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G. A. R. State Encampment

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Aaslstant Qoiarterinaster hilds reports tlie Benton Hartor encenrpmént a grand su !cess. in íí:iií;. tlie train th.-u eootaiaed the party (rom t'iis gectíon was late at Grand Kapids. bo tliat they wereleft without th'.-ir dinBu-1 Conunander Sess;ons was equal ri the emergeney, and dtd some tiall Poragimg, capturcd a pal] of tea, and a basket "f sandwihes. whlch did c.x ■llent in stayinir the ravages of hunger nut il Bentón Harbot was it.'I 'led. Whith just : supper titme. The BeöSfon oponed on Töesday, at 2 o'clock, p. m., and Department CommaniU'r Dean proTed ]iiui-lf smli an ♦-ff i ent officer and dispnteher of boefoeBB, thnt tiie business proper of Vhe en-ampment was all completad vrwn the rapper beU rang on Wednesday evening. Nover l;eiöre in the liistory of the departmcnt Uaa it bewi poseible to close tlio businms of tKB scssion on tJie socond !ay of t'hie en -ampraeot. Tlnere wos nn animated but friendly contest for tüie poKition of commandcr letwci'n ( omrftdee Kidd of Ionia, and Kenetz, of Muskeiron, tlie Kidd beIng Mi-ccssnil on t'li.e first ballot, by ti, vote oí 812 to 133. On Tiwda.y and Wednesday evenInge two immecMe oaanpflMB were held b or the opera houscs, eaeb hall bötog jiaki'd almost to suffocatUm. T'a,e audieni's wero entertained by rpee lies from membena of the ti. A. B. and tJue W, K. C, Aan Arbor beiiiji heard fnom ttorouigh Cöl. H. S. Dean. Ooi. C. V. K. i'üii.l, and Aart. (J. M. Gen. OMMb. Excellent muele turriWhed by the numeróos mas'.ciaoa of Bemton Harbor, which addéd largely to ttoe sirccss of the campïin s. Th;, drummer boy of the RappahaniKKk, Hendersliott and sou wcrc present w'uh dram. The nwmbers of the Grand Ariny and ilu' "Woman's Rellel ('oi-ps are enthuiastic in Ilicir praise of the manaerJn wirich they were entertained by ttoe peoplè of Beatoo Harbor, who siiared no patee in makiiiK their visItors enjoy tlienisclvcs. On the vhole tlie eooannxment ie prononnced one ol the most suceeesful ever held !y the G. A. Ii. The. comradee who were present, speak in the hifïhest terms of praise of Department ('ommander Dean as a OfU er. He was prompt, it only in eondnctinii the regular i-.s. bnt in decldlng queatlons t.liat carne up, and made for himself a laating repu-tatlon. He was in a position thiat brought out the sterling (Utilities of whlcfa lie is possessed, and proved tlioroughly to have l)een the riglit man in the right place.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier