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Democratic Nominees

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The democratie ward cauciuee were lirld lasl Tlnnsil.iy ■vniiiiy, and the City convent on of tlmt party Friil;iy rvcning-, uilli t lio result of nominaiin;;- t lic following candldatee : CITY TICKET. Mayor- Ensene .Manu. City lerk- Wm. .1. MiHer. President of the Council- Wm. V. Watt-. Assessor- Patrick O'Hearn. Jnetlce of the I'euce- Xoali (i. Butts. WARD TICKETS. Ut ffard:- Supervisor -K. Wagner. Alderraau- Dr. D. a. MacLachlan. ( oustable- Thad. Thompson. .'tl Ward:- aiiiicrvisor- Eugene Oesterllu. Alderman- Chris. Martin. Constable - I'iiul Schall. ;. Ward:- Supen taor - James Kearns. Aldercnan- Jaa. ClaDcy, Jr. i onstable- Hugh McGulre.Jr. ,, Ward.- Supervisor- Joha s. Carroll. Alderman- A. l'. Perguson. Coiistiible - ïhos. F. Leooard. II, II., Supen Isor- George W. Weeks Alderman- Cüarlee 11. Manly. Constable- Charlea Fox. ;, Ward:- , Supervisor- Evart H. Scott. Alderman- Kdwurd Jolly. Constable- Henry Harab By rcsolutúoii of the city coiiventon tius ehalrman of each -n-ard delegatAcra was made the city committee is follow.s : Ist wnnl- -J. F. Sclnili. il ward - Titas V. Hutzel, 8d wurd- W. H.MoIniyre. ii li ward- Chas. Dwyer. ■ tli wnrd- Walter Taylor. 6th ward- E. B. Norris. Thlein.ocrati: wnnl r.ommiltees are s toUowe : WABD ( -OMMITTEES. lst ward- Jacob F. Schuh, J. K. Bach,-. w eakes. ad ward- Tltns F. Hutzel, Chas. Grossman, . F. Sanford. 8dward- W. H. Mclntyre, Henrv McNally, ohn O. Jenklns. ' ■itli ward- Chas. Dwyer, John Baumgardner, .D. Ryan. 5th ward- Walter Taylor, I'. 1'. Mason, Her man Rardinghauhi c.Ui ward- K. li. Sorrls, M. J. C'avanaugli. Jaa. Bhlrler. MR GII.DAY PRESEKTED. Aiicv iiic i .iiii-m:in had consluded 9te business, UhialrnLaii ffm, ;. i)aty anoounced ihai .Mr. i:d. i;. Uiilday, of Monroe, tlte demociratitc cajididate tor aSroolt jud'e In t'Jiis cireuli waa ]hos,miI. ,-iüii would addreea tihem. Mr. (ülil.-iy siiid in effed tbcae worda : "It gtvts me mi.-it pleasure to meel t uiiifii-iai'd democracy ol WmsIitenaw COunty n ron vent uu asseinh]ed. lt is not iny parpóse to m&ke a peec-li to you to-nCht, om I am a str.umvr. lüii as I u:is ::i the city, on my jounify over Uu' eoanty, I tiiought I .s'iioiiiii libe to stand up before you and bel you ee me. My purpose Ie to see a many of tlue people who are oadled opoo bo vote for me, aa poseible, and Iet t'Jnera sec me, to etaake ftiiem iiy the 1 1 .- 1 1 1 1 1 eo thai they win have ;i better opportunïty to judge. (He lia evWently snctoavorlng to run on hís personal beauty, you sec.) Then he wfiit mi kj teil tliciu that beeides a cii-cuü Judge, iiicy had a enipreme judji.'. uní n.-.-n'.s oi Tn:v,-iity to eleci ; amd be also told how Mr. Clevca.iid had bold a lot of NTlcliigan demere la Wasbíngton beg-:ns for 8 n ofï; r. tn 'j,-o home and eara the ofllee i;y a democratie rictory tttiüs sprtag." V I her taiia eloquen e or bis comiii.-i.iid of marked H'm :i .-i of more Bhan ordioary ability "lii : to whJch he aspires, bui luis prel ui tigiire wili protably elect bCm. All ■ WOU 1(1 YOte ::1U snrc. tbey were ven


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