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Slmgtag School'soiit nt Xora. There are 342 pupils enrolled at the dhelsea stüiools. Down 'n Dundee tliey luave boen makjng-iiKi]ili; sniiar t'liis spring. The Kt. Patricks at Wayne have givni t.lwir l"tli of Mar.-li banquet. J. H. Aiken, of Chelsea, movce to Ft. Wlayne, bt&, tiiis reek witli lus iam■ iy. ÍÍ15-. Janics !n Onleai. tormerly rf Cbeteetti, iü'.mI Man u 5, at Hersey, ai;iMl 77. The Dexter Newe beUerea n boomtaig iliai place in the way of Koourini; jnanlU'actin-i'u.u- csIalili.-linirniH. At l'iïukiicy tJi peoplo all unitod on .i unton tu-ket for monlclpal offlc(I ttta Wanen A. for president . Tlie liew Commcrrial & Savings Bank, of Dexter, wJU lócate in the Kearney store, formrly occupicd Hy Li. L. .laini-.. The ( ity dadB" ot South Lyon expanded last year $1,527.93, and tbe treasnry has a. balance on hand of $175.51. 'Gootl financiers over there. Müaa Leni Grossmiam, of Manchester, als a good! guesser. She guesged taiere were 2,241 beaws in a jar, recently end there werc 2,242, but 6he came tttiè noareet to it, and fso got a haiwlfeome fluilt for her tronble. H'owell wSll mira have a condensed i málk factory in openatioo. The stoiie quarry at M&ybee la tn be pueíhed for all it is worth. A new oBnatd&te íor the P. O. at StaiBine s aid to Im: lo t'h ■ iield. The Maybee creamery is aow coneumhig 85,000 LI, of milk ,laily . Supervisor Havenport, of York. j pecte to move to the tfUttge 01 Milan soon. The Lutheram church now located a nvile west of Ma.ylee is to be moved int o tovra. The KnOieran church at Dundee 11 confliirm a class of 17 on Palm Sunday. tihe 26th inert. The repubr.oan's or Lima wlïl hold their caucue at the t.mvn hall on Fr'.Jay, Marc'h 25th. ; ïiM'it Hunl. óf saline, haard hifi collar lione crack whvn lic slippeü and feil iipom th" ; ■ ■iitly. ( ii. il .ar : oli. dei:-, jut. hear :i Muoievilh' s Tjbe'a ilem : "Blue and nieadow lark are araU'Ud, au indh-nüon tliat B-prlng is near." Vn:. is a wind tem. riiikm.v has ie-uii' ted 'her cornet band. Vou eau Wow labout it as muil as yon have a niind tu. Mr. ll:.ui;-i. tl'e YptJlaati jewelei-, wiïo 1ki.i1 his stock damaged by Hre re-ently. lias fecelved $5,000, the iui : nioinit of hlie iiiiir,;n e. Tliroi:nli the activity oí M;s. A. ii. Wlateon, the LcuUes' Llbrary Asso iatii'on of Dexter, liias tiiken a new lease of f Me, and is "spi-u -inji up," consideralily. Good. The village aut.lmi it ie- oí Man-liester hiave expendad $1,688.83, during tiliieyoar, and have on hand a balance oí $572.82. Lucky tJuat the bala ure S(s not tlliie otlier way. Tliiere ave ■iü meiabew io the SlxrtsiiKUi's dub of tSillö city, amk every one of lüiem goce tot puttimg inilisih chutes at the ni.ill dains on the Hutoii ((ver. - Ypsilantian. The ciiitjy fatliers of N'orthville have 6pent $32,942.32 diuiJdifi the lant year. of whicli $29,792.83 wan water workü. Tluere is a balance on hand in the treasury of $1,811.92. Tlve studfiits it th Mïlan s-liools and into it, and attemptini; ho do fiTe weeks' -work in tlirec weeks, t)0 make up for lost time durtag the recent contaffioii.s disease stare. J. W. Huil and Geo. .1. Nissly have parCbaasd the stock of merchandise ouncd 1y Daniel Nïs-sly, at Saline, and will hereafter carry on the business. Mr. Deatei Nissly will retire froni ;u-tive pursaiits. Iwittle has of late been. said about ra'ili-o-ad matter, and in fact little lf anyth.aii; can be mijd, however it is etiated thiat a gang will be imt to work on tihe new line ais' soon as the irost ia out of the ground.- Observer. About 200 votes were cast in the recent charter election in Howell. The (lemocratis were qu'itc fieiwrally successful, but by greatly reduced ma, ionities, two republicans were Qlected, 'amd some of the democrats had ," and ! irtajority. Geo. Rewson, of I'iiukney, will build tliree brik stores in Fowlervillo this doniiing ííinnmer. No renson why he sJiouldirt- IK-xter Xcwu. ThePB is' reasioii why lie should.- Fowlerville ObBerTcr. TJiei-e in cortniniy notblng uui'casiiiiable in tlliat .soit of reasoning. Twn Lima. 1,-ulU's havo Uraved the terrors if the ie, the taxt four Sundays, and found thêir way on foot to the M. B. cliiirch. a dMODH of tlirec nules. Surely true Methodisini isn't dead yet.- Dexter Leader. They suiely can not come untter the head of "fair wcather ( 'hrist i,i ns." Sulistitute ''tiue" for weathei" and you wTll hit theni. Rev. Hullx-rt, of Detroit, who lectured ben in Baxter a few rnonthe auo on "Ohr'ilstt.ian Unity," lias just TCtUrned from a forty days tour of the state and linils lots of towns mucb ta need of union, and a. few who wiH uiiiti; tilue Btremgth of thpir sovcral sikly d-enomraiat tonal eocieties to form one wifJi life.- Dexter Leader. That 1H jrood senee. If any people oneartih ouiglit to be united it is Christiitin jcoi)le.


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Ann Arbor Courier