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The Republieans of the township of Ann Arborwill hold a caucns at the Court House on Saturday, Mareta 25, at 2 o'clock p. mi, for the purpose of noiniuating caudidates for township oflicere. I. N. S. Fostee, J.C. Mead, John, Committee. Pittsfield Town Caueus. The Republicans of Pittsfield will hold a caueus at the Town House, Thursday. March 2;d, at 2 r. M., for the purpose of nominating u townehip ticket, and to transaet such other business ns may be uroperly preseuteil. Mokton F. Case, Chairman of Committee. - ■ Pttttlp IHiífy eays the skating on AVMtmore Lake is prone. The late rains decomposed and destroyed near]y all t'hie fce. There will be a l'upil's Recital at tihe rooms of tlie Uniiversity School ..f "Musit, Setaxday Maroh I8th, at 4 o'clock p. mCapt. J. F. SeliuJi, Prof. M. E. Cooley, Fred Schnuid, Fral. Rettich, L. J. liesmer, Wm. McIntyT, C. R. "Wliitman, W. I). Harniman and E. B. NorTis?, are talked of by the domocrats lor t.h-e office of iiayor. The thunder storm of last Saturday does not indícate an early spring. Almoet invariably early thunder ítwms are followed by late sprinn, ajid bring snow in ilay. May thie year be an exceptiMi. We heard se-eral of the leg-iwlative visitera comiplinient(?) Ann Arbor citizens, and soiue of tdie janitors of State rt. public buildimgrs in particular for t3wir enterprice in nol dcAnlag the walks. Rev. F. M. Brjktle, I). D., of Trinity i.hurch, Chicago, is tio doliver an adlree9 on Sunöay eveniwg' next, at the M. E. church, before the Wesley(ui Oattd. The doore are open to í-reryone. Come and hear hiin. The ftiirst faeulty concert of the University School of Mus ie, for tlie eecond taeauetrter, wae giTen nt Newbcrry Hall laet TlmrBlay evemiaig-, and was a Buccess im every way. All tJue numbors on tlhe programme were rendered In a iiwst excellent manner, and ivcre wcll received by the aiidionee. The last ]i:ece on t(he programme, a piano duet-t by Mliss Grac Povey and Mr. ScHuniaaJ, was especlally fine, and was receivod wttb great npplause. Ia.y befoi-e yeeterday a man comniKted suicide at Indianapolis, Ind., wiio the authoritieS' there had reason tobelieve vas Qeorgre Grossman, formvrty of tliiiö city. They telcgraphed 10 his people here, and Monday hi.s lJTöilner WOU went there to ascertaiti itlie tnitli. fieurge had beon employ -d at Sagimaw, uaitil last September, ■vvüuen he left becausc 01 disapiiointnient iai a love aifair, and had not lioen board from söinco. He was a yoomg' man of good character a 11 il good habïite. " Huil gentío íprlngl With pen in hand The poet thus begaD nis ode; Bilt sprinj; oheycd not nis cominnnd, It didn't hail ; it snowed. Kev. Mr. Seaddin, of Toledo, at St. Andrew's rliapel. Watec Beek We level, even if it bes 1O 1 i 1 1 up 1 rilar tO fiml it. A datH Of 1'2 Wre baptizecl at Bt. Anliew's cihurch gurntay afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The Junior League of the M. E. c'hurrli meets l'riday, at 4 o'elock p. in., alt the cbnrch. Tha new Wtiinnnian biojk is receiving ji coat oí torra ootta coiored palut, ■iijjli givcs it a line apiearance. Thv .Mjssiwu Urcte, of tho 11. E. cliurch, meet at the li(iisf 01' Mre. M.Kcnzif, 45 S. 12t'h st., Friday, at 2:30 p. ra. Mis. Helen I'. JenkJna, of Detroit, u 11 l.'-uiii: ou Madam de Stael, noxt Sfoudiay svvlng, Marcto uotJi, belore tli-e l'i.jiy ( lub. Lew 11. (. lemtiit ;.s pitwWent 0 the Mi. .„Billis L'njoa, wlnch has beeu [Ormeú la -re tO ina.lütaiii living pricea among ,(b ■ mi. Uviiaae. liiere is to le a so. al al tlic Northeiüe t'liai)e,l Priday evennng. Kev. Dr. OoLern w.ill lecture npon 'The Turks, Arabe, and 1 iii.iiisti.ues" during the c 1 niniï. 'Uie mau-riiape ol Mr. Vernou Sawyer, of Webster, and M]ee Cora Whitlouk, i! i'ett.v.-v l'.e, took place Wednesday uteinoiHi, Maivli 8th, at the reeidenee of Ui.' lui. e's motilar, the ceremony being pi-eiormed by Ilev. Mr. Stevens, 01 r.nkney. l'h.' overhead jhei-k-reiu is reïined and B'teady torture, not only for the stiaia 1 .ickwiird oí ihe Beek, but beiii,- horee cannot aee the ground om wlii.jh he is stei)]iing-. The sxvay.111? 01 i.s head trom .side to slde is Ol his tryüig to flud relief. -Turf, Field and l'ann. I il ■ IH'tM.n papen gjv au account oí i'he of one Mn, J. E. uaw, Batid to have beea a íornier rc-i i'iil oí Uiiis city, by a mine speculator Irom Arizoim, who duped lier o'ut oí $1,000 and a lot o? Detroit real Wtate. The courta have returnel vr Un; laiul bul toe .SI, 000 is a gtuer. At ui i' Jniand Leag-iwj next Monda? iiinlit liiere will be a doublé pro.líramme. Dr. H. L. Obetz, oí Detroit, deaai oí liu; Hoiiieopatliik; Departmeat, Jii g.w a talk on "Aiu-it'iit Suigery," aiKl JJr. E. 1'. MillK will si?ak OB "The Qtteen oí i-'aUri ■ ;" Adm.isiO'ii 10 cts. (liurcli of, S. t'niv.Tsit.v ave., at 8 o'clock j). ni. l . A. Petera, of Soio, inlorins un that he ncver saw wheat come out from untler the wiow lookiaig betUT than it nqw. lie tiilnk.s that it is bettor Unan wh-fu -u-iMer iet in. All talk íibout tbc ice Kinothering it, has bcon noaauue. He tfetoKa f Marcli wiu only be kütad tous in tile wey ofweatlier, tlit-ro will ík m iinmonso whcat erop Vhiïs year. Everyone hopes so. H. C'. Clark moved out of the liouse 83 N. Main t., and (j&o. E. Peters, who Iroaght it of John J. Robison a Bíkort time sincc, moved into the sanii; yesterday, without ei ving the rooms a dia nee to cool for the want of a tire. Mr. Peters hay for some time past had ( -liarse of Dr. .Smith's farm, and is a g-ood citizen, and will be welcomed as an addition to tlie waard. Thie Argo mili duu gave away again tihis spring, in aboirt the same place a.-; last, and ít will cost a considerable suni to repair it. At ooe time the cntlre fíate below tille dani were flooded, and tdie waters dd tlieir best to do wbat the eity eoumcil has been B&wM to for years and years, viz : remove tihe íragTant Blanghter houses, but ould not quite rieO tot hO occasion. Several hoga contined in adjoiniiiK pens were taken down stream we lx'lieve. IBe waiter has nat been so Kgh be.'ore im a lïinuber of years. Sdhairer & Millen hiave in progrese Borne very conven en t improvements M tlieir store. Tlie oiffice is being elorf vated and fitted up Wlltb a Manefield C3atl and Package Carrier. ThLs not only earrles tb cash, but all packages, whk-h are taken to the office and wrapped up by a profess'ional tn that line, and retiurned to tho counter from whience they carne. Thia carrier will cojvvey packages weüghiiang up to 20 lbs., a dtetancO of 150 feet If neces8,ry. It wüll be a great conveaiienco, as well as lal;or saver ; and tho (hangfIng1 of tihc office gives more shelf room in tlio store. Thie flrm is always up wltto the times. At the last ddrector's meeting of the Ann Arbor Organ Co., it was decided tha,t the iii-st $4,000 of stot-k sohl from tlié increased capital stock, lx used to build a fo-ur story brkk addition to the iactory on the gTOimd of the present fwime building. The business of tiie company demamde more room. Thieir present manufaetunng focilitles aire badly overcrowded, and wMb increaised factory facilitles much better resulta could be obtiüned at a deM In cost of production. The eellIqg iwwer of Vhe organ is phenomeoaj and tJne mai-ket 3. unlimited. An ïncreaee in output means more wo-rknien Bad Jiience gTeator beneftt to Ann Arbor. Our citizens must soon realize tlue vilque of the manufactures 'in our city's gro-wtihi. Vote (or MftTON if yon valué good health. A ctuiWren's fancy feeaa party is to be gOven at Onuimu-'s Saturdny eveoAng April 8th. The ajuniKil meetjjijï of the AV. C. T. TJ. win be beid ut Harrta Hall, Mar. 23rd, at tihree o'clock. Dr. Ettvrard Henríques, 9m was reared and edocated at Ana Arlor, ditil at 'hiis home iii Ia Vegas, N. M. recently. J. W. Ooeper, a medical student, hne been arrested tor takinii thlngg at Quila Hall, that did not belong to h i in. Tlnerc lwive 1xk;ii over two nionths, somO 65 days altojiether, of eonthiuoue good sleighiiiig tibe past winter. A wooderfu] record. There was no ('liaimber Concert at Newberry Hall last eveming-. The inabHlty of traína to reatlh here trom Toledo was tihe cause of the railure. Rev. Mr. Manu, a deaftnnte cle-rgyman, will hold a Bervke Cor deafmutes on Friday evt'iiing, Mar.l lTth, in St. Andiew'ti -iMp.-l, at 7:-'0 o'clock. The Arm Arbor Tj'iioei-aphial t"non tiiM voted to send a dalsrate to tüiie meet'dns of tlie International Union to fce beid in Chiongo, next October. One of C. E. Godfrey'e dniy t:inis ran away ifooday, on S. Main st., but in an attempt to emasb down a telí'iiiliioiie pole, they gave ït up in disgust. The first robin niiaide its appearanoe last Tliursday iiinniinir. A resident of tfhie third wanl found a live angleworiu a lew days' prrviiins. Oh', sturing is iii-ri'. The trustees oí the Sal in church in c4o, have decicted to ersct a new panocfata] school building, to be locatedihi Lodi. The old one at Wetnt wïll Ik.' ri-paired aud renovatod. The republi-can city convention to nomínate city oifieers has Urn ca lied for Saturday eveodóg Maxdb 25th. ThO waird eaucuses for the FrWay rwiiing previous. Mairdh 24th. "I malled a postal eard to-day and lorgot to addivss it. Tm very absentmiudd." "So aun I. Yeeterday I malled a Columbian Btamp wlthoot putting a letter in it."- N'ew York Lite. The stnike O'.i the Toledo & Ann Arbor R. R. is still on. Most of the passenger trains are running, but freights are tied up. Just at present high water j raising1 rniore ho1 with the railroad than is the strike. If Ex-Postmaeter General Joliai Wanamaker-ivdll come to Was'hitenaw county to live, on the farm he reccntly purdhiased near Ypsilanti. be wil! be forglTOO for not coming a little further west betore making tihiat puroliase. A writer once a6ked an educator his (k'finition of "an old meid," and recefvetl tihe followini; a.nswer : "An old nïaid ia a woman wlio has not beon fooi enougli to le fooled by any fooi wluo was fooi enoougH to try and fooi 'her." The lciiislature proposes to prohibit the Board of Sl1wm1 Examiners throughout the state from grantiiig certüficates to teach, to any pei-son under 18 yeans of age. niay be unjuet in some instances, but as a general rule it would lx; a good thing. Few boys or gii'ls are capable of teaching school before tiliey are 18 years old. The next lee ture to.'ore the Student 's Leeture Aseociation will be tlie last óï the i-ouree, and 11 be delivered by Kom. W. L. AVilsoo, of West Virginia, Saturday evening, April 7th. It hias been ditecovered that the Lecture Associiation tickets hiave been c ounterfeited thils year, nomo 400 more táUkets beiag presented tlian has been sold by tïie Aseociiition. So all the tft-kets will be called in at the next leeture. Eaeh person having a season ttioket ie aeked to write his name tlhereon and tlie name of the person of whom tüie ticket was1 purchased, nnd it will be exohanired for a ticket odmirtting to thte le'tuTe, as 110 season titket will be receired at the door. In thi!s way it is hopod to traoe the coumterfeiter. As tihe Athletic Asurn1 int ion is to have tlie proeeeds this year, tte manaffers are somewhat lnterested in this ldttle $800 sido deal. Another foul murder is added to the Hst tor this county. On Saturdy evening after 10 o'elock, Jay Pulvor, a nSght watohman at the Hay & Todd mili, at Ypbilanti, was murdered by soine unknown person. He was found Etanday witli liis head crushed ili, and his hand still grasping a raiitorn wliioli he used to go about the premütees with. It ís thought that tJie deed muist have been done by some one familiar wiUi the place, and C'lifford Hand, a man about 34 years old, who had been discharged by the comimmy somO day previoue, and who tod made some tliTeats, has been arreeted on snispjicion. There are eircums tornees tbat pioilit strongly to hiüm. Pulver wae a man of 45, and one wluo never liad any troutlo witli auyoiic. He leaves a wiío and four (luldron. Tlie murder line caused intense excitcjnent at I'twsi.l'anti and thiroug-hout that part of the county. A som luas arrived in the home of Cooley. Tlus sort 'o prins is what makes you weary. Joe SealxHt wlio lias been quite Ml la oonvialeKchig. The democratie city convention will le beW next weck Frirtay. The lon?ï artilles hnve erowded out miiny of the 6maller ones this weok. The Junior Ex. of the high school takes pjace Fricl.iy eveninir, in the cliapel. Mr. and Mrs. WaltT Slack li'ft yestrday tot a visit in the .southern statos. Th' anniml oratorlcal i-ontest will takt' place in rniversity Hall Satur!ay eventavEx-( ;iy Recorder Chas. .T. Durheim of Muskegon, Ivas been in the city dwing tJie week. The person wlio votes againal uwen next Mtoodagr vot aigaJnst the city of Ann Arbor. JcJin Bteeb bougbit th .T. T. Jacoba farm in FittefteM MonJay at auctioii, for .-15 per ncre. Prof. HStasdale wlll lectare next Bunöay ttSght on th "Life of Martin I.uther" ,im tlif Cliuivh of f'hrist. Ed. GHday, of Monroe, tilie democratio candidato for judge of tliis circuit, s In town putting up his fences. M :s Jcssie Rliss, wh.o resides at Jackeon, has been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Bltgs for a few days. Therc h Boapcely a oewspaper in the state of Mgcfaigaa, the Ypsilanti Sentinei exceptad, bot favors the 1-Gth of a mili tax tor the University. AlKut 100 of tihe Baptist friends of Dr. and Mis. W. II. Dorranse gave ihi'in ;i Lrcniiiif Burprtee last evenlng, at tJieür home om 8. Inii.illw st. It au enjoyable occasion. Irs. Wm. H. HnwkJns. dded at her rc-iilii e on 4Ui ave. cor. E. Liberty st,., Sunday forenoon, aged 82 years. S'h was on.e of the early 60ttlers of T.hdM city ajul a hfehly respected lady. MiSr! Conidia ('onselius. who has teen a resident of thia city tor many ycars, and wlio was a teacher in the public schools for a loiiff time, left for Santa Rosa, Cal., last Thursday morniiig', to reside permenently, with an nunt wJio has been left alone there. Mr. and Mis. Chas. 8. Mllen entertwined Rijrht Iiev. Bishop Diidley, of Kentucky, Iíev. and Mre. Henry Tatloek, tli vestrymen of St. Andrew's eluircli, witli Ilioir wlvee ;ind a few other fronde, a tea last Monday evening:. The fire Monday evening was at the res(ln c oí Un. Lucy D. Howo, on Wilnict Kt., whlc was damaged about $500. Tiie alarm was late in being tiiriu'd in, hut the íire dt-partmcnt didn't waste any time after getting it. This demonstrates anew tho n"cessrty of a fire alarm systeni. A raaUflen fair, witlh bus kissed hair, come trippinff down the Street ; the air was keen, her at?e "steen," and readers, gbe as sweet. The klewalk ■wia sleet and abe went off lier feet, viUi a jolt tlKit shook out her curls, and tihe wcrds s-he used must be cxeused, for sihe'a one of our very best ffirls. Comsfcock F. Hill, of Lodi, lias been one of the most reliable and ablo adniiiiistrators of estates in this county. He toas had onder bJa charge 52 different eetates, and lins now on hand yet unsettted, ten estates. He Is a Iwird worker, and strietty honest. Thate' why he ís ca lied upon to act in that capacity so otten. Yeare honce the 'oldest inhafoitant' will be citiuír tilie winter of 1S92-3 as w. fïne example of old-fa6!hioned Mlchifn weather.- Tecumsc-h Herald. Don't you believe it. "W'hen next winter comes and the mercury gets to knocking a hole in tihe bottom of the t.ti'erniiOTneit'er, as M diid this, the oldest "ülnlitobitant" will rise up and make affadavit that he never taw anything i:ke it.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier