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The Ohio Chemical Co.

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READOUR T4TTT" JT . fRESPONSIBLE „v TESTIMONIALS. XXXJvAV AGENTS WANTED. DOUBLÉ CHLORIDE OF GOLD TABLETS JV 1 1 1 c.MT'plaí-ly (icítroy the desire for TOBACCO in from 3 to 5 days. Perfectly h:irroiess; cause no TL. L Sk sickness, and n.ay be i-iven in a cup of tea or coffee without thr kuowledge of the' j.tticnt, who will V - volunta . or chewini in a few days. . DSÜHKEHNESS and MORPKINE HÁBIT SSSS&SJ'ÏS Jrtïr1 ' V WVCV ; tieot,bythenseofour SPECiAL FORMULA GOLD CURE TABLETS. -A Durl ■ ■ nt are alio wed the free use of Liquor or If orphlue until such time Bm ï" J - fW ' as. t. iinrily (tive them ap. '■ '." '%%!,. k töotiv-,-. . ;ii pamplilct of testimoniáis free, and shall be p!ad to plicc k l lebumosufïc-i . -r' t !?-.: inbits in coinnuiniration with tersons who ji.ive been U ■fVV niñlí frnm cured'v: .. TABLETS. k mms. ir om L'8 TABLETS are lor sale by all kirst-class druggists at $1.00 S. IH personswho ! Pdrupeist does notke-p them, endose us$. 00 aed we will send BBTI . '- you, by return mail, a package of our Tablets. wfc r ed bv the USe Of V rite yciur name and address plainly, and state whetber Tablets M BHmBX 8 are for Tobacco, Aïorphine or Liquor llabit. 1jBk BHHmbW H lili I )O -vi ni nf remember .VmJOT,o,üicLI:L;: ! We r.UARANTEE a cnre and invite the most carefulinvesL.. T DïjkSir:-! have been nsing your j tigation as to our responsibil.ty and the merits of our k Jdo'XÍ vcuín, ed"for UI ï tin Têntt DO NOT BE DECEIVED into purchas". . worth of the strongest chewing tobacro a day, intranyorthevarious nostmms that are being Ak k.. F , U" tr""".1"e lo ."vc c.gars; or I would smoke orfereJ for sale. Ask f.r HILL'S TABA . from ten to forty pipes of tobáceo Have cl,. LETS and take no uther. -tV . and smoked for twenty-five yea: , packages Manufacturedonlyby . ',O 'rJATCOaSMi.W THE {3 t&Vk Dobes Ferry, N. Y. miiA Mirait AA . -'xr lí flHIl (inrmiliAI Ë. 'Wk. '1iWfc' Gentlemen:- Somc time ago I sent for i.oo worth of your UI.IU UilLHilUKl. UU., M 1. A. y Tablets for Tobacco Habit. I received them all rielit and, although 61 53 AND 55 OPERA BLOCK ÏÏP k. I was both a heavy moker and chewer, they did the work in less thau V threedjs. I urn curcd. Truly yours, LIMA, OHlo. Éï. ""'"5" mathew Johnson, p.o. Box sPARTICULAR B k riTTSBUBGH. Pa. '--" lmw &. yS nc 0QI Chemical Co: PDC"p b. H B Iíentlkmen:- lt gives mepleasureto speak a word of praic for your Tableti. r nCtli HVBk EBBk V i' son was strou?'y addicted to the use of liquor, and through a t'riend," I was led to k fc. try your Tablets. lic was a heavy and constant drinker, but alter using vour Tablets XBkHt 9B. butthree days he quit drinking, and will not tuch liquor of any kind. I 'have wailed !? H & rP four munths bcforc writtog you, ia erder to kuow tbc cure was permanent. k. H L HL Yours truly, mAKvk ▼ MR5. liKLEN'MORRISON. jtiÈP BB Sfl. '1, ' ' ClNCINXATI, O. . lk k ■■V Thk Onio Cnr.mcAL Co: ■■V ■■k. r Gentlemen:- Your Tablets hare performed a miracle in my case. I have used morphine, hyrjoder BlHk BlkBl mically, for seven years, and have been curcd by the uso of two packages of your Tablets, and without B H ■ any cffort on my part. W. L. LOTEGAY. fi_ -A-dtlress all Orders to (In wriüng picase mention this paper.) 51, 53 and 55 Opera Block, LIMA, OHIO.


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