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South Carolina Protection

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Af last th day-star of protection appears ili tlhe southern kies and preeages a brifehter day. Some monthe ago The Economist tated that the ottomgrowers of Soutih Carolitaa wtre demamïïog protection ngainst Egypijan cotton, and now t Iii Cbarteeton News and Courter continúes its ud'oeacy ae follows : Our Florida Itiondl are a year beïimd the News and Caurler in ngitathg for a fair mensure of protection or tta gi-owers of fihe American cotwn, but tliieir efforts are not too late. . . If the momufax'turer ie protected let the farmer 'be protected in equal diegree. . . It 5s not a question of beetowjng a special favor om the cotron grower, but putt tang ''home lndustry" on the same íoothig witli other tome iiidustrtes. He has liad no 'protectiioo" hcretofore, and is as miKÜi entdtlel -to it, wblle it te the rule in t'Jve country, as any other citizeaie. G3ie hini only the same kind vrwl degree of protection tJint i siven o the N'ew England cotton manuacturer and tobáceo farmers and !ie vil be eont&nt. And lie sihould be content with not hing less. The Augueta, Ga., Oironicle adds tïie followiag good-niatured remarks : Can it be possible that this is the News and Courier of Charleston preacihing the doctrine of protection ? Now, for oursolves we are not opposng tlhis ïiew doctrine of the News and Courier. We wonld be glad to see the farmers properly protected. We are only dumb witto amazement at the overwhelmiinig cheek of our comtemporary in what it has year in and year out abused us for advocating and denounced as undemocratic. " Can such things be, And overeóme us like a summer's cloud, Without our special wonder? "


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier