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The Queer Way

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Eli Boberta, ol Laealle, bad a patella in thie right leg ; but he feil and broke it, flio crilber lay. Burkliart, of Liraia, saw a streak of Minshine the otlii-r day, and went out anl sHve&red jo sint']), BUppocring it wam JiwiE. Tliey barre at l:ist cauirlit a man the ordinamcs ol ('helsea. My, but dirtn't tliey nvake liim sweat bllood l'ike a flannel sliirt ! Yps'itointi's prosperity is closely knit wdth her underwear factory, which laet year made $250,000 wortli of goods and employed 300 persons. The North Laike lyceum has gone dnto a decline. It lias never enjoyed good healtlh aince debatlng tlie question "Resolved, That the milky-way is eternity's equmrtor." A son to Aid. Kitson, of Ann Arbor. It kooeked w hole as big as a barn door, in sialary, to fuTnish the iirars. It will yet come to this that Ann Arbor aldermen must reeeive better pay or reluce the output. Jolun Feete, aged 18, of Lasalle, is running a bad race, having served four years in the reform school and Is again in jail for stealing. Young Fette covered with bunions of sin ! Mafhias Elvnis, oí Northfield, was very rauoh aranoyed, tJie other evening by bei ng hoisted over an eiglit rail fcn.c a.nil liaving liis Kleigh smashcd and a norse killed by an Ill-terapered fniLrlit engine. It knockod the -'h" plurab out of his blad, or ''caboose" name. Artist Gibson, of Ann Arbor, secures tthe contract of making about 30,000 negatttvee for AVorld's Fair exhibitors, tbe work to be pcrformpd on the grounils. iliis goei to prove that ]itive people do not get on in the World nny better than those who are more "negative." A chkken wlth two hearts- one atta lied to its livor- tu lately dreesed for tliie tabl-e of the Stevens hotel, M.ilnn. .Strange town, tliat Milan. Two men tfliere, acr.idcnlly bamped btaads together the other day, 'and om of th,em has been eross-eyed mw sinrc. wibo can ezpiain tliis phenomeinoii '! And huw it v proponed by the reUgtoufl students of Chicago University to fora in intercollegHate ehees club tkinc in the Northwestern Untversüy and the rj. of M. wiüi themeelves, in the triangular concern.- Ann Arbor Oonrter. 'l'lii' (oregatag we belteve eontains the first accoaation of piety, ever laid upon Cliï-.-ago, a ml Kliould not be accepted witli resto c-redulity. Th.e personnel of Cleveland's cabinet ; the "rnmp" riot in the Kansas leirislature ; the death of Blaine, and the Padflc Ham Saodwic-h difficuity, lias strained tlie putlie sensibillties till it (lid eeem a tliongh they tould bear uo more. Xow we are bit with aiKrtilier nerve-rat-ker :- Does the new partner tn the Ann Arbor Argus finislx "1 liïs Vast name with one "'s" or more ? Tlie newspapers are using frora one to three, in annonncing hini. Is it (irtis. CorttM, or CnrtiMs? Sie;Lk ! In tke AdventJBt printing offioe ut Batue Creek, where 300 banda are employed, all are assembled in the office cluapel ewy morning, and prayors and reUglona services held berore gohiK to work. Tliis is a very worthy custom, which we fear is not carehilly observed in the offic eof our VHjued contemporary the Adrián Vpsilautiíin. WéU, you see, this offic' doeen't go niiuli, on siectacular religión, believtae ï-atJior in individusil piety and cSIOBet praycr. We dcni't inake as mui h of a -iioly sliow" as ome peopii-, iut wc bas laore at bhe kneea. Madam .lanauwlwk. is unquestkmabiy one-of flhe most admirable expolíente of tralgfc rolex of our timo. We have admtnad ter m MarrOle, become euttamftavtic over hor portrayBil ..Í Mis. Oalclcy i„ Moon, hBivw admlred aa Mt-gr MarrHlea, tured to deligQited audiences the trials and tiilulation of Lady Macbetii Iïut we ehe ís exeell-nt in these 'liaiactere, she te sáid to be at her best m Miary Stuart, Quees of Scots i wliü.l, Khe wm a,)pear at the Grand' ' lKia House, Wednesday evenmg Mar. Stti, ropported by Uit Etne tragedian Kdmund -olliter, an.l a twng com[any. ShUtert famoue tragcdy will bepresemtol wJHb ureat minuteness of tetafl, and the piecc will be superbly nuunted. J


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