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Our Circuit Judge

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Thi' repabUcan oí thla 22d Judicial district have re-momíoated Edward D. Klmne Bór Judgiè of üvè circuit. Judge Kinni' was etocted sis yeers urn by a handrome majarity, many erf ttoe democratie roten of this couoty, as well as nhc repuliliraiis caslinu' Ihcir b;ilinis por htm. ilis coodnet of the trasi- ui t!ü' uifiic lias beeo sucli Ihat do man wbo votod tot luim at tlmt .in í;i.v Ihat li n-irivt l'il it. On i'iif ■■iiTiiit beodi of thla .state tSiere la no abler man, do jtuliir mor' ïvaincd ui' j nst. H;.s record is ooe tiiat wil] beBT lllc ( lii.scst inspi'clinli. VPllth ome eiceptloo Jodge Hooker - not aiiot'lü'r jiidilr upOD the circuit i ;n MKchügiail lias liad 90 ïnaiiy in ii s dectotoos sustaincd, so (cw re r;srii. Be lias the fa -nity. glven Ho luit Bbw ni"ii. luit whi-li sbould be poancoBed by all meo wImj are placed "il th!s icsiiimsüili1 pOflltlOO, Of look i il :L U]X11 lxjt'li r-idrs i;' a queStiOn, and (JeoMtnK liNiirstlv and lt-ai'lcssly as -.■ . n ii aee tbe right. Oalm, cool, he sveüghe every scliitllla ot evldcn t and s: t.s, n his mlnd, the chalí. reta'Hii.iiü' tilt wlicat. and he oever niistaki's ooe lor the othei1. lis icputtit (mi i.s o-extensive witli Une Matv, and lic honoi's the people Ol t'lKS di.sll'i I. It is eTustonwLry, wltere a man li;is Wed ;m iiifi ■■( nvcH. eepccially tJiis jf. u jïive liiin ;i MCOod term. It is hut ELD a:-t of sftnpie jiwtiee in this insian :(. It oiiiglit to have been done unanimoiisly, by all parties. And we belileve win ! '.(n ■ ïiy the people, "1id SBmatty (Bsplay a hiirliev sonse of jast: r tiiau do pertles. In verjr many oí the motit imixrtant circuits of tille state, il II parttee have unitod apon tile judie, fíivin;; liim the di-seive1 second term without oppositioa. TliiH ís au ofBce in wlürli the vital litercets of t.lic peoplc are at stake. It s -au offlee tiiat shouM ]-,- iiiled by a man pweeeeiioig the fvy 'nest mind and judiiinent v.t le found in ihc proiesist'onal raaikf ol the circuits Ii do, - uit seetD as tniiüuii the i'lei tus wouw m;ike a [or a totally uMtrlled man, when tliey have oiys wlhio i is been trled and ïomul the proper peraon lor the place. Tlie next circuit judjre must lo a lema xa t. - Aijíus. Mi-. Gorman saya so, ttat'i trae, lmt tSke senae ol juetice lo the rank uní iiic ut all partteè bellere ia glv)ng any man w4o dworvea it ,-i eecond term. EBpedally is rhls true in i iim-ii:iri;.-.-m office. It does look a iíttle queer, doeeo't i '.' Mr, Clenetand Ib now serrtng a il term oo a lh:;r.l vun, but lie vea out tHiiit none of hi:is Ibrmer appobtteee need expect i seoond term. Wttuat'g sauce for 'he goose s nol same for the gandcr, (in Kef. It is c'liargfd tbLt there are ïarmitb En Wedhitenaw, opposed to good oade. Domt doubt it. Gnimbllng - 8 kind of insanity viili gome peo■le. Xhrre be thWBe, uim. werc they D licaven, w oi;i:l "kick" because th y ve;-e not in well, sofiie gay thfl ütce was iHinied out, and never ivbuilt.- Adrián Prees. Good raada have been buiilt in many nopte of Ute country, but ooroadsever emriined gnod Wiicre taxes wcre "worki'd out" in repairing the roads. ome cotitSnuouB and inieilient. even it ai;soiutt ly BCtentlflc, Bupiervlgion f roiwl irepatre muKt le had. Other■ '■'■ all 1 1 ; ; - time, labor and money betowed on btaüdiog good röatla wil] e tilni.wu away. - N. Y. Bun. t-umbiüngr, yei stlll charmlng nlii ruin, Susaii js. Anttoony, recently teetuired al HÏIlsdale. Bttbjfect, "TVoi.-iu wants bread, riot fie ballot." It 3 umi ol her nf front on the allot questdoa, thet we to W iiy dealred to remark hat in lonufviiy oí thia malden dniLblted ni.ui(l.-t trhunph over eath, of wMch there any authemtie ■ iird.-Ailriiin Preeg. in 1880 tibe Diuaber tfl bands emo.v'-a Ca production of slik goods United statis w,-i 31,887. In 1890, after ten yean ol repuWK ■in protectiüon, Utue Dumber o{ banda luis ciiijiluycd was ."D.'.i 1 .;. Ttofla Lnereaee of 19,576, or 62 per ent., wae directly du bo republlcan rotectiöo. Tlue repmtoKcao party lie W(iik;nL;iiian's tpjend. As to the ■ party, walt au dsee hal 11 prove teell tobe. Mail and Exreef . I'i'nii Ano Arbw .-tuilcnts, who 1 hiim, we [earn tliat Senator Mor-i and mot i" and ai Isfactorj epeeci thai lie hall last week, when i ■ lgislature vislted Ano Arbor, and ttemded a meeting of tli 2,700 stu8. l! was tO "'ut. cln ar, cooclse and forclble, and ':ls Brreel warm approval. di-iau l'i, KW. Senator Morrow n 1 I'.ut (lui the 1: si wtoen lic threw aside hls notes and g(h1 trom the der. Kii : office, 'i sinipiy ;(. b rite toudal id pratee n rong. oabinei poedtlon r.rica-brac.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier