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' " WOU TH A GUTNEA A B "S " í (Tasteless- EtTectual.) ; sBILIOUS and NERVOUSi : DISORDERS, ! j Such as Sick Headache, i' Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestión Constípatian, I Liver Complaint, and Female Ailments. $ Covered with a Tasteless & Soluble Coating, j tOf all druegists. Price 25 cents a box. ! NVw ork Depot, 7 Canal St. f JC fff "of Bellcvllli, K.B.: IV7 VjO I rOlK "when ' '"'"' ''"" vv M r ' trHStmf nt 1 mot. go 1 w 10 1ÏV' ]( czh&utted by fcilmenu tlit J could not Bcfore. Aftr. Lóa. flo uiy work. Thi' r-ompiMivfng Wefght 345 Ibt 196 lb 50 lb xmihor Iheresuitof 3 months' Hust 4S in. 37 In. 11 In. nwnt. I now (e,l llke ■ t.iinj. Illil Wailt... ' In. '.'9 In. 11 In. dplmri llpine. My friendj aríJHij.... 5Í in. 6 In. 9 1a. urprised. Will chterfnll'y reply to Inqulriea wlth sttmp incloied." PATIENTS T8EATED BÍ MAIL. CONFIDEMIAL. Ilaralen. No Htnrvlnf. Send 6 wnli In stampt tor partlcalan to DR. 0. W. F SüYDER. M'VICKER'S THEATER LKICASO. ILL CARTER'Sl CURE fiick Headache and relieve all tho tronbles ir.cidont to & bilious state of lbo system.such aa DizzineBS, Nausea Drow.ilnenfl, Distrewa after eating, Pain in the BiJe, Jtc. Whila theirmost i'emarkable Bucceas bas buen shown ia curlug SICK Tleadache, yct Cartor'g Littte Liver Pilla aro oqually valuable in Consiipation, curingaud pre"enting tliiaiiMoyingcoi.iplaint.wiiilo tbey fHao correct all iliñor.í ';-sMhe8tou)aca,atinrjlntetho üver anti regúlate tlio bo wola. Even ii' they only HËAD Acbetlioy wouMbealmostpricelosstotboaowho i;uffar fromthls(UftraulngooinpÍAÍDt; biílfortunatolytbelrgoodDOMdoefl noteiidboro.aiulthoao ■whooncetrytbem will find thoeo liitlo pillivalut-.tile ín poisiany v:yx tuat thoy wiil not bo wiljinp to do vitliout them. But after alleick head ACHE la the baño of bo many livea tb. ai hore is whero Tre raake our great boadt. Our pilla cure it whilo Others do uot. Cartcrs Littlo Livor Pflla uro very sraall and very easy to tako. Ono or two pilla niake a dosa. They are strictly vegetable aud do not gripo or purfto, but by their gentío action ploawe all who Ufe them. Iu vialsat 25 centa ; five for $1. Sold by druggiata overywhT, or pent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO„ New York. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE RINSEY & SEABOLT'S SAKERY. GROCERY, A N 0 FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constantly on hand BREAD, CRACK ERS, CAKES, etc, for Wholesale ftud retail trade. We shall also keep iisnpply of SWIIT i DEUBKIS PEST White Wlieat Flour! OSBORN'S GOLD DUST FLOÜR. BÜCKWHEAT FLOÜK, COKN MEAL, FKED, tc., at Wholesale and retail. A general stock of GR0CE8IES M FBQTISIÜNS Constantly ou hand. whuli wlll be sold on a reasonable terms as at any other house in the city. Cash paid for BÜTTEK, EGGS, and COUNTRY PKODUCB frenerally. Goods delivered to auy part of the city without extra harge. RINSEY &. SEABOLT. TRUCK and STORAGE Now we are ready with a new Brick Storehouse for the storage of Household Goods I'ianos, Books, Stoves, etc. PIANOS AK HOUSEHOLD -:- GOODS Ga.xefu.ll3r ZtutOTraS.. All kiuds of heavy and light Draylng. FREIGI1T WORK C. E. GODFREY, 'Phoue 82. Res. and Office 4G N. Fourth Ave GET J TICKET OF ■ W. F. LODHOLZ 4 & 6 BROADWAY. And you are eutilled to a c-boice of The Home Instructor, the Life of General Bherman or the Life of 1'. T. Btvrnum (free). wtaen cash purohase to tlie uninunt 01 $15.00 lias leen m;ide. THE Ml INSTRUCTOR, LAKUK OCTAVO. 478 PAGES, ILI.U3TRATKI). A compendium of useful knowledee iieeessary for the practical uses of every-day lifc A complete and perfect Ruide tolife in public and piivate. THE LIFE AND DSEDS OF BEK, f. T, mui OBowx octavo, sas rAaaa, tui stratkd. Agraphie narrattve of hls boyhood nul .ar y lifp, educatlon, cnreer In Florida ;uid ornla, military achleveraeoU, Ufe ' ■- " '■ ' 'iiin v'-i i i i : v i (i 11 lie teel portrait. THE LIFE 0? P, T, UlEl The WorldEenoisrsed ShoTstu. CROWN OCTAVO, 620 PAOB8, iM.rsTRATEl). Hisenrly lifonml strnegles, bold ventures auu DrllllaDtsncoeas; liis woiulurful . lilswit, genius umi eloquence, Ulslll L!üï?ÏWSOiTto whlch la added hls faraoua book, "The Art of Money Qnttlng " W. F. LODHOLZ 4 & 6 BROADWAY. 16M Gdrfisld Tea %zr Cures Gonstipation


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