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O the 27th the pension appropriatlon bilí was passed by the genate without any amendmcnts. It appropriatcs 1186,500,000. A conference was ordered on the sundry civil approprlation bill.... In the house the Indian appropriation blll, the car-coupler bilí and a bill conttnuing for one year the present tarlif on fine linen goods of not les than 100 threads to the square Inch were passed, and the conference report on the military academy appropria'.ion bill was agreed to The senate on tho 28th uit. passed the naval and agricultural appropriation billn and the bill regulating the sale of intoxicatlng liquors in the District of Columbia.... In the house the conference report on the diplomatic and consular appropriation bill was aRrei-d to and a bill was passed providing that after July 1, 1893, pig tin shall be exemiit from duty. In reply to a resolution Secretary Koster of the treasury department reported that the total war claims pending in hls dppartment amounted to 1174,821,000. In the senate the post office appropriition bill was reported on the lst and conferences were orilered on the naval umi auricultural appropriation bilis. The Indian appropriation bill (Í16.431.49J) was also reported. A bill waslntroduced to give effect to the presldent's recommendation to congress touching the Canadian railwuys In the house an aitempt to revive the antioption bill was defeated by a vol of 172 yeas to 124 naya, not the necessary twothirds. The conference report on the District f Columbia appropriation bill was agreed to and the war claim blll for the relif of William and Mary college was passed. On the2d the post office detlciency and Indln appropriation bilis were passed in the sonate ....In the house the senate amendments to the sundry civil and post office appropriatlon bilis wer non-concurred In. A joint resolutton provldlng for private clerks for representatives not chairmen of committees wai passed, as was also the senate bilí to facilítate the enforcement of the immigration and contract labor laws. Coheremcii reports on th legislativo, post office, agricultural and sundry civil approprlation bllls ere agreed to in the United States senate on theSd and the house bill to continue the duties of 35 per cent on line containtng 100 threadg per square Inch was passed In th house the world' fair items in th undry civil blll caused a long discuasion and flnally th urn of 1932,630 was allowed. Conference reports on several ether appropriatlon bilis wen agreed to. DOMESTIC. Joh Hr.rrsKR, of New York city, bas seeured possession of his two children after seyen jears of separation and after gpendin? (50,000 in aearchinir for them. The eight-story building in New York occupied by th Norman L. Munro Publisblnd company wa& partially gutted by fir, tbe loss beinjr $100,000. Thk report of the confjressional committee whioh has inYestijated the whisky trust says that fully one-half of the whisky consumed in this country is a compound made on ly in part of straight whisky and the balance of oils, essences and ethers. A gang of fifty white caps took seTeral negro laborers from their homes at Mason, Miss., whipped them, and told them to leave the country. William Suthebland, a prominent resident and owner of a lawmill 3 miles east of Grove City, Pa., feil upon % circular san and wís cut in two. Miss Julia Forcé, who killed her two sisters at Atlanta, (ia., has been adjudged insane. Jliivi.iüB has broupht snit against West Virginia to recover the entire terrritory lying between the north and ■outh branches of the Potomac nver. Six larjfe counties with a population of nearly 100,000 are involved. Dal Hawkins, who knocked out Billy Miller in San Francisco, Inflicting injuries that proved fatal, has been held for manslaughter. The great battleship Indiana was Buccessfully launched at the shipyard of the WUliam Cramp & Sons company in Philadelphia. Thb Grant Monument association of New York reported that the cash received amounts to $506, 857, which will substantially complete the monument. Gov. McKinlky, of Ohio, while expressin? his gratitude, has refused contributions from his friends designed to relieve him of his financia! distress. Sidxey, the celebrated California horse, was sold at Cleveland to George H. Hammond, of Detroit, for 827,000. The breweries of Michigan and Ohio were forming a trust with a capital of $20,000,000. Ax Omaha inventor, Charles M. Haynes, has been granted letters patent covering a system of long-distance telephone b which it is claimed persons 2,000 or more miles apart may converse as readily as is now done with the short-dÍ8tance 'phone. One hundred pounds of gunpowder exploded in the sporting goods store of Rarrlings Brothers in St Louis, badly injurinjf four persons. Editor ('hk vis, of Baton Rouge, La., aDd Editor Hicks. of Shrereport, La., fought a duel with pistols in Texas, but neither was injured. Thk residence of Cyrus Lee near Greenyille, Ky., was burned and Cyrus Lee and his sister and brother, wife and child perished in the llames. There was no ons left to teil how the fire originated. Judok Stowe in the criminal court' at Pittsburgh overruled the motion for a new trial in the case of Hugh F. Dempsey and Robert J. Beatty, charged with poisoning Homestead non-union worlcers. Princess Kaiulani, a beautlful girl of 18 jears, and niece of the deposed Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii, arrived in New York. She had come to the United States, she said, moro for the purpose of obserying and learning for herself the nature of the people who had been asked to take control of her country than to make formal petition for her crown. For the eight months of the current fiscal year the goTernment receipts from all sources aggregated in round numbers $261,000,000, or $23,000,000 more than during the corresponding months of the preceding fiscal year. The expenditures were $266,233,544, or $27,000,000 more than during the same months of the precedinsr Tear. Siegfried Wertheim, a New York importer of su'.phite, pulp and paper stock, failed for $500,000. The public debt statement issued on the lst showed that the interest and non-interest bearing debt increased S615,6!)f during the month of February. The cash in the treasury was $764,332,266. The total debt, less the cash balance in the treasury, amounts to $839.153.665. It was reported thal ia the next few monthi 100,000 negroet would leave the south for homes in th west The eastern portion of Adams county. Miss., was visited by a cyclone that destroyed houses and outbuildintfs and killed several persons. A TitAiN on the Iron Mountain railroad was wrecked near Hope, Ark., and sixteen passengers were injured, some fatally. Thk fourteenth anniial commencement exercises of the Indian industrial school took place at Carlisle, Pa., and was larg-ely attended. Thk treasury departtnenfs monthly, circulation statement shows a net decrease in the circulation durinpr February to ?8, 302, 897. The total circulation of the country March 1 was placed at $1,608,060,642, or a per capita of Y24, 01, ajfainst 11,600.568,899 Jlarch 1, 1892. The treasury store of money and bullion was as follows: Qold coin, 8139,837,900; Standard silver dollars, $458,474,895; subsidiary silver, 810,971,87B; silver treasury notes, Í5,42U,24O; Inited States notes, $32,506,274; national bank note, $6,578,188; gold bullion, 879,835,042; and silver bullion, 8102,973,771. The A rit ansas Haptist collepe buildinps establihed at Little Rock six ycars apo by thecolored Baptists for the educatiou of girls was burned, and the twenty inmates had narrow escapes. It was reported that President Harrison had accepted a professorship in he Leland Stanford, Jr., university of California. He will deliver a series oí lectures on constitutional law. Charles D. Law, of Fort Wayne nd., general superintendent of the Jittsburgh, Fort Wayne fe Chicago iailroad company, was indicted by a Chicago grand jury on a charge of murder. The indietment is based on an accident in whích four lives were ost The Washington legislature has lassed a bilí inaking it imlnivf ni in the tate to manufacture, buy, sell or gire away, or to have in one's possession cigarettes or cigarette papers. A fire at Constable Hook, N. J., destroyed seven buildings and rendered fifty families homeless. A at Marksville, La., caused great destruction, scattered timber and uprooted trees marking the plaee where once handsome residences stood. Two persons were killed. A solé leather trust with a capital oí $70,000,000 vras said to have been formed at Buffalo, N. Y. Whii.p. launching a vessel at a shlpyard in Bay City, Mioh., nine persons were injured and flve others were probably drowned. Al.EXANDK.r. P. Hf.THERINQTON, a young Greek, shot Miss Km ma Klaus at Bridgeport, Conn. , because she refused to marry him and then shot himself. Boi.e Davis, a white pauper at Mexico, Mo. , was advertised to be sold at caution to the highest bidder. At a meeting of the Homestead (Pa.) relief committee the treasurer's report showed the total amount oí raoney received to b $5,350.68, and the amount expeDded $4,432.94, leaving a balance in the treasury of $017.74. No more help was needed. Joe (oniiABD, the Australian, was knocked out in the eighteenth round in a fight at New Orleans for a purse of $10,000 by Ed Smith, of Denver. The organization of th Associated press was completed in Chicago with MeWilU E. Stone, of that city, as general manager, succeeding VVilliam Henry Smith. The last meeting of President Harrlson's cabinet took place on the 3d. AU of the members were present, and the president thanked them for the loyal support they had always given him and attributed muchof the success of his administration to their wise counsels, faithful services and derotion to the country's highest good. Exchangeb at the leading clearing houses in the United States during the week ended on the 3d aggregated $1,870,596,008, against $1,215,938,075 the previous week. The decrease as compared with the corresponding week of 1891Í was 12. a An engine on the Lehigh Valley road exploded her boiler near McKune's station. Pa., killing William Brown and fatal ly injuring Charles Sinsabaugh, the engineer; Perry Refenburg, the fireman, and John Schott, a brakeman. In the United Statesduring the .seyen day ended on the 3d the business fail uies numbered 251. agaiust 230 the preyious week and 270 ior the correspondintr time last year. Fokkst fires near Austin, Tex-, dstroyed much valuable property. "Bob" Sims, atred 20, was hanged at Birmingham, Ala., for the murder of Ebender Jordán a year ago, and José Gabriel, an Indian, was executed at San Quentin, Cal., for the murder of Mr. and Mrs. Geiser, an old couple. Rev. Henry Laurens Hammond, aged 78, one of the oldest Congregational ministers in Chicago, dropped dead from heart diseasc. Wilmam Coy was hanged at Pittsfield, Mass., for the murder of John Whalen in August, 1891. Five children named Uernstein were suffocated br smoke in a room in which they were locked by their parents in New York. A burstin lamp caused the accident. Goui,d Cooswell, a wealthy farmer living near Havana, N. Y., shot and killed his invalid daughter and then hanged himself. Loss of money was the cause. Peter Cabrón, a wealthy lumberman of Chippew Falls, Wis., was robbedof $5.000 while sleeping in a chair in tho Union depot in St. Paul. In the family of W. S. Hammaker, of Findlay, O., five children died within four weeks of a nialigfnant form of diphtheria. A at Marión, Miss-, detroyed a larg-e ainount of property, killed Mrs. Meader and her dauffhter and fatally injured Mr. and Mrs. VV. J. Harrison and severel.y injured several other persons. Lorknz Zkis and his three children died near Mascoutah, ItL, frora the effects of eating apple butter cooked in a copper kettle. ViiESiLiENT Harkison approved the car-couplinp bill and the pen with which he sicned it was nrcsented. to E. A. Mosely", secretary oí the interstate commi-ree commission, PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Mus. Sarah Hawjí died at Oakland, 111., aged 105 years. She was the mother of seventeen children, ten boys and seven tfirls. Pataillard, known in the museum world as Aama the French giantess, died in Des Moines, Ia. She was 16 years old, 8 feet high, and weighed 235 pountls. Gov. Mitchbli. has appointed Samuel Pascoe to be United States senator from Florida. Tuk Michigan democrats in state convention at Detroit nOminated üeorge H. Durand, of Flint, for jnstice of the supreme court. and Henry A. Ilarmon, of Detroit, and Robert T. Bunker, of Muskegon, for rejrcnts. The democrats of Chicago nominated Carter H. Harrison for Mayor. Ai.frkd P. Robin'SOK, chief justlce of Delaware, died suddenly from heart failure at his residence in Georgetown. B. R. Freemajï, commander of Freemau's brigade in Price's army during the rebellion, died near Neosho, Ma, aged 63. His command was the last to surrender its guns in 1865. R. M. Bishop, who was governor of Ohio in 1878 and 1879, died at Jacksonville. Fia., where he had been ljring ill for several weeks. Thb Montana legislature adjourned without electing a United States senator to succeed W. F. Sanders, and the governor will appoint his successor. Anna Robliski, a Polish woraan, celebrated her 105th birthday at Coldwater, Mich. FORE1QN. Oreat sufferinff existed in üldham, England, to the prolongad strujjge btween the master cotton spinner and the operatives. The number out of employment in Oldham alone was 84,000 and thousands of these wer destitute of food and fuel. The Tillag-e of Gergely, in Hungary, was swept away by a flood and hundreds of persons were drowned. Blondín, the world famed ropewalker, celebrated in London hlssixtyninth birthday. Thk boiler in the Mohammedan baths n Itaku, Russia, exploded when the esablishment was crowded and more ban 300 nomen and children fled naked nto the streets. Sereral persons wer oalded to death. Campidan valley in Guatemala was flooded and six villanos woro swept way and hundreds of persons wera rowned. Bt a (ras explosión at the Ontario ilver-platinjj workg at Humberstone, Ont, four men were fatally burned. A 8TRAHGK and fatal disease Ylsited he people of Loretto and St. Anne's, Manitoba. Scarcely a house escaped and forty-eijfht deaths were reported. The 88d anniversary of the birth of Pope Leo was observed in Rome. Veshki.s collided in the English channel and thirteen persons weri drowned. Durino the propressof a buil flght at Linares, Mex., a wall of the building feil, killinpr eight persons and injuringthirty others. LATER. In the United States senate on the ' 4th the last of the appropriation billa was passed, and after thanking the senators for their uniform courtesy Vice President Morton declared the senate of the Fifty-second congress adjourned sine die. The oath of office was then taken by Vice President Stevenson. In the house thecustomary resolution of thanks was tendered to Speaker Crisp, after which that official declared the house of representatives adjourned sine die. liitKwsTF.K & Dkhike, commission merchants at Loredo, ïex.. failed for 8172,300. At noon on the 4th in Washington Grover Cleveland was inaugurated as tweuty-fourth president of the United States. The oath of office was administered by Chief Justice Fuller immediately after the new president had deliveied his inaugural address. Twki.vk children were found frozen to death in a schoolhouse at Kaluga, Russia. Thr men convicted of poisoning nonunion workmen at Homestead, Pa., were sentenced as follows: Hugh Dempsey, master vvorkman Knights of Labor, seven years in prison; Robert lieatty, seven years; PatrickGallagher, five years and J. D. Davidson three years. Lkb Mantle (rep.), of Butte, has been appointed United States senator from Montana by Gov. Rickards. Later news from the cyclone in Georgia says that two persons were killed at Piedmont. fourteen at Barnett, six at Odessa, five at Milner, three at Woodbury and three at Barnesville. A large nuinber of persons were also badlv iniured. IB a smash-up in the Little Miami railway yards in Cincinnati Joseph Lee, Charles Walker and Patrick Donnelly were fatally injured. The village of Sanábate, England, was almost entirely destroyed by an earthquake shock but no lives were lost. During the march of the Delcommune and Bia expeditions from Katanaya to Stanley Pool in África 500 of the explorers died. H. MacCokkle was inaugurated at Charleston as governor of West Virginia. In western Russia and eastern Germany enormous loss of property from floods was reported. In Hungary also the rivers were overflowing their banks, submergiDg villages and sweeping away thousands of cattle. Eleven Russians were drowned near Orvinia.


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Ann Arbor Courier