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Death Of A. R. Hammond

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Ora oí tte .-.niiU'si e Tidcnís tha1 baken place n Ann Arbor i" mnj Saturday noon Aliii-rt R. Hammond, whilc attempt -n;r to '- door trova a num i er oí tíhem w hlteh weire pQed togethe :ll ., oo South Mi apon liim im -ii 4 a v-ay as t pin hJm between tbem ;iiil a etaftrway, catcblng iiis body bo i'liai :t broke hde Bptoe. He ■w.-iv removed tu tí Vnivri-sity liospttlaá, win-iv Dr. Vauüli.-in's skül (lid all rhai wat poeJ-Me to li for liim, iiui be bo sevTc-iy injured tiiat it ime Impoeelbie to reoover, and lie tlited a!ii n 1 o'cloek Sunday morains Aftcr i ■■clili'iit Mr. llaminond's nindwae perfectïy ctea naarly to oí cicaiii. .-uid be arraqgd hit uífaiis a mu ii as t. ivas possihle in t he short time lt-ft hini tO live. Mr. Hamiuoml was boen i" ïpBitontJ in 1840, nul had been a ictUlent of ounty all Jiiis life. He VM a cnotractor and buHder and a man wiiio was firoatl.v resiected by the en tire romnmuity. IIi' a a meiiilxr of the (■.nuic.u.itáoiial cbwrch, of uii: h aocierty be wtm a trustee. The TmwnU M'iv!( were held at rtiefiiinJly re&Idenee, Bltuetftd just oulfilide tiie - i t y Multa ob 8. State Bt., iicril;i.v nftcniorai, l!cv. .1. W. Braclh,iv tlii-in. A gi-eat niaiiy peopte xrtm in atteudance, indodlng a lare immbor of men wllro liad 1x''ii ín cmploy of the li rased írom time to timo, gbowing n Wbat great ostecin he was held ly tlliein. Ifaere were a grcat many fiowore, hotih cot and in piecee, tJie oiferings of friemte, ajijon tlieni Ix4ng six dozen roses froni the trustees of the Congrefxationai dvareb of whlcta body lie was Uiin.írman. The entlh-e conimuiiity regict tliat one so useful anl so valuaMe should be taken away n'ght in the midst of ufe usefulness. Une föllowintr actha has been taken by tlhe of tlu Oongrogalio-nal dhurcih : Oir friend andbrother, Albcrt R. Hammond, ied suddenly Sunday moruing, March 19, 893. Mr. Hammond has been engagcd in his usiness as a builder for tweuty-five years or more in Anu Arbor. He has been a member of he First Congregatlonal chnrch of this city during his residence here, und for severa'l years past has been a member of the Board of Trustees of that chnrch. Most of us have susCalned vera intímate, social and budnen nlatious witn him and have ahvays fonnd him to be a man of sterline i-onra?e and tntegrlty. Invariable kind and affable in his intercourse wlth otliirs. fnithfiil and trae iu all bis relations to his family, the clnirch and the city and in all thlugs a trae rad worthy chrlstian man. He luis built homes íor most of ua and e gladly expresa our ven high regard for hlm as a man nnd eltizen, nnd onr deejp grief that he has been thua tuddenly callea to tlmt better lióme thnt sorel; awnits hiin. Therefore Resolved, Thai re deeply Bjrmpathlze wlth his fjniiily and oear relattvefl ana friendfl La ttale sudden bereavement, and uill atteud thc funeral in a body, and rhut a copy of these resolntionslic preseuted to tlie fam'ily of onrdeparted frlend. Dated.March 20. 1893. TlIOM íi .1. ttlJ II. NOAli V. C'HKKVKK D. Ki:ki Schaibie, ('HAS. '. Wa'.NKK. John B. Tbavis, Trustees ol the First ( ongregational clmrcli of Aun Arbor, Michigan. Wm. W-. Baanden cHed at bia home Nfo. 28 E. raillnerine st., last Frlday momlog at aiiout 9 o'eiock, of Brlgbt'e dlmase, aged 58 yeani. He eame to thiscity to roeide hen e smal] cbüd, aiwl 'has been a reekleni otst Blnce. For a namber of yean be carrled on a Brooety store, on the Northalde, and Ivas always lx-cii a man ol UusinesM and strit integrlty. J-'or tlic past few years he lias been a mamifacturer of cigars, haviaig his fa tory over Riusey & Scaboif.s store. lie le&vee a wie and tliree cJiildrcn, Mrs. Eva lluvison, and Miss Ktta Baanden, of this city. and Dri Win. 1). Saunders, of firand Rapkb. Funeral services mix p. in., ftoin the tamliy residen . It took a himdreu ]Kunus of lrimstone to fumígate the Manchester high hooi building. Hm "seven year" kind is vei y hard to get rid of.- Ann Arbor Cöurier. Tbaoks, brotber ; that s a vwry kind notloe nul is appraclatid. oondfig from ;i le-ading paper at the univcr.sity city. You undoubteilïy Bpeak from personal Imowledge.- MaiK'lH'stei' Knierpriso. It n so Beldom i'hat the Ebterpifee quotes t'li'iing from it.s oontemporarlee that ■ ought tO IVel vei-.v imirh clated. But as it hats taken oiie of tiie Adrián Prew iivms nus time, and giren us üie le.neLit of it.s crnehlng aaceaam, pei-liais, otter all, w cmghtn't to Ceel lüiat way. I'm(, m yonr Kp. - iirorlicr, iMjfore yon glve nny more i atchlng dins. Let's reeon tooetfaer. Bere'a a 'lm. ]■ of iiii' 1,-iruvsi i country ci'i-, tSue wm-i.i ovier ; i he uroun Btep i.v step, througfa the yeare, to gtre&toes- uul it selis patent medt'■'iics agjh ; - "Tbat'e enonefc !" ;i lilü, ui-m paye th newepapera g y (expensara vroik, tJus advero teil Ui,, people that they f.-iii!i in w-hat Un'.v Beu, go nrnch l.-ülh tli;iT f Hier cajk't lmicfit or cure they cim't want yon money. Thölc urtee s not indefinita and reiattT, luit deflnite and aimoiute- if tfce medtelne aoeent help, your moncy i"on caM." Snppso cveiy afci man and crory feeblc woiuaji tried tlicse medtdnee and foiuiii ttoem wortbl, who wouid be tJi loeer, y nu op tbey ï TJkí iniili:ii)cK nrc Dr. Picrce's "Goldcïi Medical Disbovery," for blood disfeaees, andhSs "Favorito Prescription,-' flor womaö'8 ]ic -uliar illg. If they holp toara lioalili. thoy coet $1.00 a bottie each : if nIOy ,1,,,,-,. they cost nntliiivg!


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier