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" The Blood is the Life," tana th,e oíd snyiuií. and cverything tfoat in.ikis parí oí any organ a tíié body musí reach lts place therfr,n tJirough ,thi blood. iSierefore, if lic Hlood is puriiifd .nul kept in göod ■i.mtiliou liy lili' UBe 'M' HoOd'8 Sa:sawi.rilla. il. .-fssarily follows t,i;ii he benefit í medicine is Imparted 0 cvcry !-ira.ii i ■:' t'lie body. "an anyrh nir h' sim pier tlia.n the method by lii:.ii thte excellent medicine givea gfood hcjiltli in al! whO wlll try it laúrly a ml iiatiiMUly. Baby Gured Scail Head Bad Case. Two Doctors No Good. Irles Cuticura. First Set Helps. Four Sets Complctely Cure. Onr baby Pcarl ra born Nov. 29, 1801. From ber t'irth ehe had Scall Ilead until ehe wa four moDthe old, then it becume woree and came out - in small white pimples, 0ifc.nd then spread to be T . T largo yellow scabs. We wV ({k tried two doctors, but L lf v. they could not do it any Vr vill good. Bo wc tricd Ccti LI V rcHA Remedies, giving m - f bcr a thorough washiiiK ■ ■B ? T three timen a day, and 1 y tben UBing theCuTlcURA. rt Umi ISs Tl"! firgt Bet we tricli Jt ƒ } helped her, and before we M JJ used four seta sho was -S pr perfectly cured. At the í- age of six montris our r baby welghed thirty-four poundp. ITpr skin is fair and roooth, and ecalp perfectly well. Tortrait inclOBed. I vould not do without Cuticura Remedies, and can recommeud them aa most excellent for children. Mrs. SETH JÜBB, Vanderbilt, Uich. I nsed the CrTicrRA Remedies for abont two months, and the entire expense was but $5.00, whicb no one would rcgret for a nice smooth pkin. It left my face in the bent of conditionn, f ree from all pimples and blotches. I still use the CUTIcrRA 8oap, and alwavs nhall. E. UVFUS THOMl'SON, Youngatown, O. Cuticura Resolvent The new Blood and 8kin Purtfier, internally, and 'niirRi, tbe great Skin Cure, and Cuticura Soap, an eiquisite Skin Beautifier, externally, in. ntantly relieve and speedily cure every disease and ïumor of the skin, scalp and blood, with loon of íair, from iufancy to age, from pimples to scrofula. Sold every where. Price, CcTicuBA, 60c. ; Soap, 25c; Kksolvimt, (1. l'repared by the Potteb Druo and Chemical Corporation, Boston. " How to Cure Skin Distases," M pages, 50 llustrations, and 100 testimoniáis, mailed free. 1AQVC Bkin and Bcalp purified and beautified JADI O by Cuticcra Soap. Absolutely pure. WLJk IT 8T0P8 THE PAIN. V Back mcbe, kidney palns, weakneis, Mj0 rheumatiim, and muscular pain rc1 Mm lieved in one minute by tbe C'utlf Êm Vcu AnU-Faln PltMter. 26c. JJyjájjPfEqs OIVK KJVJOYS Joth the method and resulta when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the teste, and acte ;ently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Aver and Bowels, cleanses the system eíTectually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and cures habitual onstipation. Syrup of Figs is the nly remedy of its kind ever proiuced, pleasing to the taste and aceptable to the stomach, prompt in ts action and truly beneficial in ite ifiècts, prepared only from the most íealthy and agreeable substances, its raany excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most lopular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading druggist8. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand wiO procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any aubstitute. CALIFORNIA FG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL, LOUtSVlLLE. KY. NBN YORK. N.Y. CiLLETT'S f ( H Quickest and Best NONE BUT MAGIC WILL MAKE BREAD THAT PREVENTS DYSPEPSIA. NO OTHER EQUALS OR APPROACHES IT IN LEAVENING STRENGTH, PURITY, AND WHOLESOMENESS. How's Your Complexion? Most toilet preprations ruin the face. Rozodoro doea not. It is guaranted to remove freckles, tau, 8unburn and blotches of all kinds, leaving the íace a natural white, and imparting a youthíul delicacy and softness to the skin. Thousands of ladies have used it for years and would not be without it. If there Is no agent In your locality, send 75 ets. to the Rozodoeo Co., South Bend, Ind., for a larjje bottle sent In plain wrapper. Agents wanted.


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