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CH rtrl.Vl,.] COONI il. CBAMRBR. l Ah Ahbob, Marot 20, 18H8. f Recular session. President Cooley belng absent, tlie Council was called to order by the Clerk. Roll called. Quorum present. Absent - Aid. Taylor and Presiden Cooley. On motion of Aid. Wlnes, Aid. Fillmore was elected president pro tem. The journal of the last session was approved. COMMUNICATIONS FBOM THB MAYOB I ' I 'i .!■■ ANN AmiOR, I Mayoic'k Office, Muich i, 1868. ( (;i.mj,i:mkn- I nin oonstralned to return to you witliout noy ajiproval so inuoh of the pro i;eeding8 of you r Honorable body al Ita [as regular seasloD as relates to tfie adoptlon of Ihe lollowinsr resolution : By Altlermaii Martin- Resolved, 'fluit ttüis.27 lie trantferred froin contingent fuml toto street fand, the ubove if inir i lie nmount gpent out of street fuml at tbe oíd oemetery. B08 27 ïor removlng dead bodies, and 33OU wblrh lias been spent for purcbaslng point between Detroit street and Beakes street In tlie fourtta ward. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wincs Bobalrer, Martin, Herz, Fillmore, Snow, Hehberg, Kitson, Pretlymau Xnys- Aid. Ferguson, O'.Mara- '1. Seelloo 172, subdivisión eigbtb, of the city ■liarter provides as follows: "No transier shall be made from one fuod to another, except by a tbree-fourtbs vote of all Uu t mh, rt t tli' I 'nii:imn t 'nurü ' ■ Tbe ri'solution having recelved only nlne V4)lt-s ín tbe aifirmative, it is manifest tbat he same did not receive a tbree-fourtbs vote f all tbe niembers of tbe Coinmon Councii elect; for section 70 of tbe City Cbarter aforesaid expressly provides, tlmt "Tbe leglslalive autbority ol tbe said city of Ann Arbor sball e vested in a common councll consisting of be president of said councii men eieciea irom eiicn waru, tnal 18 lo say, tliat, as at present runstil ntcil. the common council of the city of Ann Arbor consists of tliirteen members. The adoptlon of the sald resolution as declared by the record, bel ng against tlie express prolii bition of the charter, I respectully refuse my approval thereof. WILLIAM G. DOTY, Mayor. The qihestiion being that the R-tion of tlhe councJl regarditug the transfer of rnojiey from Contingent Fund to he Sti-eet Fund be sustaiined, the mayor'g veto notwiitliBtamding, the que6ikn was lost, two-thiirds of the alternen elect not -lotJlig therofore, by yeae Taid nays as followe : YeaB- Aids. Wimes, Sftoairer, Marni, Snow, PrettynMui- 6. Xays- Alas. FSllmore, FerguKon, Kit6on, O'Mara- 4. A petition signed by W. F. Stiegelmaier and fourteen other residents and roperty holders of the city of Ann Arbor, asking tliat a flre bydrant be Iaced on tlie corner of Mary and Beniinin streets, and extend the water main from Packard Street to Hen jam in treet along Mary street. Refened to Water Comrnittee. A petition signed by Charles Dwyer nd sixteeu other residents and proprty holders of the city of Ann ;rbor, sking tlmt a sidewalk be ordered uilt uu the north side of Catherine treet from ingallsstreettoThirteenth treet. Referred to Sidewalk CommUtee. IEPOKT8 OF STANDING OOMMITTEES. 0RDINANCK8. Tlie thinlreadingby sectionsof "An Ordinance to Authorize the Aun ArorFuel Gas Companv to Construct nd Opérate Gas Works, and lay pipes In'úugh the Streets, Alleys, and Fubc Places of the City of Aon Albor, 'or the purpose of supplyingr f uel gas o the Citizeua and Corporations of the City." After which the chair liaving stated he question to be "Sball tliis Ordiance passV" On niotion of Aid. Martin the ürdiance was laid upon the table. The second readinc; by sections of 'An Ordinance Extending the ïime f Operation of the Provisions of an Ordinance entitled 'An Ordinance Relative to Gas Works,' passed Sept. , 1889, and approved Sept. 4, 1889." STKEET. '" th' ComiDun COUnCil : Your commiltee on streets, to whom was eferred the pelltion of the property owuers n Brooks street, thlrd ward. of the city of Ann Arbor, represen ting that tnere la urgent ïeed for the estabüshingofagrade, also that he street be graded to the grade when so stabllshed. woulü recommend that tlie said petitton be referred to the new common :ouncil for actton. Hespectfully submitted. (HRISTIAN MARTIN, W. ü. SNOW, L. D. WINES, A. F. FKKUUSON, H. G. PRETTYMAX, Street Conimittee. Al. M'artúiii moved tliat tlie report te .-nul tjio same íb herebj approved ma oooflnaed. Ad(i])ted. KEPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTBE. '" Du i bmmon ' touneil : We, the undersigned dnly iippointed InBpeoton of the special electioD, ordered by ,he common council ol the city of Ann Arbor, o be held at Flreman'e Hall, in said city, on the tweilliel h iIhv iil' llnrpli A T 1WÏ5Ï tiilc. ermine what sum aml whether the sum of tliiny thouuand dollar anould !e ratwd by tlie coinmon vounctl.on tlie bonds of the salil c-ity, lo be expended fur the purpose of conütruotlns b niain Bewsr aoooralng to the deterininutioii of the councll heretofore had do liereby certlfy that sucli special eleetion was huid al the sald plaoe,and on the day ap polnled,aa aforesaid,and that at such special eleetion there was casi by ballot, pursaant to law, on Buoh queatlon, on e thousand three handred aml flfty-even (18B7 votes, and they mimi' glreo on thesaid quesiion as follows: Poraeweraga loan tus, yes, seven hundred and Qlnoty-nve (796). Forsewerage lean taz, Do, fi ve handred and tliirty-six (516). J miilt' ballot!, twenty-three (23). lüaiik ballots, tnri All oí trblob is reapeotfolly snbmitted In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands, at the city of Ann Arbor, on this twentieth day of Maicli, A. D. 189S. CHRI8TIAN MAKTIN, A. P. FKBQU8ON, ARTIIUR J. KITSON, Inspeetors. Aid. Wines moved that tlie report be received and flled and spread on the Journal. Adopted. EBP0KT8 OF CITY OFFICKES. City Clerk Miller reported the posting of the notices of Electors' Meeting this day held. Received and filed. MOTIOKS AND RB8OLUTION8. Uy Aid. Ferguson: btesolved, TliuL the siun of tliree buDdred dollars, ($800), lie appropriated lïoni the Contingent Fund to grade and widen and lay drain tile on South State Btreet fromFackard street soath to the city limite. Adopted ;is follóws: Veas -Aid Wiiics, Schairer, Fillmore, 8now, Feíguson, O'Mara, Heliberg, Kitson, Prettyman.- 9. Naya - Aid. Martin, Herz. - 2. By Aklcrman O'Mara: Resolved, That Ihe Charter and general electioii, lo Ie In-Ui mi tlie tliiril clayof April next, be and the same is hereby appolnted to be held in ílie several wuids ni the city at tlie loliowing immed placea, vi.: Flrt ward, at No. :i! and ■!.") K. Washington Btreet, Weinroann Block. Secood ward, al No. 7 West Liberty Btreet. Third ward, at (.'. II. Jlanly's oflice, (Cuurt House). Konrtli ward, a! the Kourtli ward Englue Boase. Ftftb ward, a 1 1 lie Fililí ward Engine Houb sixth ward, al ibe sixth ward Bngine I I'HIM'. Si lolved furtlu r, That tlie City Clerk do give notlce oí aald eleotlon pursuant to law. Adopted as followB : Ytils - ÁldB. Willes. S liriircr. .Martin, llciz. l'iiiiinii-c. Snnw. Fergneon, O'Mera, Rehberg, Kiison. Prettym&n -11. Nays - Xono. IJy Aid. Snow: Kesolyed, Thiit the siiui of $3-5 be appiopriatecl and pakl Geo. Palmer for iroperty destroyed by order of Board if Health. Aid. Schairer moved that the resoution be laid on the table. Lost as follows: Yeas- Aid. Schairer, Martin. Herz, Kitson, Frettyman. - 5. Nays- Aid: Wines. Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, lleliberg.- 6. Aid. Martin moved that the Council iov adjourn. Adopted as followa Yeas- Aid. Wines,Scliairer, Martin, Herz, Fillmore, Rehberg, Frettyman. - 7. Nays - Aid. Snow. Ferguson, O'Mara, Kitson.- 4. Council then adjourned. City Clerk.


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