion rehearsiü wlll be on TWiureday of next week, inetead of Tuesdny, on account of tHie second dhianiber Concert. Dr. H. V. Ames deliveivd a very entertíikiiiiíí and convineing loctuve lefore the B. C. A. in Newberry Hall Sundny morniiig. Preslildent Han-i-son wflj not dcliver $20,000 -north oí lectures per amram at tJie T. af ChJe. But he wlll deliver $15,000 aranuelly at tihe U. of Cal. Tlie membei'8 of táie legisla ture better secwe metal ears ior Friday. Each and evei-y ciaae have agreod upon a jMirtk-uíarsiid cspeclally tlirilling yell. Mre. Frank Osboru, Tormerly Mi'ss fay V. Lee, 12t elasa of '79, dled at De Iand, Fla., last Tliureday. She graduated' from tiie High School Ln 1875, aind üs well remembered in Ann Arbor. Jihn M. Coulter, of the Indiana Stiaite Uuiïersity, has been clected to a salarj' of $6,000 lier year, and the preslöency of Ivake Fonest University, emmected therewitli. It is thought tdvat he wi:ll accept both. The S. C. A. woaW like to raise an endowment funil of $20,000 to Bupport a general secretary. A very wortfoy object, ün attainment of whfch it will have the cordial co-operaticm of hundreds of ('tiriistian people. The followibg committee has been appo:nted by President Bordeaux to make arrangements for tJio next democratifc club banquet, April 13th: Messrs. S. W. Ourtiss, E. J. Bean, Jthn I.,. Duffy, A. E. McOabe, and F. F. I', rings. Theíilrst Fwcnlty Oomcertof the Ini■vierSiKj' Bciiool of Muesic, for the 2d semester, -vvill be givon on Thursday evenitag next, at Newberry Hiall. The programine ís nn ieviting one, and tihe miutslic loving people wiU be wcll entiertaüned. Bev. Geo. R. AVeixlliaig, ■witJi whom our lecture gojnig people are familiar, will deliver a lectiui'e on Satxirday eventoig. April lst, on "Tüie Man of Galilee," uivder flhe auspices of the S. O. A. Be iö a brilliaret man and an Ontertaiming speaker. Dr Mark Rockwell, medie, class of '91, was married Feb. 15, to Miss Ida Maila Harwood, at Corey Lake, Micli. The couiple wdll be "at home" after March L'Oth, at Bentom Harbor. Dr. Rockwell WiU be remembered ae one of the moot popular young gentlemen in his cla.sw. and one wlio had hoste ol fniienl, all of wlhom will join in wishthig tor Ji.imelf and wife a Ufe rounded up witih happiness and usefulness.


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