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SCROFULOUS SORES Lady Badly Afflïoted Three Years. Tries Many Doctors Here and ín England Without Benefit. Cured by Cuticura. My wife having suffered from Scrofula sores on the back for three years, and at Üme ehc could not lie down at night, and sbe tried all tbe doctors I could gel, and also went to Englnnd to try and te cured there, and all of tbem fuiled, and told her tbey could do nothing for her; and having tried all kinds of remedies 1 at laat tried one box of your Cuticura Remedies, and to-day tube is as well na ehe erer waa in her Ufe, and her back is as clear as anv persou living, and I for one can recomniend Cuticura Ubmedibh as the otily one I could riud to effect a cure. G. W. JONES, Constable. 25 Sayles Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Scrofula Ten Years I had a running eore in my ear of a scrofula nature for ten years. Had been treateu by eeveral physicians, but obtained no relief untit I tried Citticura, wbich heated it up in a few daye. Tbis wat more than three years ago, and I have had no trouble witfa it since. I coneider your Cuticura KkmediK8 unexcelled for the diseases you claim to cure. Mrs. R. A. WOODFORD, beatterwood, tío. Dak. Cuticura Remedies Are the greatest Skin Cures, Blood Purifiera and Humor Remedies tbe world has ever known. Cuticura KE8OLVENT, the Qew Blood and Skin Purifier internally (to cleanse the blood of all impurities and poisonous eleraenU), and Cuticura, tbc great Skin Cure, and Cuticura Soap, d ex. quisite tjkin Purifier and Beautifler, extcrnally (to clear the skin and scalp and restore the hair), cure every diseaee and humor of the aktn, ecalp, and blood, witb 1001 of hair, from infancy to age, from pimples to ecrofula, when the best phyeicians, Imnpitals, and all olher remedies fail, Sold every where. Price, Cüticüra, 60c .; R04P, 25c. ; Rksoltest, $1.00. Prepared by the Potteb DllUU AND ClIKMIOAL COBFORATION, Boston. S" " How to Cure Skin Ilseaêes,M 64 pages, 60 illustrations, and 100 testimoniáis, malled ree. I Whitest, ClearestBkln and Softesl LU I L Hands produced by Cdticdra Soap. 4 WEAK, PAINFUL KIDNEY8, WL Wlth their weary, dull, aching, lifelcs, f II all-gone sensation, relleved In oue !■ minute by the Cuticur Anti rain 1 JL9 Piaster, the only pain-killing pluster. Both the metbod and resulta when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshiug to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the systera effectually, dispels colds, acnés ana levers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figa is the ouly remedy of its kind ever j duced, pleasing to the taste and acceptable to the storuach, prompt in i its action and truly beneficial in its effècts, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any 3ubstitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOU1SVILLE. KV. fEW YORK. N.Y. GRANDMA says it is 20 years since she mad such good bread as this. She says GlLLETT'S MAGIC YEAST Is ükethe yeastshe used to make herself, and she hopes she will never have to do without it again ; and we a!l hope so, too. Cali for it at your Grocèr's. It is always good and a! ways ready How's Your Complexion? Most toilet preprations ruin the face Rozodoro does uot. It is gnaranted to remove f reekes, tan, simburn and blotchea of all kinds. leaving the face a natura] whlte.and Imparting a youthful delicacy and softnese to ilie skin. rnousands of lndies have úsed it íor yeara and would not be without it. If there no agent in yonr localitT, end 75 ots. to the Rozodoro CO.. .South Beud, Ind., for a largo bottlc sent in piain wrapper. Ageuts wautcd. Notice to Créditos?; STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. Notice is hereby given, that by au order of the Probate Court for the County of umi . inane uu tile llllu uay OI liulumoer, A. U., 1892, six months froin that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims ngalust tlit1 estáte of Oarollue H. Chapín, late of said county deceased, and tbat all credüors of said deceased are required to present their claims to said Probate C'ourt, at the Probate Office in the city of Aun Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or before the íiítli day of June next,aud that such olalma wUJ be heard before said C'ourt, on the sixth day of March and ou the fifth day of June next, at ten o'clock iu the forenoon of each oí said days. Dated, Ann Arbor, Dec. 5th, A. D. 1892. J. WILLAKD BABBITT. Judge of Probate. The World 's Magazine of AMA'EUIl TOKT. u UNRIVALED in its own peculiar field. Send for sample copy and you wül wonder how you got along without it. Every issue of Outinu contains at least one complete story and a serial, together witU artleles on Cyclirjg, Hurjto?t FisbfJ2 Ripios 5ailr? Vtbletics &r)d rp&teur Pbotogr&pbyExcellent storics in everv variety of sport and past i me for men and women, girls and boys, and an abundttnce of good raading, give Outing a welcomc at every firesidi'. Send two cents for sample copy to Oütino, 23Ü Fifth Ave.. 'i-w York. Ifnlike the Dutch Process % No Alklies Uv - on - Em Other Chemicals MlftWk are Ufie(l in tht preparatlon of i]i ff, Baier & Cos Breakfast Cocoa, which ia abaolutely pure and soluble. It has more than three times the ttrength of Cocoa mixed witu Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more económica!, casting less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, ■ nourishing, and iaíili DIGESTED. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. Baker & Co.! Dorchester.Mass. ASTHMA KR GURED, but The PEER LESS ASTHMA REMEDY ■ give instant rtlief. 25c and 50c slzes. Bampla maUBii f ree. At iru(íKitsor mailedon receipt of pric-i bj The Peerlesb Remedy Co., Guiilovülo, MLi DBOL DIEFFENBACH'S tPROTAGON CAPSULES, V Sure Cure for Weak Men, A provea byreportsoíleadlnifpliy. &sician3. State age in orderlng. JiPrice. 81. CatuloKne Free. AO A A safe and speed? i]Nl] cure for Gif et. Slrloture and al! y UDnntural discharges. Price9S. f fiREEKSPECIFICS'.ToJ vvand Skin IliKeaHi't, Scror nlons Sores anciSyphllitic AflTcelious, without mercury. Pni-c, J?JS. Order from THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. aSÏU 18 Wisconsin Street, MILWAUKEE, WI3, WORK FQR US a few díiys, and yon wüí be startled nt the unespected súccess that will rewttrd your eflbrts. We pyitivolv have the best bu-iin-s to Offer u agent tbat can be fouml oh the face of this earth. S45.OO proflt on 87&.00 ivorth f business is beina eaeilj nud hou iral iy made bj and paid to hundreds of rae a, wowen, boye, and girít ia our employ. ïou can malee aiouei faster at work for us tliiin you have auy idea of. I'lie business la so eaa; tolearoaDd ibstrjictioDf - imple and plaiñ, that all succeed froni Ihf Ptarl 'Jltope ho take hold of thf husine-s re;ip !h Ivantage tliac .irises f rom t he soúnd i '.u::i!ion (.1 one of the oldest, niost suooessful, uud Uirgest publiahiag houses in America. Secure foryourself theprofits tliat the btlslttesi so readily and híimlsomely yiekb. All beeinners suceeed srandlv. and more than realize their greatest expeotations. Those who try it fiuri exaètly is we teil ttaenu There is plenty of room for i few more workers, and we urge thein to begin at once. If you are already employed, but a few spare moraents, and wisb to use them to adrantage, tlien write us at once (for this is vour grand oppürtunitv), and receive full pértlculara by return mail. Xddress, TKL'K & CO., Box No, 400, Augusta Me. Garfield Tea gurea Coostlpstion, Kntores Couiplf xion, Save Doctors' EUls. Sample (ree. 6iKiiiLDTKi0o.,SWW.16USt.,N.T. Cures SickHeadache J THE CREATEST IBloodPurifiere KNOWN. m This Great Germán Medicine is the E e CHEAPEST and best. 128 doses F of Sulphur Bitters for $1.00, less E g than one cent a dose. mmimJ1 "VdrH i 1 ror?rfrt%oEr I ïhat awfnl disease, mercu7',ey I8OROFULA. Iu #Lre i J all cases of such t." yo,ur t.8' 3 stubborn, d een # m SulPhur Blt" seated diseasesf L?Vth? pureHst ? 4 Sulphur Bitters # nd best 4 is the best mm! I # eino evcr made!.SSjifflsS! i til tomorrow f"0 StCky Sub5 trv a bottlft # Btance ? Is yur ' 1 TO-DAY Breath foul ad ■ 4' 'B fensive? Your ' T" ach is Out of Orden. 3 Lse Sulphur Bitters immediately. , 4 If you are sick, no matter what % ails you, use Sulphur Bitters. ' a Don't wait until you are unable ■ J to walk, or are flat on your back, 2 but get some AT ONCE, it will i 5 cure you. Sulphur Bitters is ' THE INVALID'S FRIEND. : Send 8 2-cent tamp to A. P. Ordwny & Co., Bostoa, Mass., for test medical irork publisheü


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