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IN extra session on tbs 6th the senate conflrn.ed the cablnet appolntments made by President Cleveland. Senator Sherman introduced a joint resolution, which was laid on tbe table, vrhich propones tbat the terms of office of president and vice president of the Fif ty-fourth congres shall continue until noon of the JOth of April, 1897; that the senators whose lerms would expire on the 4th of March, 1897, shall continue In office until noon of the 30th of April, and that tbat time shall hcreafter be substituted for the 4th of March as the commencenient and terminatioa of the official terms of the president, vice president, senators and representatives in congress. The present roll cali of the senate shows 44 democrats, 38 republicans, 1 populist, I independent and 1 farmers' alliance and three vacancles. TH followlng nominatlons were sent to the senate on the 9th by the president: Joslah Quincy, of Massachueetts, to be assislant secrctory of state: Robert A. Maxwell, of New York, to be fourth nssistant postmaster general; Isaac P. Gray, of Indiana, to be minister to Mexico, and Patrick A. Collins, of Massachu■etts, to be consul general at London. A message was roceived from the president wlthdrawing the Hawalian treaty, whicb bas been pending. Adjourned until the 13th. DOMESTIC. At the last Bession of the Fifty-second congress 425 house bilis and 235 senate bilis and joint resolutions became laws, makiug U50 acts put on the statute tooks ais the result oí the work of congresa. First Vice President Kki.nhabt was elected to the presidency of the Atohison, Topeka & Santa Fe road in place of Alian Manvel. deceased. A poi.ickmax at Alleghany City, Pa., found in a clump of bushes the bodies of James HUI and Rose Rutzeler with their throats cut. Whether it was a case of murder or suicide was unknowu. The town of Clark, Mo., was almos t totally destroyed by fire. The flrm of Stich Bros., wholesale hatters in New York, failed for $175,000, and on account of the suspension Julius Stlch, the senior member, shot himself dead. Frank Stensel and Mrs. Anastasia Bieschke were convicted in Chicago of the murder oí John Bieschke, the woman's husband, and each sentenced to a term of iorty years in the penitentiary. Mrs. John J. Jokes and her 15-yearold daughter wera burned to death near Mouut Juliet, Tenn. W. L.. WiLKiw 8, considered a wealthy capitalist, left Sioux City, Ia., owing OTer 860,000 to creditors. Aubtin Gibbons defeated Mlke Daly in the thirty-first round in a fight at New Orleans for a purse of 820,000. The tlephone patenta through whioh the Bell Telephone company has controlled the telephone business of the country for the last twelve years has expired. Huoh F. Dempbey, distric master workman of the Knights of Labor, and Eobert Beatty, convicted of the Tlomesteai (Pa.) poisonings, were taken to the penitentiary to serve their sentences of Beven years each. The stars and stiipes were ralsed over the steamship Paris, of the new Amerioan line, in New York. Thk announcement is publicly made by Gail Hamilton (Miss Abigail Dodffe) that with the cooperation of Mr. Blaine's family she is preparing a biojfraphy of the late James G. Blaine. Rev. S. H. Buchanan, of tha board of trustees of the Arkansas insane asylum, has confessed to the embezzlement of 815,000 and been dismissed from the ministry by the presbytery. Most of the inauguration sightseers have departed fron Washington, but it is estimated that they have left behind them as a substnntial reminder of their visit at least 82,500,000. The officials and employés of the agricultural department met at the residence of their late chief, ex-Secretary Rusk, and presented him with a solid silver service of five pleces. The United States navy (jets three gunboats as the result of the conference on the naval appropriation bill. The boats are to be about 1,200 tons displacement each and to cost, exclusive of arniament, wlthin$400, 000 each. A sevehe earthquake shock was experienced in the central portion of New York city and along Long lsland. The steamship Pikhueben, from Hamburg, arrived at Baltimore with the Germán government's exhibit for the world's fair. Mary Montgomkhy, a domestic in the employ of Thomas W. Corner in Pullman, 111., was brutally outraged and murdered by a burglar. The steamship Runic, of the White Star line, arrived in New York, brjnging no news of her sister ship, the Naronic, now twenty-two days overdue. It was thought the Naronic with her entire crew of seventy had gone to the bottom. All the union engineers on the Toledo & Ann Arbor railway went on a strike, tying up all trains except those carrying the mails. The directors of the Western Union Telegraph company in annual meeting in New York elected T. T. Eckert president in place of Dr. Norvin Green, deceased. Emmett Dalton, last of the Dalton gang, in court at Independence, Kan., pleaded guilty to murder and was sentenced to the penitentiary for life. Bob Fitzsimuons knocked out Jim Hall in four rounds at New Orleans, winning a purse of 840,000. Whii.e Jasper Young, of Brazil, Ind., was teasing nis wife by snapping a revolver in her face, which he supposed to be empty, the weapon was discharged and Mrs. Young was fatally wounded. The couple had been married only a short time. Mus. U. S. Gbant, the widow of Gen. Grant, has sold her New York home for 8130,000 and has begun negotiations for the purchase of the Blaine house in Washington, where she intends to make her home in the future. Gkorge and Joseph Watkins, father and son, cotton raisers of Arkansas, were drowned in the Red river whlle bathing1. President Cleveland has definHely decided and has authorized his cabinet ministers to announce to applicants for appointments that all officials now in office against whom no charges are made will be permitted to hold till their commissions expire. THE grand jury at Atlanta, lia., indicted for murder Julia Forcé, who recently killed her two sisters. The general managers of the twentythree railroads centering in Chicago announced that they could not and would not tfrant the increase in wages demanded by the switchmen on their lines. Mbs. Edgar Woods and four children who attempted to cross Cedar creek at Glenford, Ga., were drowned. An earthquake shock did considerable damage in the city of Rahway, N. J., and vicinity. Judgb Webbeb filed decisions in the celebrated tax title cases at Redwood Falls, Minn., by which title sharks are recognized by the law and more than a thousand acres of land are wrested from innocent settlers. Statístics show that in the United States and Canada six out of every ten men who have reached the age of 80 are unmarried. A PAS8KNOKB train on the Philadelphia, Wilinington & Baltimore railroad crashed into a freight train at Chaddesford Junction, Pa., killing Engineer Phillips and injuring several passen gers. Thb ministers at San Antonio, Tex., have inaugurated a crusade against tha opening of saloons there Sunday. Mbs. J. D. Kisler, of Omaha, started the kitchen flre by the aid of kerosene, which exploded, probably fatally burning herself, her husband and three children, besides destroying the house and all its contents. Mgr Satolli has restored to W. S. Bowen, of West Chester, Pa-, his pew in the church which was taken from himsin years ago because he refused to send his child to the parochial school. Whilk fording Little Rock creek near Hlnckley, 111., Henry Binder and H. Carlson, two well-to-do farmers, were caught in the ice and drowned. The first of a series of gigantic real estáte frauds, involving St Paul, Chicago, New York and eastern Kentuoky people, ha been unearthed at St Paul, Minn., and L. H. Cole, the alleged principal in the raacality, was under arrea t The mail train on the Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan railroad was ditched a short distance out of Ann Arbor. Mlch.. bv wreckers. but no one wat injured. In a flre at Danvüle, Tenn., two business houses, the depot, expresa and ticket offices and a lar fe number of buildings were destroyed. The loss agg regates 8100,000. I'hksipknt Palmer oí the world's fair stated in New York that tho olosing of the ezposition on Sunday was undoubtedly a settled faut The Massachusetts legislature has passed a bilí making eight bours a day's work for state, city and town employés. All the buildings on the extensivo stock farm of Georgië O. Wilson at Look Raven, Md., were burned and forty-flve valuable horses perished. The total loss was Í100.000. Tuk time ior the great naval review has been flxed as follows: At Ilampton Roads April 1T; in New York April 37. The Kentucky legislature has passed a bilí prohibiting barbers from working on Sunday. Anothek Chinese highbinder war has broken out in San Francisco, and the results have been two Chinamen killed and three wounded. The exchanges at the leading clearing houëes in the United States during the week ended on the lOth aggregated 81,301,830,716, against il, 870, 596, 008 the previous week. The increase as compared with the corresponding week of 1898 was 2.9. Business failures to the number of 225 ocoured in the United States in the seven days ended on the lOth, against 280 the preceeding week and 251 for the corresponding time last year. Wili.iam Gill, Abner Lowe and GUI Sanders were fatally shot by the accidental discharge of Thomas Gill's gun while en route to a party a few miles from Monticello, Ark. Sheriff Philip Johnson shot to death Elias Lorning, an Indian, at Caddo, I. T. , in accordance with senveuce passed upon him by Judge Hampton for killing an aged Indian woman. Fl.AMBS among business buildings in Uoston destroyed property valued at $4,500,000. Two persons perished in the flames, nineteen others were injured and several more were missing. Shebman Arp (colored) was hanged at Center, Ala., for killing an old white farmer named Hoque several months ago. Th total reoeipts of the world'a fair thus f ar are $15,952,448, and the total expenses 815,584,310. Samuel Davib and D. S. Starraw, two well-to-do citizens and merchante at Montgoiuery, Ala., fatally injured each other in a flght caused by an old feud. Thk estimated proportion of wheat on band in the Unite.l States is 26.2 per cent. on tbe last erop, the smallest percentage in ten years. The quantlty on hand affgregates 185,000,000 bushels, 36,000,000 bushels lesa than last March. Miss Katb Donohub and Miss Mary Foley were burned to death in Pittsburgh by the explosión of kerosene oil with which they were starting a flre. The total appropriations of the Fiftysecond conjjress, ineluding permanent appropriations, are given at 81,026,882,049, exceeding the Fifty-flrst congress by 888,404,866. The governor has signed the bill pro hibiting prize fights in California. At a special cabinet meeting to consider the Uawaiian annexation treaty, which was withdrawn from the senate, it was said a decisión was reached to send to Hawaii as soon as possible a senatorial committee or a comraission to be appointed by the president to investigate the alleged revolution and to make a report later in the summer. Thk immense gorge in the Susquelianna. river near Wilkesbarre, Pa., broke, and several villages wer flooded. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Aix tho members of President Clereland's cabinet took the oath of office and assumed control of their various departments. BTAJ. B. W. "U'oonRUFF, for thirty years a prominent figure on the American turf, died at his residence in Chicago, aged 59 years. Wili.iam Gakdnek, sald to hare been the oldest mason in the United States, died in Portland, Ore., aged 97. Col. O. A. Taft, for many y e ars on of the most fameus and best known hotel men in the country, died in Boston, aged nearly 76 years. Afteb taking 100 joint bal'.ots thO Washington legislature adjourned sine die without choosing a successor to United States Senator John B. Allen, vrhose term expired March 4. Thk legislature of Kansas passed the Anstralian ballot law. Mrs. Marv Smith died at her home in New York city, aged 107 years. Mrs. Smith was bom in Ireland in 1786 and carne to New York in 1843. The governor of the state of Washington has appointed John B. Allen United senator to succeed himself. Rev. Db. Andrew P. Pkabody, for fifty years associated with the faculty of Harvard college, died in Boston, aged 76 years. Secretary Morton has appointed Donald McQuaig, of Nebraska City, Neb., chief clerk of the agricultural department, vice Henry Cassan, resigned. Henry Clay Nklson, medical inspector of the United States navy, retired, died in Concord, N. U., aged 57 years. FOREIGN. James Duncan and Engineer Legett were killed and another man named fatally injured by the explosión of a boiler at Marthaville, Ont. Tiie marriage of Miss May McClellan, daughter of the late Gen. George B. McClellan, with Paul Desprez, attaché of the French legation at Washington, took place in Paris. The king and queen of Portugal and Arch Duke Louis, of Austria, arrived in Rome to attend the silver wedding of the king and queen of ltaly. In a conflict between troops and peasantry at Gonmshitza, Servia, ten of the peaaants were killed and si-ven others were wounded. Mr. Gladstone says tht not only local option but Sunday closing of saloons is recelving consideration by her majesty's government Lychtïnwarth, a vlllage in lower Austria, was swept by a terrlfic thunderstorm, twelve houses were struck and burned and five persons were struck dead in the streets and geven perished in burning buildings. Samuel Cv Coüsins, of Toronto, Ont, claims to be Charlie Ross, who was abducted from theresldence of his father, Christian K. Ross, of PhiUdelphia, July 1, 1874. Thk British bark Allee M. Craig was wrecked at Rosario, and Capt Ross, master of the vesse), his wife and eight of the crew were drowned. A band of robbers broke into the house of a steward named Hipoluo, in Albalate. Spain, killed the five intuates and carried off all articles oí valué. The departmont of trade and commerce at Ottawa, Ont, has been advised that 500 Chinamen destined for the United States are due to arrive at Victoria, B. C, from China the löth inst LATER. Five fishing schooners from Gloucester, Mass., were given up for lost with sixty lives. They were supposed to have foundered in a recent storm. Chaibman Allison of the United States senate appropriation committee says that for some years to come the aggregate appropriations for euch congress will be in round numbers not less than SI, 000, 000, 000. Luke Schoolcbaft, the f amous commedian, died suddenly at the Hotel Stratford in Cincinnati High water in the Susquehanna river flooded many houses at Port Deposit, Md., and many poor families lost everything. Mrs. Moses Milleb, 6S years old, and Mrs. Ann Julián, 60 years old, well-to-do sisters living at White Plains. N. Y., were suffocated by coal gas. A dozkn steamships arrived in port at New York and 2,170 immigrants, raostly Italians, were landed at Ellis island. Official denial of an intended strike among the switchmen ou the roads entering Chicago was made at a meeting of grievance comrnittees of the Switchmen's Mutual Aid association. Z. F. Keyes, of Chicago, while in a d runken frenzy shot Mrs. Weir, a neighbor, his sick wife and then himself None of the shots were thought to be fatal. Negboes at Rolling Fork, Miss., took Lee Walton (colored) from jail aud hanged him. He had murdered Rufua Haywood, a negro, without cause. Fred Laisihk and his sister-in-law, Mrs. Hattie Sullivan, were drowned near Midland, Mich., while attempting to cross a road which was covered with water. James William Htatt died at his residence in Norwalk, Conn., aged 50 years. He was treasurer of the United States during the latterpartof the first Cleveland administraron. At their home near Buckrus, O., Jacob Fike and wife celebrated their diamond wedding. Mr. Fike is 92 and his wife 96. Elizabbth Smith, aged 102 years, died at her home in Georgetown, Ind. It was announced that enough money by popular subscription had been received by the trustees to pay Gov. McKinley's debts, and that by April 1 every cent of the 895,000 liabilities would be wiped out The fund was raised by nearly 4,000 contributors, in suins ranging from 81 to drafts for 85,000, and the money came from nearly every section of the country.


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